Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Hot and sticky... 68 early and hit 90 again. Humidity levels are high and it has been mostly hazy sun today.

Got up and got the samples in and got them packed.... loaded into the car and took with me when I went to the dentist.
Routine cleaning, but found that I had a small area of decay in the tooth that was next to the one that got pulled. They had time to fix it since so with the start of school it is a slower week... said it will be slower for the next couple weeks as everyone gets settled into the school routines. So, got it fixed. I have been very sensitive to cold even with the "hole" from the extracted tooth healed over... Dentist said it had healed over good. So, I should be much less sensitive to the cold with the repaired area since there is more "insulation" against the nerve now with the area of the tooth built back up. Hope so.

So, left there and went to Sharp Shopper, but they were out of the coffee beverage that DS wanted me to see if I could get some more of. I will just keep checking back and get a BUNCH when they do get more in. Because this is like a discount "clearing house" store, they often do not get some things in regularly. This is one of them. But they have gotten them several times, so they will get more again.

Finally came on home, and have made several phone calls.... have a cc that is expired, that I like the grocery discounts, and I have never gotten a replacement... so they are issuing a new one; but the number will be different and I get it... but I had to change an "auto-pay" that I had associated with it... little things like that , that takes time to fix, change etc.

Changed to "barn clothes"..... I will go up to do the calf in a bit. Get him situated with the coming weather associated with "Debby". I think that @Mini Horses is going to get her share of it too... unless it comes more inland... but right now it is wrecking havoc along the coast south of here..... Going to get the hoses out of the car. Won't be using them for several more days again... so they may as well get put in the totes. I want to get some of the grain tomorrow at Rural King, don't need them in there in the way. I want to cover the boxes of bottles on the porch and weigh the tarp down. Going to check for some squash and stuff in the garden. I need to tie up some tomato plants. Not going to plant the broccoli seeds until after this since it is supposed to rain hard and alot. I am going to cover that last little bit where I weeded, with hay mulch, so that the weeds don't get started coming back . Plus, finish around the spreading squash vines over the daylily plants. Got the weedeater batteries recharged. This kind of rain will make the vines spread like Kudzu vines....

So, going out to empty the back of the car... Filled it up with gas so will be ready to go in the morning. It is really "close" out there.... not like TX but alot for here.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Got some stuff done. Tomatoes tied up, picked some squash and found 3 more cucumbers. Got the soaker hoses all out and "kinda" put together... will get them rolled and put those clamp things I got from Harbor Freight last year to keep them together... they're neat.
Move vines and decided that I am not going to bother with covering the day lilies... just directed the butternut and striped crenshaw vines so the melons can continue to spread a little... I might get a few melons by frost. The butternut squash are really growing nice and the crenshaw vines are starting to set a bunch of fruit. I am really pleased with how the butternut squash are growing....

I saw a few of the beans just barely starting to come through the surface... so the older seeds are coming up that I replanted the other day. Of course, all the rain/moisture is getting them to get growing. The white cucumber seeds have not sprouted.

Got the hoses out of the car and cleaned up the feed when the bucket fell over because of the hoses not being level... hoses all in the totes. Covered the boxes of bottles on the porch with a tarp if it rains and blows like it is forecast.

Went up to the calf, and put feed in. Went around and checked the rest of the cows, everyone looks okay there. Glad he is there for the forecast rain/blowing/storm for the next couple of days.

Put another feed bag of junk on the back of the truck.... if it is not raining tomorrow when we get back, I am going to take it to the dumpster... I just keep putting more on the back and never seem to take it.

I need to eat something. Take a shower... text DS and find out what time I am supposed to pick him up. Itching all over my arms from the tomato plants...


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
We got so many feed bags they are overflowing here. Wonder if someone will take them as I can only use so many as trash bags for so long. Wife grows okra here, itchy but damn good to eat. One thing I'm glad that grows here that I use to grow in Texas and that's my okra, get between it and me and we are going to fight.
Aphids eating the wife's peas up badly. Keep saying we need to take this to a greenhouse or underground in a walipini as romaine lettuce, spinach, broccoli and kale always bolting.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Debby rains should get you real wet !


