Mystang's Homesteading Circus


True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
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Charlestown IN
Yesterday a gentleman showed up at or front door around 9:30pm, just as the last rays of the sun were starting to fade. He looked like he was in his 40's. He came up walking sideways to the door, instead of straight up to it like normal, much like you'd watch someone who just looked through your windows to see if you were there.

I opened the door to find out what he wanted and he said that he wanted to talk after seeing the sign at the start of our driveway which says, "The Good Shepherd Homestead". Stating that we must be "people of God" and he would like to talk to us about our religion I tried to ask questions but none seemed to go anywhere. It seemed as though he didn't really have anything to talk about. I'm an introvert so trying hold a conversation with anyone can be a challenge even when they want to talk back so at times there was just awkward silence.

I asked him if he wanted some water, trying to be a good host and expecting him to say no, but he said yes. I opened the door and in he walks with us. Still trying to be nice I hand him a glass and offer him a seat. We stay there "talking" for another 20 min or so when he gets up and walks to the door and stares out it. The wife and I stand up, we all walk outside and he asks if I would mind if he looked around at the property, talking it all in.

Putting aside the red flags and Bell alarms that are pounding in my head I tell him I'll show him around. I tell him the history of the place, show him the chickens and rabbits etc. In the meanwhile my wife has the sense to take down the make, model, color and license number. As we make it back to the car he finally hands me back my cup, (kinda thought it was going with him though I really wouldn't have minded) and I but him a good night and safe travels.

By this time the sun is gone and night is there. My wife and I go inside and immedietely lock all doors and shut off the lights, looking at him from a crack in the shades. He stayed in the car for another 5 - 10 min. Finally, he turned his car on and after another couple of min drive down the driveway till he got to the end, stopping there for another min or so.

My wife and I watch him the entire time wandering which way he'll turn. Right takes him further in the country away from the way he HAS to take in order to get home. Left takes him to the main road. He takes a right. Goes straight to my neighbor's house who wasn't home, drives up their driveway and sits there with the lights on for another 5 minutes then he turned the off, got ito and proceeded to walked around with a flash light.

Police were immediately called and we were told they were on the way and to call them back if he left. About 20 min later he left, again going right. I called and told the police again, relating to them which way he went.

I never saw the police but eventually I did see a car that was traveling very slowly down the road towards the main road later in the night. Never heard from the police today either. I've never had to dial 911 but I'm not impressed with our police department. My wife and I have never felt so unsafe as we did yesterday in any of our houses and the police did nothing. We moved out here to get away from that stress. I have never locked the doors out here, never felt unsafe but the does have stayed locked so far and will be so into the foreseeable future.

This world is sad.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I'm sorry you guys had that experience. I guess having lived in an area with far more trouble than we have here we still have a bit of paranoia with people that act strange. It has only happened once in all of the time we have been here but I opened the door to a dude that I had seen walking down our 1500' driveway several minutes before I saw his car coming. I'm not real friendly if I get those red flags and have no problem telling someone to move along but I also have the means to back it up if needed.

It really does sound like he was casing your place and the neighbors.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
We have a gate offset from the road, our place is completely fenced in. We have Great Pyrenees, one jumps fences and he is almost always at the gate. If anybody came walking down or driving down our driveway like that, and we didn't know them, they would be greeted by at least one of us being armed. We sure as heck wouldn't let them in the house nor show them around. You got conned.

That was most likely a druggie looking for something to steal. He'll be back.


True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
You got conned
Mmm,I look at it a bit differently. To be conned would mean that he was able to pull the proverbial wool over our eyes. However, my wife and I were very well aware of what his possible motives were and tried to play it smarter since playing aggressively wouldn't have worked in it favor. The only thing that he got was a friendly welcome. I don't know what brought him but I do know that God allowed him so whatever happens is for a good reason. I can only hope that he took the friendly greeting to heart and perhaps give him something to think about.

For reasons left alone I don't own a gun so self defense via that means is quite unfortunately unavailable. Therefore playing smarter than the nearest thug may be more beneficial than aggrevating the man who looks like he's experienced about 10 more street fights than I have. My way is more the kill them with kindness approach.

Don't take that as my saying the kill them with a bullet approach doesn't work and wouldn't be preferred when push comes to shove but when you have a lemon....make lemonade :D =D
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
That is a bit creepy... I sure hope nothing bad comes of it.