CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
My tomatoes are going like gangbusters. They are making tomatoes like there is no tomorrow. Since last year's garden was a bust and I didn't have garden goodies canned and frozen, I am not complaining. I am canning all I can. I have made sauce, salsa and sauce seasoned with Italian seasoning. I give some to my son because he loves home canned goodies and makes spaghetti and chili from the canned tomato sauce. I also dehydrate tomatoes and pack them in half pint jars. They are good crumbled in salads in the winter.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
The tomatoes have been yanked along with the grn beans, but the bell peppers are still producing..... 🤣 ....we have been getting on/off showers the past several days, but are spose to have less of a chance in the coming days....that is until the tropical storm decides to head in this direction, but for now they are saying it should stay along the eastcoast....they are not expecting it to make hurricane strength, so just a big rain maker..... @Mini Horses it may bring ya some relief up that way...eventually....:)....still no signs of virus symptoms here, so guess we should be fine....we live a fairly isolated life anyway, so not a big deal for us...we really haven't done anything different since this hoopla started....would be nice, but will never be what it was before, Ever....:th...I won't get into my thoughts or opinions, but I will say it is very sad to me, watching things deterriorate to such levels across this nation....ya'd think we could just wake up from the nightmare, but being a realist, I just have to accept it and hope it doesn't descend too far before sanity returns....otherwise, life will consist of way more "changes" than we care to deal with at this stage....:old😷

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
the lungs of a 113yr old....I asked the doc, how many 113yr olds took part in that study to be able to determine that?....or, was it computer generated?....he did not reply and I just laughed.... :lol:

I love it!!!! :lol:

.... @Mini Horses it may bring ya some relief up that way...eventually....:)

I tell ya, my tomatoes are being cooked on the vine!!! I water but, the heat -- wow! 102 again yesterday. I can't remember a rain -- more than a couple sprinkles -- in over a month now. About 6 yesterday, I got so excited as the rumbles came, some lightening showed, the dark clouds came overhead -- A couple drops fell onto my arm. Sure enough, I could SEE THE RAIN falling, coming. Closed the truck windows (maybe my mistake!).....shut the coops as the goats ran to their barn. More thunder, lightening, smell it, see it --- NOTHING here. It passed on by as I sadly watched.:( Two miles over, soaked.

We are in bad need of rain. Corn crops are just drying up. They say -- yeah, heard that before! -- rain coming in for next couple days from a system somewhere. Northern parts of VA are getting some afternoon storms but, not here.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
We got another 1.1" in the gauge most of it in a 45min span this afternoon....percect timing too....I had just laid down for a nap when the boomers started....:lol:......well, needless to say, between Gabbie, thunder, and alerts for weather on my phone...there wasn't any napping taking place....🤣....I did stretch out some for just a bit anyway.....we had an "uh-oh" moment yesterday...we were inside, distracted, and Joyce wanted to show me where she put the panels from the garden, that she had pulled up...stakes still zipstripped to panels....:lol:....just as we were going out she thought about letting Gabbie out, so we called....she didn't come, we looked at each other and started searching for her in the house....couldn't find her Anywhere!!, scared, we went outside....and There she was, just lying in the carport and resting her head on the dish (frisbee)....:weee:celebrate...we Praised her for staying there waiting for us to play.....we have been working on "wait" and having her in extenxed had been a good 45mins since either of us were outside and she must've snuck out as we went out....she can slip right behind ya and ya never notice....just thankful she didn't see something to chase....:gig...sure gave us some anxious moments for sure.....we are suppose to be drier for the next few days....until the storm chooses its path, but projected to be closest to us around 2pm Sunday, so we'll see.....hopefully I'll be able to get some work done...I have to work on fixing the waterflow so water doesn't come in the carport....sure don't need a decent storm dumping rain and getting wet feet getting to washer and dryer....not to mention those "mops" for paws being wet trapsing thru the house....:thumbsup

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Reminds me of last week when my husband was hauling goat bedding to the ashhole in the pasture. Both little dogs were outside running around and I lost sight of the Poodle. I was calling and calling her. Looking around through the pasture. I asked my husband if he seen the Poodle and he said depending on what Poodle Your looking for? she is standing right beside you! :lol:..