Sick goat, and how I’m treating him


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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So, I have a sick goat and wanted to record what I’m doing for him. In all honesty I don’t expect him to make it. But I want to document what I’m doing to see if anyone has suggestions or maybe it can help someone.
To start, my goat is a mixed breed. I suspect he has boer, the people we got him from swore he was Nubian/Pygmy. He is at least 12 years old.
For a few days I noticed he was a little more away from the herd. But I’ve been super busy and not been watching as closely as I should have. Yesterday he was laying down in the shade and just off. You know when your instincts say something is off. I figured it was the heat, but when I went out he was freezing cold. This goat is always prone to worms, but this year has been bad. Our natural wormers that have been sufficient for nearly eight years weren’t cutting it. Some of my goats who have never struggled in their lives had trouble with worms over the winter even. I digress. He has junky eyes and nose. His breathing sounds rough, but his lungs are clear. His jaw was also tight and muscle tremors started in his jaw a few hours after I found him. I put him on penicillin and vitamin b. Vitamin b to increase appetite and energy. Penicillin if he has a full body infection and to keep the head gunk from moving to his lungs. A friend had injectable ivermectin, so we used that while I’m waiting for the paste to ship in. I plan to check and dose all the other goats. This goat also has been forced molasses water since yesterday evening to keep fluids and sugar up. This morning he accepted fluids. But a few hours later his throat seems closed off. The water I Syringed choked him a little bit and it came pouring back out of his mouth. He keeps putting his head in the water bucket but I can’t tell if he’s drinking. I did some sub q fluids, but his muscles won’t absorb it like normal. I’m used to doing those on dogs and rabbits though, not sure how much a goat differs in feeling. With the closed throat I gave crushed Benadryl mixed with molasses and rubbed it on his gums. The molasses to keep up his blood sugar and the Benadryl to help either his throat or an allergic reaction he may or may not be having. In either case it won’t hurt so might as well try it. He’s standing staring at the wall right now. He was laying down last night and wouldn’t get up. So, at least that’s slight improvement. He’s also now pretty warm. It is terrifying how fast he’s losing weight.
I’m thinking a severe parasite infection or listeriosis. Neither fit exactly, but I don’t know what else it could be.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Sorry the ole guy is sick. It does sound like worm load and/or listeriosis should be considered. Do you have any LA200? If mine, I'd use that for a couple days to see if it helps. You can give liquid ivermectin orally, not sure if you knew. Syringe Nutridrench with the water....under the tongue liquids absorb, if swallowing is a problem. Benadryl helps with swelling.

If he had a heavy worm load, they usually produce a toxin when they die and that can affect your goat for a couple days. As you know, we do our best guess to help them. He's probably not drinking but, wants to...instinct.

I hope he comes around for you. It's hard to watch. I've had success and failure, so know how your feeling. :hugs please keep us updated, we care.
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True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Sorry the ole guy is sick. It does sound like worm load and/or listeriosis should be considered. Do you have any LA200? If mine, I'd use that for a couple days to see if it helps. You can give liquid ivermectin orally, not sure if you knew. Syringe Nutridrench with the water....under the tongue liquids absorb, if swallowing is a problem. Benadryl helps with swelling.

If he had a heavy worm load, they usually produce a toxin when they die and that can affect your goat for a couple days. As you know, we do our best guess to help them. He's probably not drinking but, wants to...instinct.

I hope he comes around for you. It's hard to watch. I've had success and failure, so know how your feeling. :hugs please keep us updated, we care.
Is nutridrench different than electrolyte solution? Oh, I also added a calcium supplement. It’s made for does right before and after labor, but I figured it couldn’t hurt, right. I do not have any la200 I’m afraid.
Is there anything I can do for the worm toxins?
I injected because my thinking went slower, longer release, may be better. I’ve honestly never had to use ivermectin before so I just don’t know what’s best.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
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Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Is nutridrench different than electrolyte solution? Oh, I also added a calcium supplement. It’s made for does right before and after labor, but I figured it couldn’t hurt, right. I do not have any la200 I’m afraid.
Is there anything I can do for the worm toxins?
I injected because my thinking went slower, longer release, may be better. I’ve honestly never had to use ivermectin before so I just don’t know what’s best.
For my goats I always injected the ivermectin, as told to by the vet... so, I think that is good.

You said stiff jaw and I thought lockjaw/tetanus.

Sub Q fluids should be great for any animal... odd that he isn't absorbing like the dogs or rabbits you have done... no idea why he should be different ... makes me wonder that it must be a symptom of what us wrong with him.... but what "wrong" thing would make an animal absorb fluids differently?

Is he super dehydrated? Any spit in his mouth? Is he peeing?

How is he today?



True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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For my goats I always injected the ivermectin, as told to by the vet... so, I think that is good.

You said stiff jaw and I thought lockjaw/tetanus.

Sub Q fluids should be great for any animal... odd that he isn't absorbing like the dogs or rabbits you have done... no idea why he should be different ... makes me wonder that it must be a symptom of what us wrong with him.... but what "wrong" thing would make an animal absorb fluids differently?

Is he super dehydrated? Any spit in his mouth? Is he peeing?

How is he today?

