Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
My heart weeps for you STA!!! I don't know enough about engines to know just how bad it can be but I like Jan's idea of checking around to see if there are any independent diesel mechanics around who could maybe fix it cheaper. I know my dealer charges $110/hr for labor.

And if you do have to replace it, can you pull off the 3rd function and hydraulic top link parts for the next tractor? And what tractor brands are around? You'll want to shop and compare machines. If there is an RK dealer nearby Mike Morgan's experience with that brand has been quite good and he works his tractors way more than the average "non professional tractor user".


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
:hit :somad :rant

You loved that tractor!

Just like your first love, car, and good dog, your first tractor will never be forgotten. :hugsThis is a very sad day for us all. How will we get more wonderful stories as you blithely run over equipment on the way to do some chore? This is a devastating blow for us all.

However, now you know what you need and really want so if you have to buy a new one, you will be ready to ignore snazzy paint jobs, stereo radios, etc. and concentrate on the important things - a talking oil light!

And know that your friends here at BYH will be with you every step of the way in selecting your new tractor, with contradictory advice, choices only good on our own properties for our own situations, and love in our hearts. :love

Even if you buy a new tractor, follow Farmerjan's advice and look around for someone who can repair your old tractor. Go on line and look for that brand of tractor and maybe you can find someone with a tractor that has a good engine but otherwise Is unusable. If you can find that you (or someone) can repair the old tractor. Or sometimes other brands might have engines that can be interchanged. :fl

If you can get the old tractor repaired after you get a new tractor you will have a backup tractor for emergencies. Remember - the only thing better than a good tractor is 2 good tractors! ;)

Seriously, this was an expensive loss, and I really have sympathy pains for you. Hopefully you can afford another tractor. With this virus cutting into sales, maybe you can get a good deal from the tractor dealership on one. Do they sell used tractors? Can you get one that can take all your different attachments so you don't have to replace all those items too? I sure hope everything works out for you. Loss of equipment or stock is one of the losses that ranchers and farmers hope not to experience. Really sorry.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Just had a thought based on what Bruce posted! If you can get parts, check with the local high school or FFa or 4-H to see if they have a group that are doing work on old engines, etc. Sometimes the local high school has an auto shop that will take the vehicle in and work on it as part of their curriculum. You can give a donation to the school if they don't charge you, and it is a win win for all of you..


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
I am still looking for a tractor. Early in the search I looked for the same model of tractor I have (New Holland TC48DA) with the idea of perhaps removing the engine and putting into my current tractor. But the prices on the 3 tractors for sale were too high, plus I don't have the equipment required, such as an engine hoist, to do such work. So I have broadened my search and have found some possibilities but nothing for sure. I wish there were something akin to Consumer Reports' guide to buying used cars, where they post reliability issues. I would hate to buy a tractor model that had a bunch of reliability issues with it. Maybe I should check out the different tractor forums for the models I am interested in. I will let everyone know once I have found another tractor.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Have you given up on finding someone who can rebuild the engine?

The only folks I talked to, Mr. @Bruce, were the ones at the Alma New Holland dealer, where I had been having my work done. They estimated $10K-$15K to repair, and there was one condition they said that if the engine suffered from then it could not be repaired at all. That estimate made me think that perhaps buying another tractor made more sense.

I am thinking there is a tractor "reliability guide" or something like that.... will have to ask my son....

If you do find such a guide, Miss @farmerjan, please let me know, as I would hate to buy a model that was known for, say, transmission problems.

Senile Texas Aggie