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An introduction to elevan

An introduction to elevan and Honaker Farm.

November 2013

Hi there, my name is Emily. My member name is simply my first initial followed by my last name and would be pronounced E-LAH-VAN.

I have been married to my wonderful husband a little over 16 years. We have guardianship of my nephew B and his half sister K.

I love animals. I'm excited about providing food for my family that I know exactly what goes into it and how it's lived. Currently we reside on a 5 acre farm situated in Central Ohio.

I am currently in the process of writing some children's first readers. I have a cookbook currently published as an ebook and in print. I simply love to cook and experiment and have often been asked to share my recipes. The problem has always been that I shoot from the hip when cooking so I’ve decided to make a conscious effort to write down what I’m doing so that I can share it through a cookbook. The children’s first readers come by inspiration given to me from my kids and my 3 other nephews. 5 kids under the age of 10 provide quite a bit of inspiration. In addition to those I have a Goat Notes record / resource book and a Diabetic Dog Daily Tracker books published.

We have recently sold our goat herd for personal reasons, but hope to have goats again in the future. Our goats were bred with the goal of having a multipurpose herd. We did not show our animals.

We have had a llama in the past as a guard for the goats and a spoiler of the goat kids. In the past we have also had horses.

Our chickens are pets, meat and egg producers. Guineas for pest control, meat and eggs. Turkeys are for meat. Quail for meat and eggs.

We grew out our first beef steer. Grass fed only! He was a royal pain but he tasted yummy!

Our potbellied pig is field eye candy only.

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