Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Hog panels are my race. Not perfect but it works. That is, until a friend brought me 5 wild sheep that would rather go OVER the hog panels! I’ve about got them calmed down, but Cleo and Rip are still iffy. No lift the tail, fecal sample for them! I just gotta follow them around and wait for brown pearls. LOL


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
My husband is getting a welder as early Hannukah & birthday present. I'm going to have him make me the rigid frame of chute panels with a couple of brace bars across. It's like $15 for a 20ft stick of square tube.;) Then I'll cover with free reclaimed pallet boards. I want to be able to move setup around since I'm still expanding.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My husband is getting a welder as early Hannukah & birthday present. I'm going to have him make me the rigid frame of chute panels with a couple of brace bars across. It's like $15 for a 20ft stick of square tube.;) Then I'll cover with free reclaimed pallet boards. I want to be able to move setup around since I'm still expanding.
A welding machine! I want one!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Forget the machine -I want a welder! :D =D

until a friend brought me 5 wild sheep that would rather go OVER the hog panels!
Whoever could that horrible person be? She should have trained those sheep better!

I have heard that solid side panels are better for a chute. I did make some tie-on panels out of a canvas drop cloth but have never used them. I think cutting lightweight plywood (1/4"-3/8")into the right size, drilling holes in the top and bottom and wiring them on the hog panels would work well. Wes Patton has a wire chute and has wired plywood panels in the chute sides.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I have heard that solid side panels are better for a chute.
Well, ya' know, I've been looking around a LOT lately. LOL and I've got the tilt-a-whirl to prove it and every single chute panel that I've seen is solid. I'm so used to working with panels that have slats/bars. All the sorting and running sheep through sorting panels for herding trials are slats/ bars. Must be the old style?? I keep looking for that but can't find it. We'll probably be wood framing cut to size hog panels to make what I want. Probably save some $$ that way I think. But ya' know wouldn't those solid panels be prone to moving in a good wind??? Not that I'd be using them in a big wind, but stacked, stored, or set up I'd be thinking "wind sail".


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The other day DS1 took the hitch apart on the gooseneck. He had to drill out the set screw to get it apart, but since the set screw only holds the hitch in position while fixing the big bolt and tightening it down, that will not be a problem. Then he used Royal Jelly to get a lot of the rust off, then a wire wheel drill attachment to grind off the rest of the rust. Having gotten the hitch clean of rust he made a sad discovery. The plate inside the inner hitch tube that rests on the hitch ball has several large rust holes in it.
Tomorrow DH and I will take the hitch part over to Ekhart Trailer and see if they can repair it or order another. The rest of the hitch is in good shape. DH and DS1 were not sure if the hitch would be safe to use without the part that rests on the ball. Hopefully the trailer place can repair it without any trouble. DS1 and I will be going to Texas in DS2's truck (he has a built-in tonneau cover on the bed so any boxes will stay dry) and the 16' trailer. DH wanted hm to pull the gooseneck but he has never pulled a gooseneck, so I said no. DH is driving now when he wants so will be able to pull the gooseneck to Texas in January and again with the sheep.

I measured the cabinet in the shed that I am going to remove and bring to Texas. I measured it for shelves and it is 15" deep so just buying a 1 x 12 piece of lumber for making shelves won't work. However, I figured out that I can get all ten 15" deep x 14" wide and one 15" x 27" shelves cut out of a 4' x 8' piece of 5/8" plywood. They will be sturdy since the stuff going on the shelves will be heavy tools. DS1 suggested waiting till we get to Texas to get the plywood and cut the shelves, but it will be bad weather there to cut them outside. The weather is good here and by doing them here and bringing them with me I can install the cabinet and shelves immediately. That will be important since I will be needing to put away stuff in the cabinet as soon as we arrive.

I have decided to go to Palm Springs to look for a sofa in December. That way if we don't find anything, I can check Costco in January when they bring in furniture after Christmas. If we still don't like anything DH says we can look at a La-Z-Boy store in Tyler. I am keeping the white upholstered chairs in the living room and will store them in the Connex here. I really like the style and they are comfortable.

I am considering making a doorway into the spare bedroom from the front hallway in Texas. By using bifold doors I can make it into secondary living space/spare room. I won't do it immediately, but it is an option since the house is a 4 BR with only one small living room. Unfortunately, I always want to add on and renovate. I need to keep stopping myself from doing this or the house will get too big for a retirement place for DH and I. I am already thinking about adding a large master bedroom and bath with walk-in closet on the end of the house. Probably not a good idea on a major highway, but there are some really big new mansions on that highway already.

Making leg of lamb for supper tonight. Last night I baked chicken on top of leeks with a mushroom gravy. Really tasty. Leeks are very mild flavored. I will try to grow some in our eventual garden.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I have plans for that too. Also, before any adding on to the house I want to put in an open sided hay barn across the driveway from the house. That would give us a place to ark the 5th wheel, truck and tractors out of the weather and prevent any hail damage. Also a spot to store hay under cover. we could tractor bales over to the barn as needed.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
DDIL2 cleaned out the boys' nursery. She took down the toddler bed since Robert won't use it. She has a fold out mattress in the floor where she would sleep when getting up during the night with the kids. She didn't want to wake up DS2 who has to get up and report for work very early. Now both boys sleep on the floor mattress. She uses the crib for the baby during the day for naps. And we use it for Anabel when she is here. She emptied the closet too and brought me a bunch of heavy jackets that were in the nursery closet. I didn't know they were there since the closet was blocked off. I will be packing them in large totes to go to Texas.

I wonder if DDIL2 is as anxious for us to go as I am to move. Space is tight as the boys grow bigger. The family room where we watch TV is wall to wall toys. DH comes back to watch in the bedroom sometimes if it gets too noisy. His hearing aids are sensitive to shrieking from the kids.

DS1 and I have to go to Texas in December. We will take back fence sections to make a night fold in Texas. I will take back as much as I can pack. DH might rent a proper furniture trailer to transport the rest of the furniture since they have better springs. Remember how the stock trailer shook my antique buffet apart? I am wondering if renting a U-Haul truck would be better and tow the car behind it.

Monday -
Truck to shop - DH took it for the smog test but the smog people said that the engine trouble light wouldn't come on and it needed to. They passed it anyway since with the new engine it should come on. Shop will take look. Said the light bulb might just be burned out. DH said maybe that is why he didn't notice that the truck was getting hot last year. Anyway, picked him up at the shop and took hi to his VA appt. Then over to Ekhart Trailer to see about the gooseneck coupler. Ekhart said not to pull the trailer with the rotted out ball plate which we didn't plan to do anyway. They didn't have one so sent us to Santa Clarita to TSC. No luck there either and can't order one according to their computer. DH called another place bout 10 miles away and they had one - $100 more than TSC (who didn't have it anyway) so we got it. It is much longer than the one we are replacing so will probably have to hve it cut down and a notch put in to match the old one. Store said it could be returned if we don't cut it down. DS1 will check around for another one. Good news is that they are available online. Better news is that some places have free delivery - the thing weighs about 40 lbs!

DH has discovered that the new Hallmark Christmas shows are on now.