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been an okay day... but getting really really wet this evening. Left at 6 with DS to go to his dr appt. We went to Rural King and I got 5 bags of the cheaper feed that the calf likes... DS got some 5 gal buckets of some hydraulic fluid... Boy oh boy, that stuff is getting more and more expensive.... and a couple cans of PB blaster that they use at the barn and stuff. Then we left there, went to dr.. Lady from workman's comp was there... and I went in with him as the dr worked on the neck. She also was in there... has to document all the manipulation and all that... asked the dr several questions.... he has some stuff going on the week of the 20 and 21st...

Went from there to the lawyer he is talking to.... took some other papers there.... then came up the road and stopped at a different "local" restaurant for some lunch. It was okay, not as good as the last one... and then he slept most of the way home from there.

It rained a little going down and coming back... light rain, slowed down, stopped, rained again. The first bands of it coming through.
Got home, and dropped his stuff at the barn... dropped him at his house. Got back to my house and it wasn't raining, so I did take the ranger and went to the dumpster and dumped the stuff I needed to get off the back. The farmer up the road who wanted to borrow the meters a month or 2 ago, texted me and asked if she could use them again this weekend. I said it would be okay as long as I got them back for Mon aft.... I don't have a farm scheduled yet... but 2 texts out and waiting for answers. So, I took the hose, rinsed out the back of the truck.... loaded up meters and a tote with hoses and went down to the farm with them while it was not pouring down rain. It started to rain a little more by the time I got back home. And it has been raining quite steady since.
So just a little bit ago, DS calls.... am I home, can I come get him at the the co-op. He had a tire go flat on one of the "farm trucks", and was going to get to the farm bureau with it. So I got in the car and went and got him. He will talk to them in the morning and see about getting a new tire... or may just go on and put 2 new ones on the front. So, we went and checked to see if they came and got the sprayer truck at the pasture... yesterday they got the boom caught on an overhead wire, and it bent the boom around and broke part of it .... going to need to do some serious work to get it apart and then take it back to their shop.... anyway, DS wanted to make sure they locked the gate after they got done there yesterday after he finally left... they sent a shop guy there, and DS was in his own truck when he was showing them where to go.... so he left when they were deciding what they were going to do....
Then we went to the farm, and rode out to look at the corn out back.... didn't go out close to it on the other side of the field since I had the looks REAL GOOD compared to a month ago... It is starting to tassel.... so this will mean that once this rain goes by, and it tassels out full , and pollinates, this soaking will give it PLENTY of moisture to make good ears on it....

Then I left him there at the barn, he was going to just take my forester since they put in the new headlight switch and that took care of the parking lights not going off and me having to undo the battery cable.... and I will take down the outback for him to look at the wheel bearing that might be going bad... and I will get the forester back... or some sort of trading vehicles.

DS made the comment that he is glad to not be working with VDOT and getting called out in this crappy weather... He is getting beat down by the headaches, and fighting all the BS with workman's comp and other stuff. On top of the aggravation from the situation with the ex.... I hate that he is getting so down overall.... and I hope that the counseling they approved for him will help the whole situation.
The results of the milogram that he had done a couple weeks ago, shows that there is a little narrowing of the passage in the spine.... some other things... so at least they have a better idea of what they are dealing with...

On top of it, the films from the knee a week ago, shows he has a torn meniscus... so is going to have to get that scheduled. They said it will be outpatient arthroscopic surgery... knee is hurting him alot... got to get it fixed before he does more damage. :th:th:th:th

So, that was my day....

It has rained a bit, pretty heavy for a little while... supposed to be pretty heavy this evening/night. I had a possible appt with the massage therapist tomorrow, but rescheduled for Monday since there are flood warnings everywhere, for tomorrow. I did not dump rain gauges but it looked like we had over 1 inch already. This is supposed to exit out of here completely before NOON tomorrow...

Here's to hoping we have a quiet night with no power outages.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Still raining. Pretty steady rain, just straight down raining. It is going to be soggy tomorrow....

I am going to take a shower and quit here. Lots I could do, but I am not wanting to get into much. Tired and yawning.....
67 to start the day, hit 78 for a high. Comfortable today temp wise. We are still in the very high risk of severe flooding... Radar showing rain right through until mid morning tomorrow... maybe a little let up , but we are getting A LOT OF RAIN....


