Ohiogoatgirl's 2018 Lambing thread


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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I don't know if this will help but I use little #'d ear clips along with tagging just in case one loses there tag. :frow Then mark it in my notebook so I know who is who!

I read up a lot on the metal ones before I ordered the ones I ordered (small plastic ones I could customize on one side and numbers on the other side). Midget and Pigpig had those little metal tags. Pigpig 'lost' hers a while ago and I haven't thought to inspect Midget's ear but I would guess she has by now as well.
And on two of the facebook groups I'm on like 99% of people had problems with the metal ones. Tearing out, infections, even allergic reactions. Then I noticed Pigpig had lost hers so I just went with the smallest plastic ones from premier. I figure if they break etc I won't buy them again. But they were of the least complaint tags it seemed.

I've used a drop of food coloring on the head in a pinch. You can use the same color for the dam as the lambs. It rubs off on things a little if you use too much but I didn't have a problem with it staining the fleece and it lasted for a month or so.

OHH! Good idea! I may even have some food coloring! I use marker in the rabbits ears to sex them so that was another thought. I will have to keep this one in mind though!


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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The belly stare... Short clip of three of the white cross ewes.

Guesses as to who will have how many?

Hairy, twins. Pigpig, single. Midget, single. Shetland ewe, single (tiny twins??). Black cross ewe, twins. Two older white cross ewes, twins. Two younger white cross ewes, singles.
Think pink you guys! :pop:caf

Today I cleaned out the stalls.. I know, last minute :hide but there is only three of them and I have 9 ewes. And right in front of them is all the square bales. I am hoping tomorrow to move the bales around and make some room. I would really like to make enough room to bring over the panels and be able to have all the ewes in that barn once they lamb. They wouldn't have pasture access for that time but since everything is a muddy mess that is really what they need. It would also give me a nice little area to keep an eye on them all and not off on a wild chase with the wily ones. I want to work with the lambs plenty so that the replacements will all be plenty tame to work with going forward.

Also it would give the paddock time to not be trampled and hopefully dry out! :fl And the ewes will be easily accessible to be grabbed and shorn. Which hopefully will be enough room for me to do the shearing in there too... Ugh I hope...


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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I got back in from the last check about midnight. No signs of labor. Hairy has slight discharge but nothing else yet to show. Me thinks she takes the hostage lambing as a challenge... :barnie

It is raining... again... more... The paddock situation is not improving. I am not able to make room in the barn with the stalls to make a pen. May talk to dad about looking at it with me and coming up with a plan. Being that we won't need hay too much longer and there is plenty left still I might convince him to help me move some out into the overhang area to make barn space for a pen for the ewes.

Also one of the white ewes seems to have started rooing. So I'd like to get them really dried off even more so now. Their continued feed bill is kind of hinging on them making nice wool to sell.


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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I had really been trying to put vibes into the universe for Hairy to be up and around with a lamb or two when I got home... Tired I slogged up the hill... The ewes eyes gleam in the weak headlamp light, oh good they are near the fence I can just peek over at them... I turn on the big flashlight (real bright) and I swear it looked like Hairy was starting to prolapse. I panicked a half second. Went got feed, lured the ewes in the shelter, shut them (and me) in,... Stare at back ends... Nothin... She looks like her bits are going to just jiggle and slide right off she looks so ready to lamb..

Obviously I am relieved but I was really hoping I had seen wrong and it was actually a glance of hooves poking out.


I don't work tomorrow so I am gonna stay up a bit and work on some spinning. Try to relax. And go back and check again before I go to sleep.


True BYH Addict
Jan 4, 2011
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1:30am I checked again. I am not 100% what is going on but crossing my fingers because I am tired.
I walked out. The ewes were all settled over near the fence so I walked that way and not into the pen. Shine the big light around. All laying down settled in, looks normal. One ewe got up and stretched and took a few steps. Somehow prompting most of the ewes to stand, stretch, and take a few steps over.
What I think I saw was some kind of fleshy mass (not terribly large) protruding from Hairy's vulva. Nothing like any pictures I have seen of prolapses. Reddish, pinkish, about the same as the fleshy outer bits on her. But definitely something outside of that very quickly and seemingly easily slipped back in once she stood and took a couple steps.

I am really crossing my fingers. I have done some extra reading up on prolapses and how to tie up a make-do harness. I am REALLY hoping there will be no trouble and she will have healthy lambs and be just fine in the morning. Any suggested recommended reading on prolapses? So far it seems like older ewes, fat ewes, or multiple lambs generally cause them. And while I have read about short docking correlating to higher rates of prolapse, she is docked shorter that I would do it but not wayyy up there like the show sheep are done. Her tail is like a silly bump that falls about half over her vulva.

It also figures that of any of them it will be the ewe that cost the most to have issues... o_O (not that any of mine have been all that pricey)..


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
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Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
:fl they start pushing lambs out real soon before you lose your mind.