
  1. A

    Goats and Turkeys sharing pasture?

    Hi everyone, I'm new to turkeys and goats but I'm playing around with the idea of having them share pasture. I know housing chickens and turkeys together can come with its own challenges, such as them sharing diseases, especially Histomoniasis/Blackhead. Then I had this idea that perhaps I could...
  2. Farmer Connie


    Hello I am semi hobby farm owner in North Central Florida. I have started this thread to share some of things we do. I will update it periodically with random videos, photos, events and our trials and tribulations. There is never a dull moment while running a farm. My husband and in our fifties...
  3. Farmer Connie

    Hello from North Central Florida!

    I am happy to be apart of this wonderful site! I have been lurking in the shadows reading threads and such. It is nice to be able to tap into such a site as this and enjoy all the experiences and be able to share a few of mine as well. We have a small hobby farm in Florida where we breed and...