ldawntaylor - bits and pieces


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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I'm afraid I didn't get a thing done yesterday. It was too wet for me to want to be out there. Plus, my foot was swollen making it painful to walk.

I kept my foot elevated as much as possible and soaked it for a while in epsom salt water. I just hope this isn't part of another health complication. I've had enough to deal with over the last few years.

I got the adult goats dewormed yesterday. In their night pen which I clean out regularly. I have found over the last few years that the goats respond better - especially the skittish ones - if I do the deworming after sundown. They are much less likely to try and run away from me.

I still have to get me taxes done. But, it is just the math. I have all the paperwork together already.

Today is a work day so I may not be writing anything for a few days. And for now I need to get a few things done so I can go to work.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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Good morning,

I planned to get most of the work done on my chicken acomodations yesterday and today. But, it has been so wet I may not get to do anything like that. We'll see.... I am quite ready to get the chicks out of the house. I just hope the young ones won't bully the older hen. She doesn't walk very well...weighs too much.... She was always the amiable one when I had more birds before.

What I am thinking is move the brooder out to the hen house and maintaining it out there for a couple days.

Then, I will cut a side from the brooder - if you check the previous page you will see my brooder is cardboard. Once the opening is cut I will put some of my hardware mesh over the opening so the hen and chicks can see each other. Or maybe, I will omit this and cut the tape so that I can remove one section. And then put hardware mesh over the entire thing. With that I can create whatever shape I have the material for.

After that I will make an opening for the chicks to get out but still get back to their water and such.

My first step though is wiring the run cover together so that nothing else can fly in or climb up to get in. Once the chicks are out there I know they will be more of a temptation.

Off to another subject, my parents will be home Thursday or Friday. It all depends of course but that is their goal. Yes, it means I can get their mail out of my kitchen. From mid-December to mid-April makes a lot of mail so I will be very glad to get it out of here. I can get most of Mom's cat food out too. She likes for her cat to have canned food, but only part of a can at one time, and I have been having trouble remembering to a - take the open can out with me or b - get the open can out of the fridge/freezer I have out in my barn. Needless to say most of the canned cat food she bought for the winter is still here.

If it isn't too wet today I may get my pepper and tomato plants transplanted outside. Even if I have to maintain hers indoors for now.

Sometime today, I need to get in touch with the IRS office. I've called more than once since I realized I would have to pay this year - I hate this Obamacare stuff - but I wasn't able to get through. Hmm, I know there is an office in Forth Smith so maybe, I can look up their phone number and at least deal with someone semi-local. As well as having a better chance of getting through in the first place.

For now, I must take care of my animals and get busy on that coop wiring. I want the cover finished before I even move the brooder out to the hen house. A brave hawk or crow might try to fly in.... So, I'll post more later I am sure.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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I know a lot of focus on chickens right now. I just want to get that coop finished. I've only gotten two strands of the fishing line where I want it. I'm wiring the rest of the coop as I work with the line. At least it is the tallest section that is done. I may add some of the fishing line across where I am working now. But that will come later.

As little as I've done I am still rather proud of my accomplishment. I have a strong dislike of even climbing on a stool to reach into my cupboards. I have sinus issues that effect my balance so I must use extreme caution. But, I'm getting it done. Just slowly. The rest of what I have to do is more level, and lower, so it should feel a little steadier when I climb the ladder.

In the mean time I need to get back out there.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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That chicken coop is slow going for me. I've got maybe a quarter of it done. If I wake up early tomorrow I plan to get out there for an hour or so before work. Pretty big "if" though.

I can only hope work goes well. There is a lot going on that makes the situation stressful. The job itself is stressful enough without being short staffed or having people call in. If I worked out on the floor instead of in the kitchen I doubt I would have lasted 12 years. A health and rehab (nursing home) place often has high turnover. Only one CNA, a couple of nurses, and the admin people were there when I started. And only that CNA and I are in the jobs we started out in. All of the others have had more than one job description over the years. It seems that almost everyone thinks that what they need/want is a priority. And yet, waiting on the people at the window is only a small portion of my job.

I just hope I can keep that balancing act going and mollify most of the residents. Of course that need to be able to function at work means I didn't do as much of the work on my chicken coop as I might have. Now, if I can just convince my dad to leave the step ladder where I can get to it everyday...instead of off in a corner, or back behind some stuff. Maybe he will let the designated place be a corner of the milk room...at least until the wiring is finished.

Here are a couple of pictures of my coop.

11-6-15 060.jpg

11-6-15 061.jpg

I will try to get current pictures tomorrow. The fenced in area is about 15 ft by 22 ft. I know not much space really but, I hope to use chicken tractors and such as well. The hen house is an 8 ft by 8 ft cube. It should serve well as a grow out coop or something of that sort. Anyway, it will be fine while the chicks grow up.

