Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
@Baymule - I hie you don't mind, I ordered 3 boxes of dry cow mastitis tubes sent to your address from Valley Vet. I can't get it shipped to California. There was a notice that said it might be close to expiration but I figure it should be ok. Maybe I can pick up when we come back with another load of stuff. Moving is getting to be a real hassle here. My family doesn't seem to be on board with the move. What is that about? I suppose since we don't have to be out of the house like selling it, they feel there is no rush.
I went down and emptied one of the cupboards I plan to take to Texas. Only 5 screws holding it to studs and other cabinet so no big deal to remove it. I need to empty the other cabinets I am taking next. I can't load them yet since tomorrow we are expecting a large 3-day tropical storm coming up from Mexico. Planning a trip back after Thanksgiving.

We thought we would not have a big Thanksgiving. DD1 is having her own since her in-laws are coming out from Pittsburg. DS3 won't come down since they have no one to feed for them. Figured it would be just 7 adults and the 2 toddlers and baby but now DDIL2 asked about inviting her parents, aunt, and 2 sisters. We are back up to 12 adults. I don't know where they will sit since the living room is covered in boxes and packing stuff. I hope it will be good weather so everyone can sit out on the patio until dinner at 5pm. :fl I need to move around some of the packing stuff and clear out the room a bit, but I am still packing stuff so . . . . We can't use the brass end tables since they have glass tops, and I already packed the glass. Anyone putting a glass on those tables can expect it to go right onto the floor!

We have to have Christmas on December 9 or 10 for DS2's family. December 9 is DD2's birthday, December 10 is Nichlas' first BD. The following week DDIL2, DS2, and the boys are flying to the Philippines for Christmas. I think I have all their stuff bought though so that is good. Not going to be a big Christmas for everyone else either. I have finished gifts for DGS2, DGD1, and possibly DS3. I have to check I think I bought T-shirts in Texas. I plan to ask for Amazon gift certificates for my gifts so I can use them for my Kindle books. Usually, I have got my Christmas shopping under control by now but this year too much has been going on with moving. :(


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Thank you!

It started raining today, very lightly. Supposed to rain tomorrow and Friday. We were going to work on the sheep tomorrow and Friday so if it is dry tomorrow morning, I will have DS1 run all the flock into the barn so we can work on them where it is dry. If it rains, they will be soggy so will probably wait until this weekend.

I think I should have just bred them last summer and waited to bring them to Texas until after weaning the lambs. :somad My fault and I was stupid.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I moved with a lot less ewes than you did, twice! There is no right way. You didn’t have a solid moving date, so how could you plan out lambing and weaning? 5 months gestation and 3 months to weaning, we have no crystal ball to tell us the future.

Count your blessings! You are only moving your flock one time. Y’all have already put up parameter fence. You have a BARN!

It will be a hard trip, more on you than your girls, because you will worry about them. They are resilient and will be ok. Y’all bought that super nice trailer, your girls will have the Trailer Hilton to travel in. It will be ok.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Hardly any rain and skies are now blue. However we have a car problem - the seals around the sunroof on the SUV are apparently bad. Got in the car today and ceiling between sunroof and windshield started dripping. Can't be the windshield since the drops were above the windshield, so probably the sunroof. Regular body shop guy doesn't do seals so DH is finding someone else. Needs to be done before moving to Texas! Last time this happened was those terrible storms when DS1 had to wait to drive back due to fixing the gully fence. See how often it rains here? We also have to find a roofer to come check the seals around our HVAC on the roof. Terrible leaking in the house last rains. Called the roof guy the neighbor was using several times and he was supposed to come look but never showed up - guess we'll have to find another.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Last night I kept smelling some sort of chemical odor. I even got up and inspected the house but nothing. An hour ago DS1 came in and said that he smelled something strange, DDIL2 said she thought it smelled like burning rubber. Just now DS1 insisted I come out and check Angel. The odor was explained. SKUNK! DS1 said that he saw Rika wiping her face on the grass last night. Ozel and Rika have kept away from Angel today. It was raining last night and the dogs were barking all night, mostly in the gully. They must have found a skunk. The smell is not as bad as when we drive along and pass where a skunk has been hit by a car. Maybe the rain did not let it get a complete shot at them.

Just saw DS1 outside calling the dogs with a can of deodorizer in his hand. :lol:


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Dogs never learn where skunks are concerned. Sprayed once, it makes the dogs hate skunks forever. I think it turned into a contest—can they kill the skunk before it sprays them?


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
All three have a lingering whiff of Eau de Skunque but not too bad. DS1 sprayed Angel with Lysol. It was very amusing watching him creep up on her with the can held behind his back. It was raining during the skunk incident so I think the rain must have washed most of the skunk spray out of the air before it hit the dogs.

DH is driving again. First couple times his leg cramped up after driving the car. He says he has more room in the truck so better driving that.

Apparently we will be having a larger Thanksgiving than normal this year. I forgot that her mom's elderly aunt lives with them, but it would only be one more so no problem. Now apparently 4 of her siblings will be joining us too. So we lost 5 of DD1's group and have gained 7 Banags. I am praying for nice weather on Thanksgiving so we can sit outside on the patio. DS1 has been finding good deals on turkeys. He got a 22 lb. bird first. Then found a 24 lb. bird at Costco and got that. We will need every bit of the 24 lb. bird. I need to go into the shed and get out the second highchair since we will need both highchairs for the toddlers and yearling. And the booster set. I might have to get out the folding chairs since the other dining room set is already in Texas. I guess I will drag all the packed boxes down to the shed to store them until we go back to Texas. Even though my pix, etc. are already off the walls at least I can free up some floor space in the living room so people can get to the chairs to sit if it is raining.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That sounds like a fun Thanksgiving! My son in law is doing the cooking. It will be at my sisters house. I think he’s planning steak. No turkey or dressing. Blasphemy! But all I have to do is show up, so I’ll shut up and have a nice steak. LOL