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  1. newbiekat

    Moving with an LGD

    We are buying a place with their Great Pyrenees staying on the property (moving in about a month). Moving from our little 3 acres, to 37 acres just 10 miles down the road. :weee After about 4 years of looking we are finally getting a bigger place! AND a Pyrenees :love! I've wanted one for SOOOO...
  2. newbiekat

    Door for coop?

    We are buying a place that has a chicken coop ready to go, the only thing it is missing is a door. The opening is large enough for a garage door, but I don't necessarily want to put a full on garage door there. Any suggestions on what kind of door I should put there? I'd like a door with "human"...
  3. newbiekat

    CL... what exactly is it?

    I have read and read and read and all I can find is that it is a disease resulting in abscesses (if external) that if they rupture, it is extremely contagious to other goats... but what exactly is contagious? What happens to the goat? Why do most things I read say to cull the goat, but more...
  4. newbiekat

    Goat feed?

    We raise goats mainly, but have gotten a couple calves. Our set up isn't really designed to have them separate, and I know people run cattle and goats together, but how do you feed them? I grain my goats nearly every day free choice. Will that be okay for the calves? Also, we have free choice...
  5. newbiekat

    Halter breaking

    Hi again! We loved our new little calf (Decaf) that we got another one. This one is 10 weeks old. Trained to a bottle, but the farmer threw the bottle over the fence and walked away, so she was never given a bottle by a person (after she learned to take it). We are now wanting to halter break...
  6. newbiekat

    Zebu calf not eating

    I have a 3 week old zebu calf that we got when she was a week old. She was on momma for that week before so she got all of her colostrum. Since we got her we have tried getting her on the bottle but she refuses to suck. We have a lamb nipple but she doesn't seem to know how to suck! She just...
  7. newbiekat

    In labor bubble popped!!

    I have a goat in labor, her bubble has popped about 15 min ago. I saw the feet but she has sucked them back in. Not regularly actively pushing. Is she okay or should I go in??
  8. newbiekat

    Milking out colostrum??

    I have a momma that kidded this morning. Her bag is huge. She needs milked. I don't want her to get mastitis... How do I milk her it without "taking" all of the colostrum? Do I just milk out like a cup, or a couple squirts, or what?
  9. newbiekat

    Alfalfa Hay- Blister beetles?

    Hi all, I have someone that I usually buy my alfalfa from for my goaties, but this year he had a crop of 4th cut that had blister beetles in it... I know it's like a death sentence for horses, I just didn't know if the blister beetles would affect goats at all?
  10. newbiekat

    Feeding coffee grounds?

    Can I feed used coffee grounds to my goats? I usually compost them into my garden, but I wondered if it would be beneficial to feed them to my chickens or goats... Anyone have any idea?
  11. newbiekat

    Registered names

    How does everyone go about picking a name for registration? I have a friend that named one of her girls "Perfect Match", and I've heard of names like, "Outta Control", "Look who's talkin", etc, but what do you call them daily? That's a mouthful to say every time you talk to/about your goats...
  12. newbiekat


    I have a goat that has tested positive for Johne's through blood tests, ELISA and AGID. She's the only one in the herd... I know blood tests aren't as accurate as fecal tests, but I now decided that if she tested positive (twice) that I need to get rid of her. Am I foolish for doing this? What...
  13. newbiekat

    Nubian Bucklings for sale- SE KS

    ADGA Registerable Purebred Nubian Bucklings for sale. Asking $150 each. All 3 came out of a set of triplets. DOB's first week of February. Info below. Don't have updated pics of their dams just yet. Sire:N001635592 Dam:N001628924 Sire:N001635592 Dam:N001578470 Sire:N001635592 Dam...
  14. newbiekat

    Sometimes you just wanna throw in the towel... Update #3

    I just need to vent a little :he... and cry :hit... So please bear with me... this is a long post. We had 4 confirmed bred does, and all 4 does have kidded. The first one, kidded triplets (2 girls, 1 boy), no assistance needed, all is good. Second and third (sisters) kidded the same day, one...
  15. newbiekat

    feeding bucks grain?

    I have had my girls on full feed for the past 2 months. Grain and alfalfa hay, plus browse. They have done wonderfully on it... we now have introduced our buck who will be living with them for the next couple months. We have taken the grain portion away because of him, but have continued the...
  16. newbiekat

    Anyone heard of Honey Flow? I don't know how I found this, but I did... Anyone have any idea how or IF it could even work? It makes me excited to even think of this, it basically means I won't need an extractor, right?
  17. newbiekat

    The weaning blues...

    I have 3 mommas. I have pulled all of their babies as of a week ago yesterday. They share a fence line so they can see and smell each other, but cannot nurse. Babies have gotten used to being on pasture and now leave the fence line enough to eat and come around every now and again, however their...
  18. newbiekat

    Call the vet now or wait till Monday?

    I was gone Friday and Saturday. Had a friend milk for us yesterday. She reported everything as nomal. I go out to milk this morning and find one of my girls has cut open her teat. I thought it was just the tip, but as I investigated more found it was the entire front side of one teat. I've never...
  19. newbiekat

    Should we or shouldn't we?

    Ok BYH friends... I don't quite know what to do, so I thought this would be a perfect place for opinions... ok so, DH and I have been looking for a new place for a couple years. We have a little 3 acre place now and want more but everything we have found and even made offers on haven't come...
  20. newbiekat

    CAE Exposure?

    Hi all, I have a friend who bought a doeling from us last year. She is currently 14 mo old. She wanted to breed her this year so she bought a buckling from another farm (also 14 mos old ). She tried and tried all breeding season long yet to get the two to breed, yet the doe kept coming back...