For now, my bed is very appealing so I'll close for now.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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Okay, current pictures of the coop.

20160421_085317.jpg and from the other side 20160421_085101.jpg . I know at this size the coop looks really small. But as I stated before the hen house itself is 8 X 8 and the coop/pen is 15 X 22. The green tarp keeps the rain off of the hay, or at least off of me when I need to get some for the goats. The area between the hen house and the hay is where the goats take shelter from the rain during the day. I leave some of the hay close enough to the stock panel that the goats can help themselves if they want to.

My home and yard are hidden by the barn from this angle. The goat shed is off to the left. The dogs usual area is a bit further to the left.

Unfortunately, both dogs have a really high play drive. One goat kid got killed by the redish one a few years ago. No blood - so I guess her neck got broken. So, end result, the dogs are in a fenced area with shelter. And only get visual contact with the goats. Yes, the place the kid got through has been blocked. No more of that kind of accident.

I must get breakfast and get ready for work soon.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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My parents got home yesterday as expected. All is well. Now my "summer" routine is going to set in.

I just hope I can accomplish more this year than some. At least the burns from a couple years ago are finally healed and so I can walk easily again. According to the doctor the burns were only 1st and 2nd degree burns covering about 2% of my body. From the amount of time to heal and the way the scars still hurt when a storm is moving in I wonder if some of the burn area wasn't closer to 3rd degree.

The kidding season is done. Only 4 kids this year. But they all survived which is more than sometimes. I really need to get the excess bucks to auction this year. I have a cousin who raises livestock and takes them to auction sometimes so maybe we can co-ordinate events.

Since I am facing a challenging day at work I am taking it easy this morning. I type a bit then cut a few wires for the chicken coop, then type some more. This way I am at least set up to be a little more productive when I get back to actually doing the wiring for the chickens.

One nice thing about rural Arkansas. There are several places in town to sell excess eggs. And, the immediate area has several couples that have retired from elsewhere that want farm eggs but not chickens. I am hoping to tap in to that. If things go well enough maybe I can cut back to part time so that the stress of my day job doesn't kill me.

Are these kinds of ramblings "off topic" for a farm journal? I don't believe so. After all, the people in our lives and our health are why most of us on BYH have made these changes. Or, at the very least they have an impact on how we do the things we do and the choices we make.

Having all the things to do are how I deal with depression and such. Caring for my goats and such has to happen no matter what my emotional state might be. And often how I am feeling changes as I witness the antics of my charges. When I hurt myself the doctor was concerned enough about my state of being to offer an anti-depressant. Not a normal practice a lot of the time. I've read since that depression does have an impact on how fast healing occures and how dedicated a person is to doing therapy or making necessary changes.

As I have said before, even on a day when death has been on "my little farm" I would still rather be doing what I do.

Well, for now I have to get ready to earn that paycheck. And, it is such a beautiful day too. I'd rather be working in my garden or putting the finishing touches on that space for the chickens. Oh well, I have to be able to feed the birds too, so that paycheck is pretty important right now.

Untill next time....


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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I showed my dad the things I've been able to do on the chicken coop and he was pleased with the results. He also understood that I am very concerned about my mother's cat being kept out of the chicken coop. As well as the bantams being kept in at least for now. End result...he bought the fence I needed to finish the one the last part, about 10 ft or so. With plenty of fencing left over.

I've been out to check on the strawberries. Some flowers, but very few have set to become berries. Oh well, they are usually just a treat anyway. I don't have enough plants to have berries to put up.

On to another note.

Below is a picture of my oldest dog. She is about 9 years old now, I think. I was told that she was part German Shepherd, part Great Pyr. and that her sire was full black Lab. I don't see the Great Pyr. at all. She certainly has her place. She alerts when someone is coming up the drive. Or when something is getting too close to that side of the goat pasture. She also discourages people who "just want to look around". Since her yard is all electric they can't seem to tell if every thing is fenced or just a yard. Welcome visitors know she is just noisy. Once I go into the yard for a while and chat over the fence she calms right down. She has never really gotten "stay". At least she knows "sit" fairly well.

Again, here is her picture. Her name is Lady.


Here is the next. He is about 3 years old. The vet says he is part Great Pyr. As I stated elsewhere I don't particularly see it. But his bark is really impressive for a dog that only weighs about 60 lbs. He knows how to sit and we are working on waiting for the food to be put in his bowl. He does dig a lot, but interestingly enough never by the fence. The holes he digs are always out in the middle of his area. As you might suspect, his name is Rusty.


I suspect my mother's dog is one that the only pictures I will get are ones that are behind the fence or with someone holding on to her. She is that rambunctious. She does know how to sit. But, if she is too excited she will not listen. At a guess she is about 2 years old. Her name is Kjasa (a word that just means dog - in what ever language it is.)


