Natural deworming with no meds?


Herd lurker
Aug 9, 2015
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Hi guys, I am new to raising goats and have question about deworming.

I want to avoid using antibiotics and meds in general, at least to reduce the frequency of use.

I want to find a natural way to protect my goats from parasites.

Can I help my goats to recover from and avoid parasite infections through dietary measure and tailoring pasture for them?

For example, below is the list that is suitable for human diet for this purpose (I just copy pasted it from some article, so ignore whatever is irrelevant).

Can any of it work for goats?

And is any of plants below are bad for goat’s health or quality of milk they give, and have to be avoided all together?


  • Anthelmintic foods expel parasitic worms (helminths). All the following natural treatments have shown to be successful in the elimination of parasites and worms. For severe infections take more than one together.
  • Aloe vera This plant called herb of immortality by the Egyptians, contains a soothing gel that helps peristalsis. Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal activities. Also aloe destroys parasites more powerfully than any other hypoallergenic plant known.
  • Angelica This herb contains compounds that are effective against internal parasites and worms. It may also relieve some of the side effects of parasite infestation like muscle aches and pains.
  • Anise A tea is made by adding a cup of boiled water to three teaspoons of crushed seeds, steeping for 20-minutes. Added to laxative formulas, it will reduce cramping of the bowels.
  • Asafoetida Dissolve a small piece of asafoetida in water and drink it on an empty stomach once a day for 3 days.
  • Ash Gourd Seeds Take a handful of ash gourd seeds and grind them. Eat it in the morning on an empty stomach. Two hours later, take two teaspoons of castor oil.
  • Barberry Make a tea with 2 - 4 grams of dried root steeped or 1 - 2 tsp of whole or crushed berries steeped in 150ml of boiling water for 10 - 15 minutes 3 times daily
  • Basil has anti-parasitic properties.
  • Betel Nut Grind one betel nut with a small glass of milk. Take this early in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Bicarbonate of Soda Take one quarter teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) in warm water in the evening before bed to eradicate worms & parasites. Repeat for three days.
  • Black Seed For parasites and worms, take 1 teaspoon of black seed powder (nigella sativa) with honey and drink 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals and 1 before bed. Eat 4 to 5 cloves of garlic each day in conjunction with the black seed and honey.
  • Black walnut hulls of this nut have been used traditionally to fight intestinal worms, especially tapeworms. It can be taken as an extract.
  • Butternut bark this herb relieves constipation and expels intestinal worms. It is especially useful for threadworms and pinworms. This herb should not be taken for a long period of time. Butternut is a native of the mid-western and north eastern United States and has been used since the 1800s as a laxative and in the elimination of parasites. Butternut is also used to support healthy liver function. Butternut, also called White Walnut, is used to expel rather than kill worms.
  • Calendula take a tea made from this herb to expel worms. It can also heal any tissue damage the worms have caused in the bowels.
  • Carrot Can eliminate threadworms from children. A small cup of grated carrot taken every morning for three days, with no other food added to this meal, can clear these worms quickly.
  • Cascara This herb can be used after eating pumpkin seeds to help eliminate parasites from the body. This herb is milder than senna, but has a similar action.
  • Cat's claw This herb helps cleanse the intestines and can be paired with most other herbs used to treat parasitic infestations. Do not use this herb if the infestation is giardia, as they actually thrive in the environment created.
  • Cayenne Pepper can fight off parasites. Use liberally in vegetable soups or add to warm water with apple cider vinegar and drink. African cayenne is the most powerful variety of cayenne pepper, able to destroy fungus, mould and parasites on contact.
  • Chinese Rhubarb Root Mix 1 teaspoon of rhubarb powder to 1 cup of water. Then, bring to boil and simmer at a reduced heat for 10 minutes. Add a little honey to sweeten.
  • Cloves. To make an infusion, use 1 teaspoon of powdered herb per cup of boiling water, steep 10-20 minutes and drink up to 3 cups a day. Cloves contain the most powerful germicidal agent in the herbal kingdom known as eugenol. It also contains caryophyllene which is a powerful antimicrobial agent. These components travel through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae and eggs. Cloves are tremendously effective in killing malaria, tuberculosis, cholera, scabies and other parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi, including Candida. Cloves also destroy all species of Shigella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.
  • Coconut Among the numerous home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of intestinal worms, the use of coconut is most effective. It is an ancient remedy for expelling all kinds of intestinal worms. A tablespoon of the freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast followed by a dose of castor oilafter three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.
