Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Putting my dog hat on (slanted and ready to fall ;) off) --- your Dad was down, you were entirely focused on him checking wounds and wanted to get him up and to that house, and keeping Birdie away. Emotions running on high and adrenalin push. Perhaps she was trying to get you to slow down and not move him. Moving someone who is down is the last thing to do. Maybe she is intuitive that way? Needing you to be calm in the moment.
Not knowing her history as well -- here's a pull rabbit out of the hat. That type of behavior is seen in service dogs who are paired with those who have seizures. One of my detection students has a service dog. He does a lot of things for her, one day she had a seizure where she lived and that is exactly what the dog did - sat on her and would not let others near her (nicely, no growling or anything) until the seizure subsided. Same behavior.
Stepping way way way out on that plank -- perhaps she was a service dog for someone with seizures, and sadly the person is no longer able to have a service dog (for whatever reason) and the family dumped the dog. Like I said that's way way way walking the plank - but stranger things have happened. Kind'a answers why she's had the separation anxiety (though we all know that could come from a thousand other things).


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Congrats and good for you. Sorry for your present boss as he will start to realize just what he had after all these years... but you have given him enough hints/chances .... need to do this for YOU.....

END of the DRAMA TRAUMA .......

Deb, the lady with the farm we make hay on and I keep an eye on for her, took a week "vacation" and some friends came in from New Mexico to visit.... and she is also changing jobs come Monday... didn't know it when she set up her "sta-cation" a month ago... but the work she does gets bid out and the present company did not win the bid this year... and the new company that got it asked/offered for her to come to work for them... doing basically the same thing she has done... which is of benefit to them. It's computer work but it is tied into the gov't so she needs security clearances and all that... another plus to the new company that won the bid..... She had tossed around "retiring" and selling the house there near DC area... but I think that the money was a bit more and some other perks... so she is changing companies again (3rd one in 5 years I think).... with the way things are, I can't say as I blame her for not "retiring" she is just 60....

I keep thinking maybe... but then I also think about the economy and the way things are looking... and I want to get the fence up and the upstairs of the house done... putting out feelers again for someone to take down the ceilings upstairs and get the house "finished" ..... Even if I used one room..... just for storage...and to put furniture that is just stacked/stored now..... at least it would be more organized than stuff out in the carport and on the front porch and in the dining room now....still thinking a small bathroom up there and making like a studio apt....
Got a number of a fairly "new" company... doing yard/tree work... "landscaping and hardscaping and such"....might be a good one to get to come in and do what I want done here.... can't hurt to get a price....

Okay, now I am really done for the night...


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
OMG OMG OMG! Huge congrats! That is such fantastic news!!!
You are going to enjoy the new job and the new people. You old boss, well he’s going to have a rude awakening in how much you did and how much you put up with.
So excited for you!!


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I can't wait for boss's reaction to quit notice Monday🤨 after all these years, it'll be "unexpected".

How's dad? Birdie? Chaos? Ava & Blossom?
Haha 😄 Dad is fine, back to his usual routine. Sis is trying to bully him a bit about not doing his driveway-walk & stuff. I'm planning to ask him back up for lunch after church again.
Chaos is doing great. More active than I've seen him in a while. I think he feels so much better.
Birdie is in LOVE with her auntie Pam (my sister). Just like a kid, no rules apply when Auntie says it's ok. 🤣
Cows are loving the cool temps & growing grass.

I'm REALLY dreading the conversation Monday. Since I don't think he believed I was serious, I expect his reaction will be along the lines of being "betrayed by my disloyalty"...