Now, if I can just get pictures of the cats....

Over the next few days I have got to get my yard work done. At least trimming under the electric fence. The grass grows thick enough under there it interferes with the flow of electricity. Hmm, my weed eater only works for about 15 minutes at a time so maybe I will go do some of that before work. Then the battery can be recharged for later.

Better get busy...until next time.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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Well, I got the chicks out to the hen house. Maybe I'm not doing things "properly" but it is working and that is all that matters to me. All chickens involved are healthy and have been for the entire time I've had them.

My older hen is quite docile and the coop project is going so slowly. I took the chicks out there today.

I thought my "escape artist" would be first as that one is always trying to fly out of the brooder when I open the screen. But surprisingly the one I believe is female was the one who tried to fly out. So she was the first to be taken out there. All went well. The adult hen has shown more interest in her surroundings today than she has in months. She was a bit protective of her food and water (until she had her fill). She has pecked most of the new chickens but only when they were getting too close to her food and water before she was finished.

She has not attempted to chase any nor has she been pecking as soon as another gets close. I did see her eat and drink more than at any one time since her last companion died. She is also vocalizing more than usual. But it isn't her trouble sound. She seems intrigued but maybe a little intimidated by so many.

I took the chicks out one at a time. Waiting a few moments between each. One Cherry Egger got too close almost immediately and was put in his place. But, the others have been more interested in other things.

When I was out there a few minutes ago the older hen was under "her" step. And paying no attention to the younger ones getting into the food. I think she has been lonely and just wants the others to learn that they are being allowed into her space. At least that is how it seems to me.

Now I can get the brooder out of my house. I will move it out to the chicken house so that the chicks have a familiar place to be this evening. As well as a space the older chicken can't get into easily. So that if she does get possessive they can still get to their own food and water.

I found myself remembering Gandalf from "The Hobbit" - book version - where he is introducing Bilbo and the dwarves to the shape shifter. He introduces them one at a time in a rather long process.

For now I need to get busy again.

Until next time.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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All is quiet in the hen house. Temp wise the chicks will be fine. And they have a huddle box if they need it. I plan to do as much on that chicken run tomorrow as possible. And check on the birds periodically all day.

For now bed is a must. It was too hot inside last night and I didn't want to turn on the A/C. So very little sleep. Tonight has cooled down nicely so I intend to enjoy it and get my rest.

Good night.


Loving the herd life
May 23, 2015
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I had to chuckle when I noticed the thread tools drop down box. One of the options, as I'm sure most know, is to change the title. I consider what I've written and "bits and pieces" describes the context quite well.

Sometimes I feel a bit like this is a monologue. I really enjoy getting responses to what I write but I also know that spring and summer are really busy seasons. I also know, that some are at least reading even if they don't have time to post.

My chicken run project is coming nicely. I'll sure be glad when it is done though.

Out in the hen house the adult hen is watching the youngsters with a good bit of interest. I don't think she has seen a young chicken since she was young herself. At least I can't see an adult hen being in or near the same chicken house as the ones that are growing up. Remember the adult hen is my "Tyson Escapee".

The young ones are just doing what they do. Investigating everything. I suppose they are testing to see "is it good to eat?" or maybe "is this fun to play with?". I really don't know but it seems reasonable to me.

The way I'm going about this chicken run project is a bit long I suppose. But, my hands get so sore. My work gloves are too bulky to protect my hands from the wire. My garden gloves are for pulling weeds so they are really too thin for what I need. So I take my project slow. Cut 20 or so pieces of wire, put them in place, cut 20 more, put those in place, etc. Like I said, slow going. But it is getting done. One side is finished entirely. One end is about half done. One side is half done. I wanted to be sure I got the poultry netting in place promptly. But at least I'm getting that side wired as I place the netting. That poultry netting is one of the heavier gauges available. Since it is over chainlink I believe it will hold all right. If my coop was just the netting I wouldn't trust it for a minute. If I can bend the wire just about anything else could too.

When I'm done though the only things able to get in easily will be small snakes or mice. With an outdoor cat or two on the move all night the mice are not a problem. Wouldn't you know it. One of the cats is enough of a hunter that she takes down full size rabbits periodically. So I have to think in terms of "keeping the cat out" as well as other preditor types. She tries to follow me everywhere so I will have to be observant when I go into or come out of the run.

Yesterday that cat was stalking a bobwhite quail. Yes, the bird flew away in time really startling me in the process. I thought about ordering chicks from a hatchery but decided to go local instead. If I had I probably would have gone with the hatchery that sells bobwhite quail as well. Then tried to let the birds free range. If I did how would I know they were my birds I was seeing? If you are wondering I am hearing a bobwhite call as I write.

For now, I need to get back to that wiring.

Until later....

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