Unfortunately he passed away this morning. I took a postmortem blood sample, y’all it was scary. His blood was pink pink. I have one other goat with symptoms, got more ivermectin from my friend for her and am waiting for paste, should be here Monday. How long does injectable ivermectin last? I also dry lotted (believe that’s the right phrase) my remaining goats. So, fence panels around their cleaned houses. Almost no grass, it will be gone by tomorrow. All their food is up off the ground and they have wood shavings for bedding instead of straw, but I’ll probably have to use straw later.
I would think tetanus, but his legs weren’t stiff. And I could open his jaw, his throat was just swollen. Which did get some better after the Benadryl.
He did pee a tiny bit, but didn’t have enough fluids to do much. His legs were wobbly, first back legs then front. I helped him stand twice because he wanted to. On the second time helping him stand yesterday evening I could see the fight was over and gave him pain meds. I hadn’t because I didn’t want to screw with his kidneys. I’m so glad I did. As far as spit, I can’t tell what liquid was coming from his mouth. He had molasses so it might have been, or maybe water. He drooled for quite a while. Dangled his head over his water dish too. Maybe it was water leaking from his mouth?

I’m sad over him, but I’m really worried about my others. I have a really bad feeling about my smallest goat, she’s only got some of the symptoms, but something says she’s worse than she looks. After big boy went downhill so fast I’m a little unsettled but I don’t know what I can do.

As far as the sub q, his skin was tight. I’m used to scruffy animals, maybe that was it. Or maybe I did it wrong. I did it between his shoulder and his neck because that’s where the loosest skin was.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
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Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Unfortunately he passed away this morning. I took a postmortem blood sample, y’all it was scary. His blood was pink pink. I have one other goat with symptoms, got more ivermectin from my friend for her and am waiting for paste, should be here Monday. How long does injectable ivermectin last? I also dry lotted (believe that’s the right phrase) my remaining goats. So, fence panels around their cleaned houses. Almost no grass, it will be gone by tomorrow. All their food is up off the ground and they have wood shavings for bedding instead of straw, but I’ll probably have to use straw later.
I would think tetanus, but his legs weren’t stiff. And I could open his jaw, his throat was just swollen. Which did get some better after the Benadryl.
He did pee a tiny bit, but didn’t have enough fluids to do much. His legs were wobbly, first back legs then front. I helped him stand twice because he wanted to. On the second time helping him stand yesterday evening I could see the fight was over and gave him pain meds. I hadn’t because I didn’t want to screw with his kidneys. I’m so glad I did. As far as spit, I can’t tell what liquid was coming from his mouth. He had molasses so it might have been, or maybe water. He drooled for quite a while. Dangled his head over his water dish too. Maybe it was water leaking from his mouth?

I’m sad over him, but I’m really worried about my others. I have a really bad feeling about my smallest goat, she’s only got some of the symptoms, but something says she’s worse than she looks. After big boy went downhill so fast I’m a little unsettled but I don’t know what I can do.

As far as the sub q, his skin was tight. I’m used to scruffy animals, maybe that was it. Or maybe I did it wrong. I did it between his shoulder and his neck because that’s where the loosest skin was.

Always scary when you aren't sure what is going on.


Total wow over the blood color... so... the red color in blood is from iron... so.. pink blood would be crazy low iron, which means parasites, or some something that is causing lots of bleeding.

Parasites are the most likely cause.

For super low iron.. red cell paste, that super high in Iron paste, is what you want.

As to how long ivermectin lasts... the question is what kinds of parasites, and will ivermectin kill them?

I think sub q fluids work in any area where you can get it between the muscle and the skin. I don't think it matters where on the body you put it.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
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Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Is there anyway you can get a fecal done? So you know what worms you are dealing with?

Also... the congestion you are hearing... any way that could be lung worm or some other parasite?


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Is there anyway you can get a fecal done? So you know what worms you are dealing with?

Also... the congestion you are hearing... any way that could be lung worm or some other parasite?
I don’t know if it could be lung worm. Weirdest part is his lungs were completely clear until death. No rattle, shake, crackle. Nothing. It was all in his throat and nose.

I’ve been struggling with parasites all winter, so I’m assuming that too. That’s why my remaining are on a dry lot and going to get treated according to needs. Im trying to prevent reinfection as far as I can.
I actually called around and found out our state lab accepts samples from owners, no vet required. How do I get a fecal from my living goats ( I didn’t think to get anything but blood while big boy was still available) for them to check? Or could I check myself, I do have a microscope.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
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Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
@Baymule do you have suggestions as to a website or something with a step by step on how to do a fecal?

As for taking it to the vet.... you might want to call and ask how they want it delivered..... but usually it is along the line of a ziplock bag, turn it inside out and use it a bit like a glove, stick one finger inside anus of the animal and get a small smear of poo. Then turn ziplock bag rightside out ... hopefully outsude is clean. And take to vet.

The vet usually uses this plastic thing that looks like a small loop on a stick. :idunno


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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@Baymule do you have suggestions as to a website or something with a step by step on how to do a fecal?

As for taking it to the vet.... you might want to call and ask how they want it delivered..... but usually it is along the line of a ziplock bag, turn it inside out and use it a bit like a glove, stick one finger inside anus of the animal and get a small smear of poo. Then turn ziplock bag rightside out ... hopefully outsude is clean. And take to vet.

The vet usually uses this plastic thing that looks like a small loop on a stick. :idunno

Okay. Easy enough 😂. Now to get them to cooperate. It’s directly to the state lab if that makes a difference. A assume I just sticker and label the baggies? Do I need ice or anything in the box?