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Been an okay day... but getting really really wet this evening. Left at 6 with DS to go to his dr appt. We went to Rural King and I got 5 bags of the cheaper feed that the calf likes... DS got some 5 gal buckets of some hydraulic fluid... Boy oh boy, that stuff is getting more and more expensive.... and a couple cans of PB blaster that they use at the barn and stuff. Then we left there, went to dr.. Lady from workman's comp was there... and I went in with him as the dr worked on the neck. She also was in there... has to document all the manipulation and all that... asked the dr several questions.... he has some stuff going on the week of the 20 and 21st...

Went from there to the lawyer he is talking to.... took some other papers there.... then came up the road and stopped at a different "local" restaurant for some lunch. It was okay, not as good as the last one... and then he slept most of the way home from there.

It rained a little going down and coming back... light rain, slowed down, stopped, rained again. The first bands of it coming through.
Got home, and dropped his stuff at the barn... dropped him at his house. Got back to my house and it wasn't raining, so I did take the ranger and went to the dumpster and dumped the stuff I needed to get off the back. The farmer up the road who wanted to borrow the meters a month or 2 ago, texted me and asked if she could use them again this weekend. I said it would be okay as long as I got them back for Mon aft.... I don't have a farm scheduled yet... but 2 texts out and waiting for answers. So, I took the hose, rinsed out the back of the truck.... loaded up meters and a tote with hoses and went down to the farm with them while it was not pouring down rain. It started to rain a little more by the time I got back home. And it has been raining quite steady since.
So just a little bit ago, DS calls.... am I home, can I come get him at the the co-op. He had a tire go flat on one of the "farm trucks", and was going to get to the farm bureau with it. So I got in the car and went and got him. He will talk to them in the morning and see about getting a new tire... or may just go on and put 2 new ones on the front. So, we went and checked to see if they came and got the sprayer truck at the pasture... yesterday they got the boom caught on an overhead wire, and it bent the boom around and broke part of it .... going to need to do some serious work to get it apart and then take it back to their shop.... anyway, DS wanted to make sure they locked the gate after they got done there yesterday after he finally left... they sent a shop guy there, and DS was in his own truck when he was showing them where to go.... so he left when they were deciding what they were going to do....
Then we went to the farm, and rode out to look at the corn out back.... didn't go out close to it on the other side of the field since I had the looks REAL GOOD compared to a month ago... It is starting to tassel.... so this will mean that once this rain goes by, and it tassels out full , and pollinates, this soaking will give it PLENTY of moisture to make good ears on it....

Then I left him there at the barn, he was going to just take my forester since they put in the new headlight switch and that took care of the parking lights not going off and me having to undo the battery cable.... and I will take down the outback for him to look at the wheel bearing that might be going bad... and I will get the forester back... or some sort of trading vehicles.

DS made the comment that he is glad to not be working with VDOT and getting called out in this crappy weather... He is getting beat down by the headaches, and fighting all the BS with workman's comp and other stuff. On top of the aggravation from the situation with the ex.... I hate that he is getting so down overall.... and I hope that the counseling they approved for him will help the whole situation.
The results of the milogram that he had done a couple weeks ago, shows that there is a little narrowing of the passage in the spine.... some other things... so at least they have a better idea of what they are dealing with...

On top of it, the films from the knee a week ago, shows he has a torn meniscus... so is going to have to get that scheduled. They said it will be outpatient arthroscopic surgery... knee is hurting him alot... got to get it fixed before he does more damage. :th:th:th:th

So, that was my day....

It has rained a bit, pretty heavy for a little while... supposed to be pretty heavy this evening/night. I had a possible appt with the massage therapist tomorrow, but rescheduled for Monday since there are flood warnings everywhere, for tomorrow. I did not dump rain gauges but it looked like we had over 1 inch already. This is supposed to exit out of here completely before NOON tomorrow...

Here's to hoping we have a quiet night with no power outages.
I had a torn meniscus- arthroscopic surgery to trim it. That was at least 10 yrs ago. PT was tough - but I told them what I did - run backwards, forwards and sideways over uneven ground - so they made
It tough. I’ve been good ever since.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I hope they can get to the cause of his headaches. Narrowing of the spine? My sister was having horrible headaches once, saw doctor after doctor. Finally a doctor diagnosed her, the opening in her skull was too small for the spinal cord. Her arms and legs were going numb also. Operation opened up the skull opening and she's been fine ever since. I wonder why it took 40 years for that to show up.

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