Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
More likely Rachel than us, we are expecting MAYBE 1/2", it is running up the coast
Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 8.03.06 PM.png


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Still living! Though I will admit to having been sucked into the talent shows on the internet. Some amazing people out there!

DW takes her 2006 Prius on Saturdays. It wouldn't start Saturday, it was a toasty 1°F, so she hopped in the Leaf. ALWAYS plug your electric car in even if you don't think you are going to use it "tomorrow"! A check later said the battery was at 7V. Not sure why, she drove it the prior Saturday. So I got that charged to 100%. Kinda funny in that she kept the Prius in case she had issues with the Leaf in the winter. I would expect a 4 month old car to be more reliable than a 14 Y/O car with nearly 250K miles on it.

DD2 went back to work Saturday. Her car wouldn't start either, I think the 12V has been run down a time too many by not driving the car. I had to jump it a couple of times this summer. I doubt she's driven it 6 times in the last 9 months. Figured out pretty quick it wasn't going to charge enough to jump with a battery state of 2V (and of course she was already running late) so I let her take my Prime - which was a big surprise to her. I've not heard a Thank You yet.

I charged the battery in the car Saturday, the charger said the battery was at 100% but it didn't start yesterday either. She took DW's Prius (the other reason DW wanted to keep it). I checked the battery, 7V. I put it on the charger and it sat at 73% for several hours of 2A slow charge so I called Advance Auto to see if they had a 12V for that car. Given you need zero Cold Cranking Amps to start a Prius the battery is a smaller size, lower CCA and higher on the Amp Hour capacity than a 12V for pure ICE vehicles which have starter motors. They didn't have one but their computer said the store 22 miles south had one. I called, he said he had 4 so I drove down and got one.

By the time I got home the wind was picking up and bits of snow were starting to fall. I did get lucky, the car started so I backed it down to the barn planning to put the tail end inside. But I needed to move the GT with snowblower attached. I got the "clunk" from the starter instead of the "rrrr, rrrr, rrrr". DAMN!!

Well, OK, at least I was up to the barn door opening, I clamped a tarp to the side of the open hatch (2004-2015 Prius has the 12V behind the right rear wheel) so at least I was out of the snow and wind. Given I've replaced the 12V on 4 (5??) separate Prii the technique wasn't unfamiliar though there is a bit of contortion needed which isn't as easy as it was 12 years ago when I did the first one. The only thing I heard regarding the time and effort to fix her car was her asking about the lead core charge and removal on the receipt. Of course I never heard squat when she used my old Prius 5 days a week for 5 weeks in Jan/Feb last year while her's was being repaired following her accident.

The car started fine today, though unless she was REAL heavy on the pedal, she was late for work. She plays on her iPod instead of getting ready THEN playing. I wonder if she will ever learn. I guess I'm too old. I figure she should be leaving to arrive at least 5 minutes EARLY in case there are any "on the road" problems. As far as I'm concerned, 5 minutes early is ON TIME.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
A wise person told me once that you have to teach people how to treat you. Perhaps your DD needs a lesson, lol. I'm certainly not one to tell folks how to lead their life or deal with their family, but I think the keys to my car would remain deep in my pocket if my child couldn't express gratitude. "Please" and "Thank-you" go a long way in my world. A major life lesson is to learn to have an attitude of gratitude.

All of that aside - I would never be able to function in your kind of weather and you are to be commended for dealing with all that crap, lol!
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You know I am a true Yankee, and tend to speak my mind. I have to agree with @frustratedearthmother . It is well past time for you to sit down with DD2 with a list of all that you have done, what you continue to do, what she has done, her attitude as perceived by you.... and her lack of appreciation and her inability to be a responsible adult. Is she still doing the required work to pitch in there that you had stipulated was necessary back awhile ago???? To be fair to her, did you ask for or make her do things when she was younger??? If not, then maybe she just hasn't picked up on what is proper considerate action. If you did try to teach her, then maybe it is time to tell her that she has until spring or whatever date... to get her life together and find her own place. She is past old enough to be out on her own and dealing with her own problems and responsibilities. You are doing her no favors by allowing her to continue to take and not give back and not being a contributing member of your family, let alone of society. If things go to he// in this country, you will be her supporter for the rest of your life and she will drain you down to the point, like the battery, you will not have enough reserve left to recharge.
You are too nice a person to your DD.... you and your wife deserve better than to have an "adult" child living off you when there is no good reason, like some sort of special needs or learning disabled child that you will have to take care of for the rest of your life. Tough Love......
I am not perfect, and my situation with my son is not always great. BUT, I do not support him financially; he takes care of his own finances..... sometimes I get aggravated, but if it were push come to shove, he would do for me and I would do for him..... he is not a constant user. Like with my trucks.... he is getting the clutch done.... he has talked to 2 different mechanics to try to figure out the problems with the 4x4. He found the outback even though it is not perfect, it is serving the purpose.
Years ago, after being out on his own, he moved back with me for 6 months or so. He paid towards the bills at the house. He knew that I was not made of money, that he added to my costs, and that he needed to help.
I get uptight with some things now.... feel a little pushed aside with the farming stuff due to the gf situation.... and I really don't want to see him get devastated like he was the last time..... but I cannot control it and I can't prevent him from living his life. Sometimes I do vent here, when I get really aggravated.... but he is not a user in that way. More forgetful or not putting the priorities on the same things I do.
You deserve to be appreciated and shown that. You need to make it happen.