Buford T. Justice


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I brought a puppy home yesterday. Drove to Forney, a Dallas suburb, 3 1/2 hours away, in the rain.


AKC registered male Anatolian 3 months old.
Breeders said he’s food aggressive. I explained to them that I trained Sheba and Sentry to sit, wait, and not eat until I said Take It. Im sure it won’t take long to teach Buford food manners. They sure were nice people and I enjoyed meeting them. The parent dogs were friendly and loved attention. Both beautiful well built dogs.

I put a blanket on the seat of my car, sure was glad I did. I got maybe a half mile away and he fear pooped. I pulled over, got a plastic grocery bag and had to raise his tail to scoop the poop. He didn’t like that and fear growled at me. He was so scared. I drove a couple of miles, pulled over at a gas station to get rid of the poop and I petted him and talked to him. I ran the AC for him, he stress panted and the cold calmed him down. I wasn’t too happy about that, but what the heck. When I got real cold, I turned the heat on, then back to the AC.

We got home and he didn’t want to get out.

This strange woman, a car ride that was NOT fun, and now she wants me to get out? This is not my house!

He fear growled at me. I put the leash on him and dragged him out. He fought all the way to his pen. I took the leash off, petted, praised and talked to him. Scared. Puppy had a hard day. Sentry and Sheba ran to the fence and scared him some more. They growled, Sheba snarled up and hated on him. He growled back and barked.

I did chores, fed sheep, horse and dogs. I coaxed Buford into the shelter, put his food in it and let him eat. While I was finishing up chores, the puppy half heartedly barked with a BOOF! BOOF! I called him Boofer, that morphed into Buford and there you have it.

Today I’ve been in and out of his pen, he is next to the sheep and he’s a little intimidated. I’ve petted him and reassured him. After talking to @Ridgetop, she gave me pointers on introducing Buford to Sentry and Sheba. Sentry first, then Sheba, then both. They sniffed, growled a little and were checking him out. Buford wagged his tail, wanted to be friends. Introduction went well.



This evening I took care of Reina the horse, then fed dogs. Carson at back porch, Sentry and Sheba at at the gate and then Buford. I put his pan down, Diamond Large Puppy, with chicken and broth over it, on the ground. I took Buford’s collar, said sit and pushed his butt to the ground. Wait. Wait. Good boy! Wait. I released him, tapped the pan, Take it. I took it away from him 3 times repeating sit, wait, take it. By the second time, he sat on his own. He’s confused, trying to figure out what is going on in his life. I think he’s handling it well. He’s very smart and he’s gonna keep me on my toes.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Yesterday I put his pan down, took his collar to hold him back and pushed his butt down. SIT! Wait! Wait! Take it! As I released him. Then I messed with him. I rubbed his neck, head and just generally made a nuisance of my self. He was gobbling food, and barked his frustration at me. I took his pan away. Put pan down, took collar, SIT! Wait. Wait. Wait. Released collar, Take it! Repeated that a couple more times. He licked the pan clean and got lots of petting and praise.

For whatever reason, Sheba and Sentry stopped sitting and waiting until I said Take it. Probably to do with a no manners puppy, he doesn’t, why should they? :lol: So I held their pans. Their blank look’s disappeared when it became clear they weren’t getting fed, and they sat down.

When the rains stop and mud dries up a little, we will start leash training.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
The rain stopped! Tomorrow is going to be sunny! This place is water logged.

I introduced Buford to the giant evil horse monster. I’ll say this for Buford, he’s scared but he doesn’t run. He barked at her, so I took Reina right up to the fence, talking to Buford, reaching through the wire to pet and comfort him. He licked my fingers and gave me worried eyes. I let Reina graze and kept reassuring Buford. I think he did good. But pretty sure he still is afraid of horse monsters.

Sheba came up to see what the barking was about. They “talked” through the fence, then she walked away.

When Buford is scared and I reassure him, he drops his head and wrinkles his lips in a grin. So cute!