WHAT, for the love of horses, IS THIS!? Also questions on how to treat whatever it is and more....?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have a 30 and 32 year old horses, retired, basically unridable with health issues. We have had them a looooong time, they earned their retirement. We have a 9-10 year old gelding and a 12-15? year old TWH mare that we bought out of a kill pen. I don't consider buying her a rescue, I consider it finding a good horse although starved and skinny, for a good price. Yeah, I love my horses.


True BYH Addict
May 23, 2018
Reaction score
Foothills of NC
I have a 30 and 32 year old horses, retired, basically unridable with health issues. We have had them a looooong time, they earned their retirement. We have a 9-10 year old gelding and a 12-15? year old TWH mare that we bought out of a kill pen. I don't consider buying her a rescue, I consider it finding a good horse although starved and skinny, for a good price. Yeah, I love my horses.

Ours that are ours will definitely retire and live happy lives with us. Rose and Nature Boy. Tilley too if they decide ever to not keep her. Possibly Allie. I'm loving her and there is a chance NB will be retired. We are raising the $$to have an extensive vet check on his hind and withers. Could be nothing, but he walks a bit stiff in the back and his shoulders were tender after his last ride. And the mini would stay forever. It's hard to imagine rehoming/adopting. And it's scary too because of where they came from. Only Sully was a kill pen rescue. His is double though bc his 1st was from a severe starvation rescue, the organization went belly up so he ended up in a kill pen. Not one of the nice, please post bail as you see all over (those are a scam, a way for kill buyer to turn a quick buck). He was not going to make the load ride to market and the kb in his case said sure bc he was going to die anyways. Yet here he is living the dream and gaining every day little by little.


True BYH Addict
May 23, 2018
Reaction score
Foothills of NC

“This Old Horse”

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she’s seen some better days,
she’s eating up my profits,
and costs a lot for hay.

Another horse would suit me,
a stronger one at that,
shes seen a lot of miles
just like my cowboy hat.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she helped me herd my steer,
I’m pretty sure shes magic,
I know I hold her dear.

Another horse would suit me,
one that can run fast,
maybe one that’s younger,
or maybe one that lasts.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she’s long and far in tooth,
my children do remember,
her fondly from their youth.

Another horse would suit me,
a gelding in his prime,
one that needs less fixin’,
that helps me save a dime.

Why, they asked, then keep her?
why not trade her now?
bring her to an auction?
replace her with a cow?

The Rancher’s brow grew heavy,
he took a staggered step,
his eyes did show his hardships,
in wrinkles, as they crept.

His breath, he took in deeply,
as he poised to say his words,
it’s as if the earth grew silent,
that his message should be heard.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
has given me her life,
I wouldn’t trade for anything,
nor either, would my wife.

Another horse would suit me,
and perhaps someday will come,
but this old gal, I love her,
she is the chosen one.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
her service she did lend,
her and I, have seen the years,
this old horse, she is my friend.

Another horse would suit me well,
but her home is here to keep,
I owe her sanctuary,
my love for her is deep.

Another horse would suit me well,
and younger days for me,
and I will keep my promise,
until our last breaths, set us free.
By Jesse Vesse


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
So. I have never owned a Male horse before these two guys. Didn't know about the whole clean the sheath thing. That being said, I immediately Youtubed every clip I could. While I was thoroughly grossed out, I realized that Nature Boy, if not hoof trimmed or ridden in 3-4+ years, more than likely had not had this done in as long either. Well, today was the day. This is what I was able to get out.... mind you he started to get antsy and wouldn't drop (I now understand the behind the eyeball statement Bay)

View attachment 61969
Can we say EW! And he still has some crusties, not to mention all the little bits that fell into the grass. We will continue this lovely journey in a few days. Going to tackle Sully tomorrow. I did spread some Swat on him. He smiled and seemed a bit happier. (He is always happy)
I cant imagine it was much fun taking a pi$$.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas

“This Old Horse”

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she’s seen some better days,
she’s eating up my profits,
and costs a lot for hay.

Another horse would suit me,
a stronger one at that,
shes seen a lot of miles
just like my cowboy hat.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she helped me herd my steer,
I’m pretty sure shes magic,
I know I hold her dear.

Another horse would suit me,
one that can run fast,
maybe one that’s younger,
or maybe one that lasts.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
she’s long and far in tooth,
my children do remember,
her fondly from their youth.

Another horse would suit me,
a gelding in his prime,
one that needs less fixin’,
that helps me save a dime.

Why, they asked, then keep her?
why not trade her now?
bring her to an auction?
replace her with a cow?

The Rancher’s brow grew heavy,
he took a staggered step,
his eyes did show his hardships,
in wrinkles, as they crept.

His breath, he took in deeply,
as he poised to say his words,
it’s as if the earth grew silent,
that his message should be heard.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
has given me her life,
I wouldn’t trade for anything,
nor either, would my wife.

Another horse would suit me,
and perhaps someday will come,
but this old gal, I love her,
she is the chosen one.

This old horse, the Rancher said,
her service she did lend,
her and I, have seen the years,
this old horse, she is my friend.

Another horse would suit me well,
but her home is here to keep,
I owe her sanctuary,
my love for her is deep.

Another horse would suit me well,
and younger days for me,
and I will keep my promise,
until our last breaths, set us free.
By Jesse Vesse
That's how I feel about Sparkles, my 32 year old TWH mare and Joe, my 30 year old QH cremello gelding. They will be with me until they die.