Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Yesterday, Alaska sent me this for Thanksgiving! I was pretty popular ... All my coworkers love anyone with food!


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I think that part of not being "part of the family" must be cultural, or perhaps it comes with the last name that we share. Maybe your ex and my DH really are related. I've been married 37 years and still not part of the family.

Manny is doing well and will probably be ready to come home in a few weeks. He has 6 does that he bred and a few more that he might have. At this point any does that aren't bred aren't going to be bred...I'm done.

I have two minis that I luted as they were bred by a standard and they are now short cycling. I MAY try and fix that but that is it. I have 44 does that are bred that I have dates on. Seven that are most likely bred with no dates, and 10 that are a big ????


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hey there, just checking in.

My Alaska is fine. He was on the road, so not him personally but they felt the quakes in his area. He isn't in the immediate area that it hit. The roads being impacted may affect supplies and prices on anything that gets shipped up that way though.

I am working on Christmas things. My DS3 and I put up the Christmas tree for DS2. He should be visiting and while neither I nor DS3 mind too much, we figured DS2 (lover of all tradition and schedules) would really prefer the tree and all that goes with it. I will be out of town, joining Alaska on a holiday visit to Texas to meet the rest of the family. I am making a little something that I can't share yet, cause someone might see it, but I am excited and I'll share pics once it is over.

I have had a week of giggling fits.... the kind that don't stop until I have tears in my eyes. We made jalapeno poppers. They were delicious, but one batch had the seeds left in on purpose… we thought we could handle the heat.... as I was eating them, mouth blistering, eyes watering but my silly brain enjoying the delicious pain... I had this thought... "My taste buds are soooo happy!!!! :drool But my arsebuds aren't gonna be!!! " :barnie….. and everytime I remember thinking that, specifically the "arsebuds" part... I start to giggle uncontrollably and the tears start up! :thI swear! I can't take me anywhere!!! :old Confession.... even after "paying the price" for eating such spicy treats... I couldn't help myself. I had some more for breakfast. :th:hide but they were delicious!:plbb

I had a migraine on Saturday, so I didn't get as much done as I needed to, but I did manage to get a few things done on Sunday ... I need 2 more of the "bee" hooks for my jacket/sweatshirt hooks, but I am tickled by how good they look, and now I have a place for my purses to hang on the flower nobs. That one is covering the spot where the old mail slot was. When I moved in here, the cover was all dented and I took it off thinking I'd replace it, but the stores only ever had the larger metal covers.... so it has had tape over the hole for the last 12 years. And the green mailbox is so i have a place to drop my mail until I get a chance to open it.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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So I found this and figured it was exactly what I ought to get them for Christmas... I mean it is basically already labeled for them. I just added the ribbons and nametags. :p I have a feeling my "sanchas" are gonna like it.... especially if I use some of that to make the garlic bombs, which just so happens to be what I was shopping for beer for in the first place!

Today was a sad day. Reese went to a new home with her wild child from this year. I know the kid can come around, Reese was our wild child after all. But I am so sad cause Reese was one of my foundation girls. My main one in fact. She went to a great home that has Janes final baby (the one that she had a C-section to deliver) and their foundation buck was Armanis half brother that they bought from me. They have admired Reese for awhile, so I know this was the right home for her. Great family. They promised to help me get back some of my girls or at least a kid or 2 from them in the future if I need to get back into nigerians. They understand. I still have tears but it helps. a little.:(

Jasmines tumor is back and very aggressive. The little bit of muscle left, has atrophied and the tumor is basically turning her whole leg into stone. I know we are on a very short bit of borrowed time. :hit

We have had rain. That's good. But it makes my yard muddy and gross. :sick

I have a potential lead on a home for Jane and Spellbound. My other 2 foundation does :(. A potential lead on a place for Armani too. :fl

I had a couple good, long conversations with my daughter (my twins turn 22 tomorrow) and I called my Grandma a few nights ago... we were talking until 10:30 and only got off the line because I had to go pick up my kid from work. I don't know where I get the inclination to stay up until all hours of the night!?!?!:D


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Are you selling Manny? He is about ready to come back home.

Sorry about Jasmine, never easy...


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I have got a lot going on right now.

Yes, Manny is for sale.

Alaska sent me another edible arrangement.... we met a year ago! :) Time flies... it feels like we've known each other much longer.... but also like we just met!

Just yesterday:
I had a doe kid go home :thumbsup

My well wasn't getting any power :barnie

I was only able to pick up one load of hay but I need another one for the time I will be gone :old

I didn't get breakfast until 2 :confused: cause I was so busy trying to get stuff done to attempt the well tune up

I picked up enough of my favorite chicken grain from the feed store that I cant usually make it to due to hours of operation :clap

I didn't get an answer back about whether I would be able to deliver 2 goats on sunday…. or if they even still wanted them :idunno

I did answer more messages and was able to make an agreement for Tommie to go to a wonderful family that just bought 2 babies from us a few weeks ago (I will just be delivering them in January :))

I was able to get the well back up and running!!! :weeeIt turns out there were these stupid beetly things getting in and shorting out the power.... in all 3 electrical boxes!:eek: I have, in the past, had ants get in and do just that, so I had an idea of what to try. Once power was kicked, I tried to use a clean, dry toothbrush to remove the bugs to no avail. They were like magnetic boomerangs, brushed them out and they swarmed back in!:somad Not wanting to mess with the electrical more than necessary and possibly cause more of an issue or accidentally squish a bug into a connection that might make the situation worse.... so I ran to the store for canned air and poison. The canned air was able to effectively blast them out of the crevices enough for me to spray them with the poison and stop the migration back into the boxes. I was not spraying the poison into the electrical boxes, just on the bugs to prevent them getting back in once they were evicted, and around the base of the posts supporting the boxes. :th:th:th Total relief!!!! and counting my blessings, both for the well and having water... but also that the issue was before I left. I would worry way more, if this happened while I was gone and my son had to deal with this stressful of situation on his own, and having no water for the house or animals. :old

and then I totally forgot about the company Christmas party until my coworker sent me a message reminding me of the time they were coming to get me.... :barnie I made it though! Even managed to clean up in time and we had a wonderful time!!!... although.... our whole party got their food at the same time except for me. The server asked how my steak was supposed to be done and then apologetically looked at the one she had in her hands, mentioned that it was well done instead of medium rare and she would hurry to exchange it for me. So another 10 minutes or so later, she runs back in and says that for my wait, they have added another portion of crab legs to my plate, apologized profusely again. I wasn't upset, I had enough salad, appetizers and such, so I was fine and I am really patient anyways.... but my steak was perfectly cooked (unlike some of the others) and I got 2x the crab legs! :droolYeah for me!

LOOONG day! But great food, good company, nice end of the night. :D =D
Alaska and I were exchanging messages and he sent me some info for a local beauty salon. He is offering me the opportunity to go in for some pampering, a chance to get my hair and nails done, access to all the grooming that I could want. An early Christmas gift. I cant wait! Those services aren't inexpensive. I have only had my nails done a couple times because of the expense, though I really liked it. It does make me to feel much more feminine. And I rarely get my hair cut, I don't usually give much thought to how it is done... practicality rules, between my job and the farm, its always up in a bun or clips. It curls/waves and does crazy things when given its freedom! :thWe will see what the salon is able to do if they can get me in on Thursday! :old


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
It turns out there were these stupid beetle things getting in and shorting out the power.... in all 3 electrical boxes!
How bizarre! Can you get some silicone caulk in the areas they are using to get into the boxes?

Alaska and I were exchanging messages and he sent me some info for a local beauty salon.
He doesn't think you are beautiful enough already??