Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
And while I'm ranting ... Covid vaccines:

Vermont started with first responders and nursing homes in January then went to 75 and older then to 70 and older. Last week they went to 65 and older. As some of you know, today is my birthday so I set up the account so I would have less to do online when I entered the 65 & older age group. Last Friday at the governor's press meeting they decided to open it to people 55 and older with "conditions" this past Monday and 16+ with conditions the following Monday. OK so now I'm behind a fairly large group including DW. She made her appointment on Monday for the afternoon of the 24th. That is GOOD! She's in more danger than I am.

Yesterday at the press meeting they say they are going to move the 16 and older with conditions .... I start sweating ... to tomorrow, ie Thursday. Phew! That would have put me in contention with tens of thousands of people if they made it today.

So today I go online to make my appointment. It says I'm not eligible yet. It THINKS I am 65 but I am in the 55+ group. I change my profile to say my birthday was yesterday (which happened to be DD1's 28th Bday), no change. So I lie and say my birthday was last March. I'm now 66 but no change to my group. I call, I go through the 10 or so phone menu things :barnieI talk to the lady, explain the situation. She finds me an appointment on the 23rd ... but oops she can't update the group I'm in so the system won't let her give it to me :he She notes that they know about this problem , something about the system updating on Mondays, well I wasn't 65 om Monday was I?:rantand they will work on my particular "Account" but in the meantime I can call Walgreens and see if they have any appointments. I guess they aren't tied into the state system, they are part of some program direct with the govt. I call, lots more phone menus and it says go to their website. So I do. Guess what, you can't make an appointment unless you have an account. Great, so I create an account, go in, look for appointments, there aren't any.

Perhaps by now you can imagine I am in a very foul mood. If they don't get me fixed in the state system I'll be looking at a "Black Friday at 4 AM at Walmart" hell trying to get an appointment. But I got an email about 1:30 saying they fixed my group. Phew. I went in and made an appointment for my first shot .... this Friday! :D

I am in a slightly better mood but still stressed by all the shenanigans.

I sent my Dad flowers for my birthday, Bernie at Creative Floral Design in Fullerton, CA does a great job


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
:he Dang, that sounds fun. I'm so sorry. Vehicles bring more fun into our lives than they should be allowed. Bring the government and bureaucracy into the equation and suddenly the opposite of a beautiful thing happens and we get more "fun" than should be allowed.

Edited: I'm glad you got an appointment finally! My husband's uncle (65-70ish) in Pepperell was taking care of his 98 year old mother until she died a few weeks ago. She was just about to get her vaccine. Our uncle and aunt are eligible, but can't get an appointment anywhere. So they don't get one. The aunt still works in the public school system, but no dice.

Beautiful flowers though. x2 on a good job done by your florist.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Different states do it in their own "best for us" way. But it isn't great when there are tons of people eligible at the same time, especially if there isn't a single portal. Lots of places people are calling here, calling there, calling somewhere else to hopefully find an appointment. Huge stress and a huge waste of a lot of people's' time. I hope your aunt and uncle can find something.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Happy Birthday Bruce! Pretty bouquet, and what a nice idea to send flowers to your dad on the day of your birth.
My birthday was last week, dhs is Saturday, our anniversary is tomorrow, our son's is the 25 and about a bakers dozen of our friends are Marchies also. It seems to be a great month to have a baby in!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Happy Birthday also. Hope that you get the DMV thing straightened out. I would have suggested sending the Title registered or certified mail........ no offense to your wife but the postal system STINKS anymore. I refused to send mine through the mail when I got the car.... and waited nearly 2 months on the appt, but as long as it was covered by my ins company they told me that all I had to do was have the e-mail with the appt printed out and that it would be accepted.... Yours was a little different but it was their screwup.... if you had gotten stopped, it would have been thrown out of court with the DMV guy admitting that it was THEIR screwup not yours .... hope you get it back fast but I am not going to hold my breath on anything "bureaucratic" being done at anything faster than a snail's pace.