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  • Hello Elevan, I see you are a moderator, when looking at the breed pages for rabbits, I see that under breeds, English Lop is not listed. Can they be added?
    I see you are a moderator so could you tell me how to start a thread that would be open to everyone? I usually just reply to postings but would would like to post something and start a thread. Can you give me directions to do this?
    If you still need photos of Tornjak LGDs we have nine of these great dogs in Missouri and I am happy to provide you some pictures or information. chetmackiewicz@yahoo.com
    I can't seem to update my member page. I can't even see it from the menu but i pick it up on google search...
    If you mouse over your screen name on the top right in the dark brown bar, it will open a drop down window where you can make specific selections. You can also Right click on your name next to your avatar to go to your profile page. Did you get in? I checked and it seems fully filled out with info...
    What are the changes that have gone on since you joined BYH and now
    Oh ya, POW is awesome, I thought I would win but the winning picture was way better
    It's always tough to choose a winner for POW. Remember that once your picture is entered that it is eligible for all future weeks. I often go back to find a picture that I thought was deserving from a previous week (or month...) because there are so many pics and only so many weeks in the year!
    Ya, I only have 1 picture entered so far, but I think that I will just out a couple more in from fair
    Hey what herd animals do you have?
    We've downsized quite a bit here recently due to some person stuff so we're down to a single pig, 15 rabbits, a small flock of guinea and ducks at the moment. A few months to a year ago that list would have included a herd of goats, a llama, quail and a couple of horses. Goats and quail will come back to our farm when we're ready.
    julia gilbert
    Thanks for the reply. That is cool you have all that. What are your horses names?
    The horses were Jessie and Jack.
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