SICK AGAIN! My baby was vomiting, coccidia tx dosage needed...


Loving the herd life
Apr 9, 2010
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Canterbury, CT
Hey free - Sorry you're having problems....I have 12.5% DiMethox on hand - a whole extra bottle at that and I know I live a bit far from you, but if you wanted to meet somewhere in the late afternoon/evening (I work until 4:30) you can have the bottle. I know you've spent a lot of time/energy with the CoRid stuff, so sorry if this is really late in posting, but I find I'm rarely on the computer when I'm home... PM me if you want it.

Good luck - I hope your girls pull through! :fl


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
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Western MA
Just tried to call dh, who is working in Newington this morning, but he is not answering. I have to go in the opposite direction, then he is back in Newington to teach tonight...but won't get home until 10 or 11 PM. I just got in from checking the doelings and I think one, Peach, needs treatment to start this morning. I will start with the Corid as soon as he gets home to help (I need to weigh them) but thank you! If the Corid doesn't work, I may take you up on that. However, I should have a shipment here soon anyways, along with the cd&t anti-toxin.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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Not to be a d*ck, but... :p

freemo said:
The fecal showed mostly coccidia.....but I don't know what numbers are "bad" and what are ok. I am seeing more than I normally do. I'm thinking it might be coccidia. Of course it is Saturday night....

freemo said:
The doelings are bright and eating and the worst one (according to her messy butt last night) was dropping close-to-normal pellet poo, which was a huge relief.
...really not sure I see a problem here. :hide

You had a doeling who got a scour, but she was still bright and alert.. You ran a fecal and saw some coccidia oocysts, but you aren't even sure if it was a pathogenic level of oocysts to begin with, which means you can't definitively say it was coccidiosis to begin with.

Then she, by the next day.

Had that doeling been here, I would have thought...oh, looks like she's scouring...seems OK though...I'll check on her again tonight.

If she was still scouring that night...oh, she's still scouring...I'll check on her in the morning.

If they're scouring, and it's a green or brownish-green scour, and they're up and bright and alert and act more or less normally, I'll watch one go like that for a couple of days before I really even start to be concerned.

This is provided they're not BRAND NEW BABIES or very, very young, of course. I'm just talking kid, with a little meat on their bones and way started on hay and grain and grazing/browsing, etc. Weaning age and up, I guess...

Having said that, if I were you, the very first thing I'd do right now is STOP FREAKING OUT. :)

Then, go to one of the catalog supply houses and find DiMethox. Order it -- either the 40% inj. or the 12.5% solution. Wait two to three days. When it comes in, put them both on whatever amount of it gets you to about 25mg/lb. Do that for about 5 days.

Wait about a month.

Do it again.

Keep doing that until they're about half-grown and/or it gets cold.

Now...if, in the next three days, someone starts a black scour with blood and shreds of epithelial tissue...see a vet...but I REALLY don't think that's going to happen, given the improvement.

Just sayin'. :)


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
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Western MA
Don't freak out??? You don't know me! :p

The bigger doeling (about 15 weeks, huge) was very slow and quiet this morning and back to very gloppy poo. I saw her drop some. So I will assume that the smaller doeling (about 14 weeks, delicate and ribby) was the one who left the slightly clumped pellets in the stall last night. No one has scoured per say, but they started clumpiness on Saturday so this is day three.

They are both lying down more than usual but it is very hot again. They both gobble down leaves that I offer and are both eating hay. Neither gets grain yet. The smaller doeling will start getting grain once this is resolved.

I am trying to get the Corid measured out. The gas installer showed up on the wrong day this morning and I went with it, wanting my stove hooked up. DH just got home and we are running out now to weigh both girls. I'll check back one more time before I dose them.

I am inclined to dose them before it gets any worse, as I've run fecals before and hardly ever see any coccidia at all. So if not pathogenic, definitely on the rise. Both girls were weaned this week, so some stress there, and the little one as you know was vomiting last week.

Of course, I may change my mind in the next five minutes and decide to wait a few days! Sheesh!


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
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Western MA
Let me check my shoe.....Poo is brownish, and gets blacker as it gets closer to pellets.

Smaller doeling, Plum, is about 50 lbs. Bigger doeling, Peach, is about 65+ pounds. I had a harder time holding her, so weighed her twice, and that is approximate.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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Ok, so they're both just clumpy right now though...right? Nobody's pooping streams or anything like that?

And what does this mean...."blacker as it gets closer to pellets"?

Are you saying it's improving?, moving toward pellets and darkening toward black in color?


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
Western MA
I painstakingly measured out the Corid powder and mixed up a cup, did more math today than in all of high school, and still did not dose anyone.

All poo looked much better when I let them out of the stall this evening. Peach is being weaned and I haven't cross-fenced my field yet, so the babies take turns being locked in while Peach's mom is out and vice versa. So the doelings were in the stall from 2-7 PM, then out for a couple of hours. There was no liquid poo in the stall, only clumpy poo and almost-pellets.

The softer the poo, the lighter the shade of brown. The more pelleted it gets, the closer it gets to normal black berries.

I suspect the bigger doeling is responsible for the softer poo, as there was another big one outside the stall door when I went to put them back in. It was clumpy on one end and got softer as it got to the other end...of the same turd. So she is going from one end of the spectrum to the other...not all the way, it never got worse than thick pudding...within a few hours, then back again.

All this talk about poo....we need a glossary with photos! :p

So I am now thinking....maybe I should keep a close eye on things and let resistance develop? The goats, not the coccidia, which I don't want to develop resistance by over-medicating.... Or am I playing with fire?

Who says start dosing tonight (I'm ready!) and who says wait?


Goat Mistress
May 18, 2009
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Alfordsville, IN
"developing" a resistant herd of goats takes YEARS. I'd do a formal count on the slide...if you see more than 200 per slide, treat. Then after 7 days, do another fecal and see if it worked.

Cocci is kinda like parvo in that it damages the intestinal wall. You can pick a 'cocci baby' out of a herd pretty easily - they're poor keepers for the rest of their lives when they've managed to survive goatlinghood harboring high cocci loads.

You won't always see screaming scours with cocci, it can be doing damage to your youngsters and you don't even realize it. It can even cause that fecal done and go from there.


Self Sufficient Queen
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
Western MA
Makes sense, thanks. Poop-pickin' first thing tomorrow. My dad is still shaking his head after having to open the gates for me when I saw the doelings (earlier this year) poop right in front of me, a rare thing, and I shot my hand out and caught a handful of berries from each. He had to open gates and doors all the way into my kitchen and get a couple of baggies from the cupboard for me, too. He's a farmboy, in the days before fecals and dewormers, but there is a hint of pride when he tells the story to unsuspecting city people... :D