rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Yes, like when the kids are fighting on road trips and won't stop we can put them in the bed instead and they can caterwaul and yell at eachother into the wind!

In all mostly seriousness, I will need a truck, but I'm not sure I'll feel like buying a $3k cow afterwards. Buying vehicles is a bit of a wallet sucker punch that kind of makes you done for a while, lol. A truck would be REALLY handy when doing garbage and feed runs. And I intend to take wethers to the processor at some point. More than 4 small ones like last time! and pigs if they are too tricky to do at home.

The buck pen fence is done (rain storm assisted). Back to a heat wave for us. Now I need to decide if the pen needs a hay rack for easy feeding and a water trough like the does or not. I'll decide tomorrow (today, since I didn't post this at time of writing). I'm so relieved! I wasn't sure if I was going to get it done before rut. The adult buck I have that will probably be a one season wonder and move on because he likes to beat up on his "friends" and it should only get worse as rut approaches (and not molest them, he likes crushing other goats into the fence or ground and hearing them scream and crushing them harder until their screams fade and THEN he lets up, so yes, he's gonna go, hopefully to a pen full of all standard bucks that are bigger than him since he's a SMALL adult lamancha). They need all the room they can get for now.

I also put a dehumidifier in the shop recently because it's always musty and too humid in there.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Our bucks were all penned together and occasionally indulged in homosexual (Capra sexual?) behavior. My sons thought this was hysterically funny. They were never dominant with other bucks or does to the point you are describing so I think you should definitely sell him on.

Glad the fence is in. Fenceline feeders really make it easy to feed and having a refillable watter source in drought times is necessary. Moving right along!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Our bucks were all penned together and occasionally indulged in homosexual (Capra sexual?) behavior. My sons thought this was hysterically funny. They were never dominant with other bucks or does to the point you are describing so I think you should definitely sell him on.

Glad the fence is in. Fenceline feeders really make it easy to feed and having a refillable watter source in drought times is necessary. Moving right along!

Around here we call it "Pan-sexual" as in this guy.


And not the pan of frying or french bread. And I expect them to do that. Lots more than occasionally. A buck bunny party.

I've had does do that ramming and crushing behavior and they also got moved on. It seemed to be a screw loose in the dominance sector of their intellect and they did it a lot in relative to valued resources. I didn't think bucks did it too. (You learn something new every day, I guess.) My buck pen is usually rolling in resources so no need for competition for ANYTHING. He just does it with no rhyme or reason. So yes, I'm going to use him and send him on.

** for clarity. I had a 2 year old yelling at me to get my rear in gear and take him to see the world in the car and not just sit in the driveway and run the AC.
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Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
About an hour and a half ago Hera, my Little Orchard lamancha, decided to take out the "garden area" side of the parimeter fence, which is chainlink, so I had to go get the poly wire out of the garage and posts I'd bought for the purpose earlier and put up a DONT TOUCH ME fence so I would not have goats all over my property and on the porch and in the toxic front bushes. Hera is a fence wrecking hippo. With a beautiful udder.
So the chicken run should be goat proof now, and will be chicken proof later.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
They learn so quickly. Our first 2 Nubian milkers were calm and docile star milkers. They did not break fences, but quickly learned how to undo the gate latches. I would send DS2, 5, and DS3, 3, to put them back in their pen. The goats were easy to catch and walked along with the boys who were the same size as they were. LOL