Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I never thought about the dust being the cause. I'm just happy that Mel and Maisy worked things out and I thought you would like seeing a picture of him.
I love getting my Mel fix's, ...thank you Mike..... :love
I'm pretty sure that was the situation with Mels eyes, he didn't have any problem when I first picked him up and got him here, it started after he got his pit going about 8 " deep, I treated the irritation with eye cleansing solution , ...he continued digging, Lol...I continued flushing his eyes , gotta love that boy ,.
You had me laughing when you said you had let him out and he was less inclined to come when you wanted him to...sure know that experience with him, :)

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Wonderful pasture - how long can you graze on it before going over to hay and carry feed?

We just have lambs on that paddock in the picture with the dogs. I can graze that just about all winter as long as I don't push too hard plus there is another one that same size that I rotate through. The main herd is basically in a dry lot now and totally on hay (since the end of October). We had an unusually hard early freeze that hit just as the cool season grass was starting on and it hasn't come back in with the extended cold. We usually can graze in rotation till January but not this year. We also have a large amount of cool season grass going now outside the fence that I use the dogs to rotate the sheep through.