  • Cramp bark Flushes parasites from the body's intestinal system. Cramp barktea taken with pumpkin seeds can completely eliminate intestinal worms.Cumin Seeds This herb has traditionally been used in the Middle East, Far East and Asia as a general herbal health aid and for its anti-parasitic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It also enhances the immune system.
  • Elecampane. People have used elecampane as a digestive stimulant and remedy for upset stomach for hundreds of years due to a chemical called alantolactone which can expel worms and parasites from the digestive tract. Prepare an infusion by placing an ounce of dried elecampane root in a pint canning jar and filling the jar with boiling water; cover the jar and let the mixture brew overnight. Strain the infusion, place it in a stainless steel pot, and slowly heat the infusion until it is reduced by half. After it cools, refrigerate the decoction for two or three days in a jar. The decoction maybe mixed with honey.
  • Fennel seeds crushed and drunk as a tea can eliminate worms and parasites.
  • Garlic has been used for expelling intestinal worms and parasites from ancient times by the Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Hindus and Babylonians. Garlic is a natural anthelmintic. It is especially useful against roundworms, giardia, trypanosome, plasmodium, toxoplasmosis gondii and leishmania.. Both fresh garlic and its oil are effective. Chop finely, or crush, 4 cloves of garlic and mix with 1 glass of liquid (water, juice or milk) and drink daily for 3 weeks.
  • An ancient method of its medication was to place a couple of cloves of fresh garlic in the shoe. As the person walks, it is crushed and the worm-killing garlic oil is absorbed by the skin and carried by blood into the intestines as it possesses the powerful penetrative force. This method is worth a trial by those who do not like the taste of garlic and cannot eat it.
  • Garlic is able to slow and kill over 60 types of fungus and 20 types of bacteria, as well as some of the most potent viruses. Garlic has a history of killing parasites and controlling secondary fungal infections, detoxifying while gently stimulating elimination and has antioxidant properties to protect against oxidation caused by parasite toxins. The active components in garlic that kill parasites are allicin and ajoene. These compounds can kill amoeba’s including one-cell varieties, as well as pinworms and hookworms. Allicin is not present in garlic in its natural state. When garlic is chopped or otherwise damaged, the enzyme alliinase acts on the chemical alliin converting it into allicin, the active component contributing for its success for killing parasites.
  • Gentian root nourishes and strengthens the digestive system. To eliminate worms and parasites take 1oz of gentian root podwer in a glass of any available liquid.
  • Goats Rue is a wild legume used during the Middle Ages to treat the plague. It was also used to induce sweating to break fevers and to treat infections with parasitic worms and snakebite. This herb can help balance blood sugar levels, help women balance hormones and The plant has no odor unless a stem or leaf is bruised, causing the release of a stench, hence the name “goat’s rue.” Effective in both humans and animals alike.
  • Goldenseal This herb can clear worm contaminations as well as bacterial infections of the mucous membranes within various human tracts like respiratory, and gastrointestinal.
  • Hyssop leaf For an infusion 1 tsp. dried herbs should be steeped in 1/2 cup water. Over the course of the day 1/2 to 1 1/2 cups should be taken, a mouthful at a time.
  • Malabar Nut This Indian nut is used to treat asthma and coughs and eliminates intestinal worms.
  • Malluca Leaf The leaf juice of this Amazonian plant is consumed to eliminate worms
  • Neem leaves is a good herb for managing worms or parasites in different herbal research. Simple decoction with the Neem leaves taken early in the morning for around 15-30 days can get rid of many of the parasitic organisms present in the intestines. Neem contains a number of elements which are good for human intestinal tract but deadly to parasitic organisms.
  • Oje Tree Mix the latex (one tablespoon) with one litre of water and drink one glass of this mixture every other day.
  • Olive leaf Green olive leaves are used in tea as a treatment for parasites and worms.
  • Oregon grape Make a tea with 2 - 4 grams of dried root steeped or 1 - 2 tsp of whole or crushed berries steeped in 150ml of boiling water for 10 - 15 minutes 3 times daily.
  • Oregano leaf Make a tea with a handful of oregano leaves steeped in boiling water for 15 minutes then drink 3 times a day.
  • Papaya The digestive enzyme papain in the milk juice of the unripe papaya is a powerful anthelmintic for destroying parasites especially roundworms. A tablespoon of fresh juice and equal quantity of honey should be mixed with three to four tablespoons of hot water and taken as a dose by an adult. This should be followed two hours later by a dose of 30 to 60 ml. of castor oil mixed in 250 - 375 ml. of lukewarm milk. This treatment should be repeated for two days, if necessary. For children of 5 to 10 years, half the above doses should be given.
