Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
  • diesel for the tractor
  • non ethanol gas for the string trimmer and chain saws
  • regular gas for the garden tractor
I've used the same gasoline for the lawn tractor, chainsaw and weedwhacker for the last 8-10 years now, and yes, the fuel does have ethanol in it.
Just insist on a good quality 2 cycle oil (assuming the saw and trimmer are 2 cycle) and run them completely out of fuel when you get ready to store them for any length of time and they will last for years. My saws and my weed whacker were all bought 2007,2008 or 2009 and the latest. I've abused the crap out of all of them..
I think highway diesel is about $2.78 here, and regular unleaded gasoline was $2.499 yesterday abut 20 miles South when I filled up. Farm diesel was $2.3something last time I got some.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Mr. @Bruce, sir!

I thought of you yesterday as I was watching a video on YouTube. I was looking for some videos that explain how to use a box blade. I still haven't found any that I think are worth a crap, and my driveway is in need of repair again. Anyway, I found a video on using a box blade on a channel that I had not seen before and watched it. (In my opinion, it wasn't that good.) While I was on the channel, I decided to see what other videos the guy had. The one that made me think of you had to do with removing rock ledges using small explosives. I remembered how you had trouble with your rock ledges while digging out your pond and I seem to recall while in your fields. I really perked up when I read in the comments that you don't need a license to use the explosives. Here is the video, in case you are interested:

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I think I saw that product some time back, if not that then something similar. Somewhat cost prohibitive unless you have a lot of rocks to blast over a period of time or can hire yourself out to blast other people's rock. I did find a place that rented them but they are 3.5 hours away, one way. The daily rental wouldn't work out given I'd have to rent if for 3 days minimum and 2 of those days would be to pick up and return the "machine". But maybe I should put a query out on Craig's List or something to see if anyone has one for sale cheap or uses it to blast rock cheap.

Not a problem with ledge in the pond, in fact the presence of the ledge allowed me to dig out the built up muck down to the ledge which slopes downhill. I think that is why the pond was built where it is. If not for the ledge, my tractor would be stuck in the muck ;) But yes, ledge in the field when fencing was a problem. One corner post is only 2' down and held with concrete. Two other posts I wanted to put in never made it, I hit ledge and water about 1' down. The clay holds water so well it doesn't even run over the rock ledge under the clay.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Busy day today
  • Got up at 7, fed the cats (yes the ones that woke us up)
  • Made French Toast, fed DW and DD2 (DD1 is in Indiana) and me
  • Started adding more water to DW's pool. I've vacuumed to waste twice to get all the needles and fine dust/dirt out of it. Several hours of time.
  • Yesterday I discovered a zerk was missing on the garden tractor mower deck when I was prepping it for use. Found one this morning, installed it, greased that spindle, put the deck on and mowed
  • Spent a good half hour plus scraping the wet grass (though it hasn't rained since Friday) out of the deck. I still can't believe they waste the time to put a "washout port" on the deck. It is as effective as if I were to spit on it.
  • Turned water off in the pool, backwashed. Ready for water test and chemicals, only ready for penguins to swim in it though, 55°.
  • Came in for a short rest and forum time (and a Dr. Pepper)
  • Split a bit over a run of cordwood, DD2 helped. Said it was because DW asked her to but she would have anyway if I asked nice with a "please". Having a second person took about 1/2 off the job since there was always someone splitting or getting the wedge in position for the next piece.
  • Made lasagna for dinner.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I think this daughter actually likes to help.
Perhaps but you'ld never know it. We were close to done filling the rack and she was checking her watch, getting close to 5 PM. Time to quit because it is cat dinner time. Mind you she often doesn't feed them exactly at 5 when she's busy doing whatever she does in her room all day. Never see her unless it is time to eat or I go ask for something.

One might think that an adult living cost free with the parents would be looking for ways to help.