Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
So my sister and her hubby did show up... Sunday afternoon. She never was real great at following a schedule. We went to the local Chinese buffet for a bite, they came and toured the house and property, dropped off a bunch of stuff I had given to my parents over the years that my mother is now returning (dad died several years ago), and then headed on their way to continue home to GA. I guess my mom was so eager that she mailed the boxes of stuff to my sister in CO at my X s-in-laws place to ensure that she'd get them to me :\ I guess she figures this way we don't have to fight over it when she's dead, though I kind of look at it as a slap in the face, since the stuff was gifted and I've been estranged for several years. :hu

Goats are getting closer to kidding, Dot is about 4-5 days out.

The rotten fence post hole is filled to near the top with water (18-24" deep in the partially dug out hole). May have to partition off the fence down at the other end and wait for it to dry out some before I can do that post and section of fence. :hu No idea how much rain I got out of the last storms... would guess ~1/2". The creek is still running and the swales on the property are still very wet. The wind has been ripping all day today... Had hoped that might help dry things out somewhat faster.

Coyotes haven't killed off all the deer as I still have 3 or more that visit on occasion. Mel alerts me when they're down back if I haven't seen them there. Haven't seen any fawns yet though.

Got a sweet craving & I had some whipped cream (canned) in the frig, so I made a chocolate pudding pie in a graham cracker crust pie shell. Just had my first slice. :drool That ought to add a few pounds over the coming days. Gotta take some big chunk of protein out of the freezer to thaw... Just did a turkey so will limit selection to prime rib roast, pork shoulder, roasting chicken, or smoked ham. Guess I'll sleep on it and decide for tomorrow. That way it will be thawed for cooking on Wed.

Despite the wet ground, I believe I'm going to start stretching fence tomorrow.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
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S Indiana
I think I’m glad you saw your sister...I hate that the visit had to be tainted.

Sounds like Dot and Snowflake are on about the same schedule. Are you doing a kissing thread or posting here?

Trying to figure out what I should cook here??? I may do a fish fry tonight. Hmmm...

I also need to start fencing for the Does. I want them to have a separate area. DH will have to help me though since I’m so out of shape.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I understand how ya feel LS about the returned things....we went thru the same with my parents. Mom explained it this way.....over the yrs things, cards, and gifts....they all have meaning and ya hate to pick and choose as to which to keep and which ones to let go time goes by the pictures collect in boxes as well do the need to be cleaned, dusted, and polished and things aren't as easy to keep up with it all as the body slows down. The returning is just their way of getting things off their mind and returning what has meaning to those that gave it while the brain is still clear to remember.....this eliminates clutter and cleaning, but moreover the responsibility they feel of maintaining it. Would ya feel better if they returned it, knowing it meant something to them all these yrs, or, finding out it was hauled to the dump and ya was never told? is all about them setting their affairs in order while they still can.....:)
I can certainly attest it isn't any easier getting it back after they have passed on....I received it with the love it was originally given with, understood, and will take it to the dump day.....o_O


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Mom explained it this way.....over the yrs things, cards, and gifts....they all have meaning and ya hate to pick and choose as to which to keep and which ones to let go time goes by the pictures collect in boxes as well do the need to be cleaned, dusted, and polished and things aren't as easy to keep up with it all as the body slows down. The returning is just their way of getting things off their mind and returning what has meaning to those that gave it while the brain is still clear to remember.....this eliminates clutter and cleaning, but moreover the responsibility they feel of maintaining it. Would ya feel better if they returned it, knowing it meant something to them all these yrs, or, finding out it was hauled to the dump and ya was never told? is all about them setting their affairs in order while they still can.....:)
I can certainly attest it isn't any easier getting it back after they have passed on....I received it with the love it was originally given with, understood, and will take it to the dump day.....o_O
I too have struggled with a mom that does this, too Thanks for sharing. @CntryBoy777 sometimes we need to stop and think about another's perspective.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
One of the most difficult things for me to do was to fill the role of one in need @promiseacres , as in growing up we were taught to make do with what ya have and where ya were. My Mom was a person that had to feel needed and if she thought nobody needed or wanted her help she felt useless and of no use her terminology. This intensified as she aged and after the heart attacks and me moving back here she tried to do things for me, but I would decline and make do. Then it dawned on me that my feelings of wanting her to just relax and enjoy her rest just wasn't what was happening and she was becoming, I began to ask her for certain things that she enjoyed cooking and would take them. Her cooking wasn't the same as it used to be because of memory and forgetting certain spices or too much of this or that, but it didn't made her feel needed and she had a purpose. It was very difficult as I saw her declining, but tho she would never ask....I started cooking big meals and then sharing with Mom and Dad to save her from having to cook. I still kick myself for not going fishing with her the last time she walked to the pond....we used to go together all the time....but, my health had me down that day and I stayed home....of course we didn't know at the time it would be her last trip, but in hindsight I sure wish I would've gone. Some things get clearer to us as we age and get closer to being in that position....just like being a teenager without kids, then once ya have them ya see and realize ya really didn't know as much as ya had thought....especially when ya are dealing with a mini-me....:)
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