Pioneer Chicken
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  • Hi Pioneer,
    I've seen you around. But, just realized you are in God's country too. Which part do you live in? North, South, East, West or Central? It's just way cool that we have so many BYHerders here in Texas!!!
    How many chickens do you have?
    Cool, I used to have 20, now I have 13 with a hopeful of getting 15 future show chickens soon, and maybe some Cornish Cross this fall and then again in the spring
    Pioneer Chicken
    Pioneer Chicken
    Okay! My younger brother showed a few times; it was fun! Really enjoyed seeing the variety of breeds- I love the OEG and cochin bantams especially; we were the only ones to have a Japanese bantam. Are you going to order from Cackle? They're supposed to have show quality birds from what I've seen.
    Oh, have no idea, I have just found local breeders
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