Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Work update. I'm not entirely sure if I'm doing anything 'extra ordinary' but they seem to be moving me through the training as fast as they can. I'm training in 2 positions - the Creel on days that A shift works & the Beamer on days that B shift works. Each module should take a minimum of a week.
2 of us started last Monday. We both tested out of module 1 Friday AM & got our module 2 books.
I spent Mon & Tues with B shift working on the Beamer & just went back to the Creel this AM & started my first hands-on work with the equipment. About half way through the morning I'm told to go talk with the engineer & I find out that I'm getting tested out of module 2 (... only been about 1 full shift) & could start module 3 tomorrow. Aced the test (🎉🤗🎉) got my 3rd book & was asked to switch from the training team (Mon-Fri) to A crew because he feels like I should be able to complete all the rest within the next 2 weeks or less & then I can focus on getting certified on the Beamer as quickly as possible.
They are either DESPERATE for another certified Beamer operator or I'm doing a really good job.
Feels REALLY good after the all those months of failure & frustration.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Something "clicks" and it is obvious that you are "getting it" and the management sees that. I am SOOOO happy for you.

I was thinking that that the heifer was alot older than 5 months.... and I would say she really is more in the 6-700 lb size but the pics made me second guess myself...
You are looking at at least 2.00 lb... and probably more... Time for her to either get bred or go in your freezer....OR sell to the neighbor......or breed her in June for a spring calf so she will be 2 1/2 yrs old when she calves... or else put her in the freezer... get her on some feed/corn, put some finish on her, and let her feed you.... Breed the cow back for a spring calf next year... You will be well settled in the job, and able to figure things out with the scheduling and all that.

So very glad that you feel good about this job... maybe you needed more "physical challenges" to offset any mental learning... putting into practice what you are learning in a practical application.
How's things working out with Birdie and the schedule?

Congrats on the accomplishments. I think that you are doing real good and not that they are desperate for a certified beamer....


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Work stuff

Tested out of Creel level 2 & have pre-tested with the supervisor for level 3. Will test with the engineers on Wed. Will also be tested out for Beamer level 1. 😱

Things still seem to be going good & all the people are great. I'm sad though that when it's all done I'll most likely be moved to a different crew & will have a whole new group to get to know.

Farm "news". I've decided to focus on getting Blossom in as prime condition as I can & sending her to be processed. Both of them are a bit potbellied at the moment so worming is at the top of my list.
Yesterday I burned the huge 2yr old brush pile. There is always a moment when it scares me half to death.

At one point I couldn't even see the cedar tree behind and was watering all of the un-ignited brush to keep it from growing. Got a pretty 'blush' on the right side of my face & right arm. 🤣

Ended up enjoying a little hotdog roast & smores with a friend

@farmerjan , any advice on the details to get Blossom ready to be the best she can be? Everyone seems to feel that adding corn to her diet is key? I don't want super fatty cuts.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Fat adds tenderness and flavor. McDonald’s used beef tallow to cook their French fries forever until the word got out and they switched to vegetable oil. Tasteless fries now.
One of the earlier ones went to the processor as a yearling who was still nursing.. a lot.
I was fine with what I kept (mostly ground, stew beef & roasts) but several of the folks who got ribs or steaks said that they were so fatty that they practically disappeared on the grill.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
At this point for her I honestly would not do anything. Grass/hay and what little grain you might be feeding now. She is fat enough if you do not want any excess amount of fat on her. This time of year feeding much corn will only make more fat, and if the last one had plenty of fat, partially from being still on milk, then you don't need her to be gaining any more fat cover.

My jersey steers do not get any extra grain when I am getting ready to have them killed... grass/grazing/hay and about a gallon of grain once a day for the last month or so... A gallon is not much grain.... it kept them coming into the catch pen to make getting them in to load a lot easier. Jersey's, and jersey crosses will marble and be more tender than straight angus or beef breeds that need more corn to add fat...
I think that just making sure she does not lose weight... which might be more hay if the grazing gets short.... and just what little grain you feed... like I said... a gallon or so... I would feed a 1/2 bucket (5 gallon) to about 3 or 4 head every day so they would come in the catch pen.... that was the only "extra " they would get before killing in the fall...

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