Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas

I should have stayed in bed this morning. That way I would have avoided making the two mistakes I made. The first mistake was spilling coffee. We currently do not have end tables for our leather sofa. I normally sit in one corner of the sofa, near where the laptop is on the coffee table. But there really is no place to put a cup of coffee. I have tried putting it on the floor, which is a bit inconvenient. But I often forget it is there and when I get up I kick over the cup onto an Oriental rug my Beautiful Gal has placed under the coffee table and in front of the sofa. I have tried placing the cup on the coffee table, but it is really inconvenient if I am using my laptop. Yet I cannot hold a cup in one hand continually. So this morning after breakfast I tried setting the cup next to me between me and the arm of the sofa. It seemed stable enough there. I read through the posts on backyard herds and started to open up YouTube when I heard our cat scratch on the window upstairs indicating he wanted into the house. I had forgotten the cup was right next to me, and when I got up the cup spilled the hot coffee onto the leather cushion I had been sitting on! :barnie

After getting the mess cleaned up, I changed into my work clothes. My Beautiful Gal decided to go with me. We were headed up the driveway across the creek to the woods on the east side of our driveway, as my Beautiful Gal would like a trail made through the woods there up to the gate, She went in the Gator and I went in the tractor. When she got to the creek, she parked the Gator on the right just off the road. I pulled in beside her to see what it was she wanted to do. She saw on the driveway where the Geocell was in a mess from when I tried to smooth out the slag and gravel with the tractor and ended up pulling up part of the Geocell. So we cut off the part of the Geocell that was torn up. Then I decided to try to smooth out the gravel and slag with the tractor's grapple.

When I got into the tractor I completely forgot about the Gator being to the right of the tractor. I was completely focused on smoothing out the gravel and slag on the road, which was on my left. I cut the wheel sharply to the left and started backing up, which would swing the rear of the tractor toward the road -- and the front of the tractor toward the Gator. I quickly felt the tractor shudder and heard the sound. I had hit the right front fender of the Gator with the grapple, busting it in several places! Doh! :he I was sick! Too stupid mistakes in less than an hour! I felt like going back home and going to bed before I tore anything else up. But we decided to stay, so we were able to get a number of stumps uprooted and vines pulled down before coming home.

Aren't you glad, Miss @farmerjan, that I am not helping remodel your house?

Picture of the Gator's busted fender: 20201117_104650_busted_fender.jpg

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I am sorry you have so many mishaps. I think that You are more of a "murphy's law" person than I am.... If it can go wrong, it will with me.....Sorry that you were not "paying attention" to the gator while focusing on what you were going to fix.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas

Regarding the fender, I have cracked both the left and right fenders before. What I did to somewhat repair them was to use some thin metal as a backing inside the wheel wells, then attaching the metal to the plastic fender pieces using screws. It isn't pretty but it works. I will probably do the same this time.

Now on to another topic. My Beautiful Gal and I were discussing earlier today when it was that we finished clearing the pond. I knew that I had documented that clearing on my journal, so I went back to the start of the journal and started reading again. I was deeply moved by all of the different comments made by many different folks. With my recent foray into politics and saying things that I was fairly certain would not be popular with many others on the form, I feared that I would alienate some people. I hope that is not the case. I still value everyone on the forum. In the past I have considered you as my friends -- and I still do. I hope that you still consider me as your friend. I plan not to comment on politics again, with perhaps one exception -- if anyone posts something hateful, in response I may post something humorous, like a Sarah Cooper pantomime, in an effort to lighten the mood. But other than that, no more comments on politics. I did not join the forum to discuss politics. Instead, I joined the forum to learn about farm animals, and tractors, and all things related. I have found all of that and more -- I have found a community of wonderful people. So, no more politics.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
As crazy as politics are this year, is is almost inevitable that it bleeds into the different facets of our lives. We are family here. As @frustratedearthmother said, Our own beliefs and opinions are what make us unique and special.
We are family, quirky, different, unique and special, every one of us. You are one of our very special family members!


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
As crazy as politics are this year, is is almost inevitable that it bleeds into the different facets of our lives. We are family here. As @frustratedearthmother said, Our own beliefs and opinions are what make us unique and special.
We are family, quirky, different, unique and special, every one of us. You are one of our very special family members!

Miss @Baymule,

Thank you for your kind words. Sorry I am just now responding. I had a dental appointment early this morning, and then when I got home, my Beautiful Gal and I went and worked along the edge of the woods until half an hour ago. The whole time I was out there in my tractor, I was thinking about how I had offended you and how grieved I was to know I had done that. Miss Baymule, you are one of my favorite folks on this forum -- after all, it was your humorous post of "I Hate Green Briars!" that led me to join the forum. (For those of you new to the forum who have yet to read it, I encourage you to do so, as it is really funny!)

And when I came to the forum to describe the PM I had received from someone on the forum that described how rude I had been to several of you, including you, Miss Baymule, you, Mr. @Mike CHS, and you, Miss @B&B Happy goats, and I explained my rudeness was unintentional and due to my Asperger's Syndrome, then you, Miss Baymule, reassured me that everything was OK and that you considered me a "diamond". That was one of the most touching things anyone has ever said to me. (If you were to compare me today to something, Miss Baymule, I fear it would more likely be a lump of coal.) The others reassured me of the same. (And to the person who sent me that PM to point out my rudeness, I still say THANK YOU!)

So when I said that "[t]he hate seems to come more from the right than the left, but both sides are guilty of such hate", I perhaps was a victim of my own availabilty bias. For you see, everyone I know and everyone whom my wife knows whose political views we know are conservatives, often vocal ones (including naming calling). There is not a single liberal we know personally. So when I hear political views expressed by the people we know, it is almost always conservative opinions, and it is almost always name-calling of liberals. As to what the actual amount is of hate expressed by the left for the right, or the right for left, I know of no rigorous study that indicates the amount on each side. I strongly condemn hatred expressed by either side toward the other.

I want to promote love, not hate; understanding, not suspicion; harmony, not discord; our common humanity, not the things which divide us. That is why I posted recently the YouTube video of the song "Walk a Mile in My Shoes". If we seek to understand the other, I think we are less likely to condemn the other. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."

Miss @frustratedearthmother has a comment as a part of her signature that I so much love: "Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Miss @thistlebloom, you once quoted Phillipians 4:8, which bears repeating here: "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." I agree wholeheartedly with that. Do you understand now how I feel?

So to those of you I offended, especially to you, Miss @Baymule, I apologize and hope you will forgive me. I apologize to any others offended by my comments. I meant no offense by saying "[t]he hate seems to come more from the right than the left..." and was based on my personal experience, which is quite limited. Instead, I want to promote the things I mentioned above: love, peace, understanding, etc.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Whoa there! My very dear friend, you did NOT offend me! You asked for discussion, I think that you and I could have a lively debate, with NO hard feelings on either side. My feelings are not hurt, I am not mad, I am not offended in any way. You have NEVER been rude to me and I still thing you are a diamond! I know you have Asperger's and you are honest in your thoughts and speech. There is no guile or dishonesty in you, how refreshing!

Don't worry about it, you and me, we are ok.