  • Papaya seeds are also useful for this purpose. They are rich in a substance called caricin which is a very effective medicine for expelling roundworms. The alkaloid carpaine found in the leaves has also the power to destroy or expel intestinal worms. They are given with honey. Papaya seeds must be dried in the shade, powdered and kept in a bottle. Two teaspoons of powder is mixed with a glass of milk and honey. Drink this at bedtime. Repeat for 3 consecutive days. Papaya 'milk,' that comes out when the green fruit or trunk of the tree is cut, can be collected. About 3 or 4 teaspoons (15-20 minutes) of this 'milk' is mixed with an equal amount of honey and stirred into a cup of hot water. If possible, drink along with a laxative such as cascara sagrada, sennaor prunes.
  • Pau d'Arco is an anti-parasitic Amazonian plant that works against various parasites, including: malaria, schistosoma and trypanosoma.
  • Peppercorns. An excellent remedy one can take at the first sign of most diseases including worm and parasite infections. Yogis consider pepper to be one of nature's most perfect foods and useful not only to cure disease but also as a preventive, taking a dose of seven peppercorns, ground, and mixed with honey each morning. The mixture of pepper and honey is useful to overcome cold mucous diseases and sore throats. When treating acute diseases, it may be used three to four times a day.
  • Pepper is useful for abnormal heart rate, acne, anaemia, asthma, bloating, blood pressure disorders, boils, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, colic, common cold, cough, constipation, dental care, diarrhoea, ear ache, eye problems, fever, flatulence, gangrene, indigestion, haemorrhoids, heartburn, heart disease, hernia, hoarseness, impotency, indigestion, insect bites, joint pain, liver problems, muscular strains, obesity, parasites, phlegm, pyorrhoea, rheumatism, respiratory disorders, sinus congestion, skin cancer, skin diseases, sore throat, tooth decay, whooping cough, wind and worms.
  • Peppermint leaf. Make a tea with a handful of peppermint leaves steeped in boiling water for 15 minutes then drink 3 times a day.
  • Pomegranate. The bark, root, stems and leaves of the pomegranate tree, is well known for its anthelmintic properties of destroying parasitic worms. The root-bark is, however, preferred as it contains greater quantity of the alkaloid punicine than the stem-bark. This alkaloid is highly toxic to tapeworms. Ninety to 180 ml. of the cold decoction of bark, preferably fresh bark, should be given three times at intervals of one hour to an adult. A purgative should be given after the last dose. The dose for children is 30 to 60 ml. The decoction is used for expelling tapeworms. Crush one handful of pomegranate leaves and boil with a glass of milk. Drink half of it early in the morning on an empty stomach (before breakfast). After two hours, drink the rest of the milk. Give two tablespoons of castor oil after another two hours. Do not give the patient anything to eat before and during the treatment.
  • Propolis taken as a tincture can eliminate parasites and worms and aid healing of the intestinal tract. Add 10ml (2 teaspoons) of propolis tincture to 100ml honey and have 1 teaspoon of honey 3 x a day, before meals. Do this for a week and then reduce to 1 teaspoon of propolis to 100ml honey 3 x a day for the second week.
  • Pumpkin Seeds contain a natural fat that is toxic to parasite eggs. Curcurbitin in pumpkin seeds has shown anti-parasitic activity since it has the ability to paralyze worms so they drop off the intestinal walls. The Chinese used pumpkin seeds to treat acute schistosomiasis and tapeworm infestations.
  • The seeds of the ripe pumpkin are especially useful to eliminate roundworms and tapeworms. Seeds can be eaten whole or mashed and mixed with juice. Two or three hours after eating up to 25 ounces of seeds, a laxative is recommended to purge the intestines.
  • The alternative for heavy infestations is an infusion, prepared from the seeds after they are peeled and crushed. It will be necessary to fast for a day and empty the intestines by taking the juice of boiled dryprunes. The next day, three or four tumblers of this pumpkin seed infusion should be taken.
  • Quassia A tree native to Jamaica and its neighbouring islands, has traditionally been used as a remedy for roundworms and as an insecticide. It has also been used as a bitter digestive aid and a remedy for digestive disorders, parasites and head lice.
  • Red Raspberry Seeds usually pass through the human system, but when ground up, contain one of the most powerful antioxidants known - ellagitannin (rllagic acid). Aside from being used very successfully in cancer treatment, Ellagitannin has also been found to be a powerful destroyer of parasites. It's a very strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral that lowers cholesterol and protects DNA.
  • Rhubarb is used to help expel the die off of parasites, eggs and Larvae. It is not addictive like other colon movement stimulants and is very powerful even in a low dosage.
  • Thyme Leaf Thyme is a traditional powerful antiseptic and tonic which has been used by many cultures for its antifungal and anti-parasitic actions.
  • Turmeric is very useful to fight off parasites. Use liberally in vegetable soups or add to warm water with apple cider vinegar and drink
  • Wormseed is a traditional herbal remedy used in the tropics for expelling roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms.
  • Wormwood has been used for centuries to battle internal parasites. It is useful against roundworms, plasmodium, schistosoma and giardia. Wormwood can be taken as a tea, a liquid extract or as a capsule. Do not take the pure oil as it is considered to be toxic. To make a tea, soak a handful of wormwood leaves in hot water for 20 minutes. Then wring out the juice and drink it all.


