Overrun with beasties
… and i am a bit confused about the things that i really need and where to obtain those. Read a lot of books about how to keep bees and compiled a list of the must-have things (alphabetical order):
Bee Brush - There are cheap brushes available with plastic bristles and expensive ones with horsetail-hair bristles; What does a beginner really need?
Bee Hives - i have decided to go with the Langstroth hives as they are most common, hence there are also a lot of different sub-types available here, full height, ½ height, … I assume that you cannot fit different heights into the same centrifuge for honey extraction? Are the supers from different manufacturers interchangeable?
Bee suit, jacket and/or veil - There are so many different types of protective "armor" out there, what does somebody really need? Would wearing rubber-boots, a thick jeans (work-trousers), bee jacket , veil and gloves be sufficient? Or is a »bunny-suit« sufficient.
Gloves - What type material works best as gloves? Leather or synthetics? - For sure my leather work-gloves won't work as they don't fully cover my wrists.
Hive Tool(s) - i guess the more different you have the better?
Smoker - I assume stainless steel works best? and again the price range is from cheap to gold-plated… What are those smoker-pellets made of? Are those good or is it better to use something else? - I remember my uncle (who hat several dozen hives) was using cotton, flax and sawdust from his own wood-working shop in his smoker.
Where do you buy your bee-stuff?
Is buying a »starter-set« online a recommended option?
I thought about starting with 2-3 hives next spring, is that a good number for a beginner? - I have 40 acres of land, most of it covered in shrubs and forest, so space and bee food isn't a problem here and no neighbors that may be bothered. - Well except for the ducks…
Any thought appreciated! Thank you very much in advance for your help!
Bee Brush - There are cheap brushes available with plastic bristles and expensive ones with horsetail-hair bristles; What does a beginner really need?
Bee Hives - i have decided to go with the Langstroth hives as they are most common, hence there are also a lot of different sub-types available here, full height, ½ height, … I assume that you cannot fit different heights into the same centrifuge for honey extraction? Are the supers from different manufacturers interchangeable?
Bee suit, jacket and/or veil - There are so many different types of protective "armor" out there, what does somebody really need? Would wearing rubber-boots, a thick jeans (work-trousers), bee jacket , veil and gloves be sufficient? Or is a »bunny-suit« sufficient.
Gloves - What type material works best as gloves? Leather or synthetics? - For sure my leather work-gloves won't work as they don't fully cover my wrists.
Hive Tool(s) - i guess the more different you have the better?
Smoker - I assume stainless steel works best? and again the price range is from cheap to gold-plated… What are those smoker-pellets made of? Are those good or is it better to use something else? - I remember my uncle (who hat several dozen hives) was using cotton, flax and sawdust from his own wood-working shop in his smoker.
Where do you buy your bee-stuff?
Is buying a »starter-set« online a recommended option?
I thought about starting with 2-3 hives next spring, is that a good number for a beginner? - I have 40 acres of land, most of it covered in shrubs and forest, so space and bee food isn't a problem here and no neighbors that may be bothered. - Well except for the ducks…

Any thought appreciated! Thank you very much in advance for your help!