rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Well, God loves me.
Last night I got a text from the vet asking to reschedule the herd's CVI appointment for Friday because it would be raining and she had the opportunity to switch the appointment with an appointment down south of us where she'd be helping another vet. I said sure.
I went to bed feeling a little off after frying some eggplant. By midnight I was vomiting and stuck in the bathroom losing all the water I wasn't sending to Mr. Baby Shaun. So by morning I was out of puke and just losing everything I drank about an hour later and Shaun was having the time of his life all night on the milk bar, lol. I just wanted to shake and sleep, so he got what he wanted. So I could hardly walk across room, doing chores about killed me, sending me into more dry vomiting fits there was no way I could have had the goats lined up and ready for their CVI's.

Anyway, today is a slow day. Baby Shaun has been denied the milk bar and distracted and is instead trolling for flavored Polar carbonated water (no sugar, so who cares?). I'm very dehydrated, but I know when to go in for an IV of fluids if I need it. Well, poo. My plans are derailed.

It also looks like closing might be put off until Monday anyway. I guess I'll go watch The History Guy on Youtube.

It's pouring and very windy with breaks of windy spitting. Last night it was so loud. No trees appear to be down. Another blessing.

On a side note, the best way to get your lab ransacked for treats is to put an apple cinnamon air freshener in it and have a 6 year old Dan. Once I get better I have a lot of mess to clean up. After I'm feeling better he's going to be held accountable this time, but in the mean time I don't want him near my animal meds.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
That is horrible Rachel!! Any idea what caused the illness? Anyone else praying to the porcelain god?
I hope you get over it fast. Might need some electrolytes, can't blow everything like that without getting out of balance.

We don't have a Danger Dan but we don't use air fresheners of any sort. Too many fragrance issues here to pollute the air with man made "fresh".


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
That is horrible Rachel!! Any idea what caused the illness? Anyone else praying to the porcelain god?
I hope you get over it fast. Might need some electrolytes, can't blow everything like that without getting out of balance.

We don't have a Danger Dan but we don't use air fresheners of any sort. Too many fragrance issues here to pollute the air with man made "fresh".
Airfresheners are for the house sale prep. We don't usually use them either. Too many people who used to try to EAT them. Most of them make me sneeze. This kind on low is passable.

No, no one else is sick yet. I do have issues with nightshade family plants that I usually try to ignore and eat anyway, and my dinner was eggplant (it was good!), so I may have done this to myself, but I was starting to feel off before that too, or so my overtired memory says. I need to get healthy again soon in case they do start dropping. After things slow down I am open to Bay's apple cider vinegar trick, but I may stick with rice and yogurt. I may even break out the immodium or pepto at some point because my system has too much fun being in hyper drive once it starts and I've got to live. We're going to fly out the 4th to put up pens and stalls, back on the 7th, animals go on the 10th, then we leave formally after the movers leave on the 12th (hauling the house dogs and cats). Kind of a tight, intense, critical period we're heading into.

I am also using powerade and gatorade, but gently like everything else. I recommend powerade for the extra electrolytes it has. Not sure it makes a difference, but whatever.
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Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Took Pepto, was able to drink 3 powerades, muscle cramping started getting worse so I went to bed to let it sort itself out. I woke up better-less cramped and less weak, and drank another powerade. I've got a migraine coming on, but after all that I can't be surprised. I think it's safe to say I'm probably out of gut flora, but I don't really care. My first goal was hydration. The rest I can fix later.

As soon as I feel good enough the doe shed needs a shoveling after our 2-3 day north easter. vet is coming tomorrow.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Thoughts like that make me grateful for Aiden. Both he and Dan are actually pretty good generally but Aiden has really calmed down and matured in the last year or so.
Shaun arted with a fun pen while I was down (and destroyed the tip of the pen, but all pens go eventually...). The cooler will eventually be washed, but I get to keep the picture. I will get back to more goat stuff once I can see straight and remember what I'm doing again. Love my little animals.

Shauns art Oct.jpg