Ridin' The Range
Hey friends,
We have a pelibuey/dorper ewe. Not sure of her age but we’ve had her approximately one year. In October she birthed a healthy female lamb. About 5 days ago I noticed her doing an odd thing. She was almost like coughing with no sound? Yesterday she started kind of baa-ing while she coughs. I know it sounds strange. I have a video but can’t figure out how to attach it here. Does anyone know how to do that?
She is eating grain, drinking water, grazing with her herd, otherwise appears normal. No obvious weight loss, no discharge from eyes or nose. She has been vaccinated with CDT and antitoxin. On Monday we gave her a dose of LA200. It doesn’t seem to have helped or hurt.
I’ve tried searching online for what this might be but cannot figure it out.
Thanks in advance!
We have a pelibuey/dorper ewe. Not sure of her age but we’ve had her approximately one year. In October she birthed a healthy female lamb. About 5 days ago I noticed her doing an odd thing. She was almost like coughing with no sound? Yesterday she started kind of baa-ing while she coughs. I know it sounds strange. I have a video but can’t figure out how to attach it here. Does anyone know how to do that?
She is eating grain, drinking water, grazing with her herd, otherwise appears normal. No obvious weight loss, no discharge from eyes or nose. She has been vaccinated with CDT and antitoxin. On Monday we gave her a dose of LA200. It doesn’t seem to have helped or hurt.
I’ve tried searching online for what this might be but cannot figure it out.
Thanks in advance!