SageHill Ranch Journal


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Finally!!! Nice cool morning 55 high going to 81 ohhhh sweeeet.
It's been awhile since I've put the sheep into one of the new pastures. Two reasons: Heat -- when it's blasting hot they just lay around ALL day and barely eat. They wait at the gate to go back to the turnout and corral -- I'd say lazy eaters, but well don't blame them when it's so hot (not Texas hot mind you, but hot by their standards). And second I stopped in late June/early July (I think) because I was putting everyone on "layup" so no one would get hurt and jeopardize our trip to CO for the wedding. Well, we all know how that worked out (fate was set in May with the rattlesnake bite and unfortunate treatment).
The sheep were actually HAPPY to get into the pasture. Went to town eating right away and all spread out. You all know that Obi is still out of commission (another week or two 😖, BUT Mr Zo puppy daddy to be did the job of getting the sheep to the pasture. Of course it was a lot of "lie down" as it's cool (55) and that gives him the zoomies AND the sheep as well. We got the job done without incident. I just had to be a part of the equation. That mind meld I have with Obi isn't as strong with Zo (yet - it will be, poor dog is only 2).
Later today heading to a local farm for a Wildland Fire event. All prep and similar for the "just in case" you need it.
Lovin' it.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
If we could bottle that we'd be rich!
Technically you can. First pull a vacuum on a sealing container, as they breathe out use a vacuum to suck it up into the container. If we can pull refrigerant out of appliances and they sell canned air at high altitude places with other various welding gases, we can do that.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Technically you can. First pull a vacuum on a sealing container, as they breathe out use a vacuum to suck it up into the container. If we can pull refrigerant out of appliances and they sell canned air at high altitude places with other various welding gases, we can do that.
here little puppy puppy, exhale into the little funnel for me! 🙃


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
I'm a hoot to be around, lets go do this, nope we first analyze it, measure it, test it, analyze it again, compare test results, get a control subject first then lets proceed. Wait it's off a millimeter/gram start over. No that's hypothetically impossible based on Newtons laws or Coriolis force, damnit we just went out of the Catenary curve the simple axioms are off.
Other days are, F! it just send it.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
When are puppies due? 😁 :love

Zo is daddy? 🥴 I thought it would be Obi 😕

Speaking of the 2 boys -- how are they both? Obi clear of infection? Zo limp better?

And how's momma to be? Restless yet?
Yup Zo is Daddy Dog to be. Obi was ahem too polite, Ree would spin and bow as he was (yeah) and then he would jump around a little, nose her and say "ok maybe tomorrow?" I hid and everything, and nada. Zo was going in that direction (you know he's an "Obi wanna be") but when I hid yet again he had figured it out. So Zo it is.
Puppies are due Sept 4. I LOVE laying my hand on her and feeling the puppies move. Ohh so amazing.

Obi is now 48 hours out of taking antibiotics and so far..... so good. Watching him like a hawk.

Zo's limp is thankfully gone. Must've been a soft tissue twist or something. Today - today he totally proved his worth...
Moving sheep from the big arena to the barn - 3 ewes - other ewes and lambs (hooligans) were in a pasture on the other side of the arena with a gulch and huge trees between them and the arena. Walking up hill with the 3 ewes using Zo and all is going well. Half way up the hill I can not hear Zo moving on the ground - he slides as he changes directions (wears) ground is hard decomposed granite -- think rock with sand on top. So I turn my head to look behind and I have two ewes and no dog. MIA one ewe and one dog. Look around and the ewe had decided to break back to the arena thinking she'd get to the pasture. Zo and the ewe are all the way to the bottom of the hill. Not much I can do from where I was at so I called out to Zo saying "Figured it out buddy" and lo and behold the boy went to the arena fence, between the ewe and the fence (he was almost there before I noticed) and calmly moved that ewe back up the hill (steep hill and part of the cut slope when we put in the arena) and to me and the other two ewes. Just those few words and trust is all that was needed. Heck - if I hadn't looked back Zo may have done that job without me even knowing it. I shake my head in admiration of this young dog who is coming into his own.
I am totally blessed to have such wonderful dogs.