Canesisters 2024 journal


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I've got a dozen apps out already. Everything from animal control officer, admissions at several departments in the local hospital, reception at an adult daycare, admin assistant at some Corp office, medical office file clerk at the prison, and a few I've probably filled out late at night & forgotten about. Also just finished applying at a temp agency.

I HATE the way I feel at work. Even worse than at the dump. At least there I knew I wasn't the crazy one... here I'm seriously questioning if I actually AM stupid & just didn't know it.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Do some looking, get your resume together, and do the best you can. ASK the questions, and if they become impatient like over the invoices, tell them straight up that you have had absolutely no reason to have gone in that file cabinet so you can not be expected to just "know these things"...
A job that looked pretty good has turned into something that is maybe not in your comfort zone. If they cannot TRAIN YOU PROPERLY, that is on them. They are expecting you to learn it all by osmosis, and just fall right into it... because they have had it that way from forever.... if it is not what you enjoy, the best thing is to try to find something you can feel comfortable doing... change is NOT ALL BAD.... but this just may not be a fit for you. There are other jobs....

Any new thoughts on the heifer???? Things staying status quo with the fences and all that at home? Hoping for good results with Birdie's upcoming surgery.
Birdie is doing great. That lump is huge though. The 13th can't come soon enough.
Fences are good. New 'problem', they're So hot that anywhere that's arcing will burn through & break within a couple weeks tops.
Nothing on Blossom yet. I've been distracted by work.
I think I'll ask him to stop by sometime during the day. He's only ever seen her at night, mostly by flashlight.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Does the office which have it in for you? She certainly has no training skills. She may be one of those types that gets deep satisfaction from demeaning someone and knowing she got you flustered.

Definitely move on. Find your happy place, it’s out there.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
What about your friend that works there and was instrumental in helping you get hired!


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Was the "trainer" doing this job before you? If so, maybe she didn't want to change. If not, maybe she didn't want to be a trainer. 🤷. Thinking out loud.
My trainer is "trying to retire". She's done the job for 20yrs. She says that she loves being at home on the days that she doesn't come in...

The friend that helped me get hired doesn't work here. He is a friend of the husband of the woman who's training me... 🥴

Some people tell me I need to stand up to her. Call her out when she is being a bully or asking me to do something she's not showed me. But I can't see how that could come out well. There are only 3 people here & everyone does pretty much what she tells them to.

Maybe I'm looking for the easy way out... but I'm just done. I don't want to fight for a job where I'll be the odd one out, uncomfortable, out of place.

A good friend came over today to take a load of manure & hay from around the hay feeder. We talked a lot about this. Her company is hiring. It would be about 1.50 less than I left the landfill at.. which would be a little bit of a pinch. But she says all the folks there are great and once I'm in, there are a lot of chances to move to other departments. Or even just moving to the night shift once training is over would bring a little more money.
My sister says that maybe this job came so fast & at a pay increase to get me out of the dump, let me catch up some bills & be ready when the right one comes......
I really dislike the uncomfortable feeling of uncertain future.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I agree with your sister, maybe this is a stepping stone and that it was what you needed at the time to get out of the atmosphere at the dump with the PITA person that you were always at odds with.
My theory is to not leave a job unless you have something waiting for you... and this was waiting for you when you left the dump...
Yes, maybe standing up to her would be better for all... BUT... if you are not a confrontation type person, and need a job right now, it won't "work for you" to do that.

Her being there for 20 years and wanting to retire would make you think she would write copious notes and instructions...." LIKE YOU DID AT THE DUMP JOB " for the other people..... she may like being home but she is not helping you to make it possible for her to be at home... so I wonder if she really wants to "let it go"....

Go check out the job at where your friend works.... see what is out there.... doesn't mean you have to take it... you didn't explore anything much else, when this job fell in your lap so to speak.... so now take a little time to check out what else there is...
And continue to try to do the best you can.....