True BYH Addict
Jun 15, 2010
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I wish you LUCK with that thaught !!!!!


True BYH Addict
Feb 16, 2013
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I have heard that garlic is good for worms and flies. I mix powdered garlic in with my feeds. i am no expert though.


Ridin' The Range
Jun 6, 2015
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Goats have a completely different digestive system from humans. It is possible to go with natural or homeopathic remedies for goats, but start your research with a site that is about goats.
is one that uses these methods.

Pioneer Chicken

True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2010
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Country of Texas
I would suggest getting yourself a copy of Pat Coleby's book Natural Goat Care. Excellent read. Gives you an explanation on each vitamin and mineral a goat needs, how it affects, signs it needs it, and so on. Also, tells how to naturally treat sickness/illness like pink eye, what the cause is, and how to prevent it. Also, gives a lot of info on parasites and how to prevent. I myself am not against anti-biotics and chemical dewormers when they are needed. I personally use Molly's Herbal Dewormer on a weekly bases for my goats. That being said, I did have to use a chemical dewormer last fall because the herbal dewormer wasn't working...found out that it was too old. You can't stock up on it for a year; you're better off ordering it once every 4-6 months so it stays strong and fresh.

Also, I'd suggest doing your own looking into on all the herbs you listed; that is quite a lot there! LOL Fias Co has a list of poisonous/ safe plants for goats to eat. Yes, there are some things -like sage- that will bring down production or dry up a milking doe.

Hope that helps! I'm sure you'll love Pat Coleby's book!!

Prairie Fleur

Chillin' with the herd
May 12, 2017
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Support the Fias Co Farm recommendation. Also another good book is Raising Goats Naturally by Deborah Neiman (sp?).


Chillin' with the herd
May 11, 2017
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Northwest Florida
Goats have a completely different digestive system from humans. It is possible to go with natural or homeopathic remedies for goats, but start your research with a site that is about goats.
is one that uses these methods.

I have bought Molly's natural wormer from Fiascofarm. (Molly Nolte is the owner at Fiasco). I am on week 2 of the herbal wormer with my herd of 3 dairy goats.

I am not just doing the natural herbal dewormer blindly.

I am also doing my own fecal testing and FAMACHA testing to make sure my goats don't have any issues. I've heard horror stories of people using herbs and the goats dying from parasite infestation or worms. So be careful!

Here's a video on how to do your own fecal testing:

Also fiascofarms has a lot of information that is out-dated. I emailed Molly, the owner, on a question about coccidia treatment, and she stated to me herself that there is a lot of out dated info on the site.

So do research on several sites, not just fiascofarms(although there's A LOT of good info there and I've used it!)

Good luck!

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