B&B Happy Goats....journal

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
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The Funny Farm
Merry Christmas 🎄


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
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western Arkansas
Miss @B&B Happy goats,

Again I have been thinking about you and wondering how you and Leon are doing. It seemed that you were battling with the insurance companies to get some medical testing approved (or something like that).

Then back in mid-December you posted about how you had reduced your outside herds but had started raising dogs. I think you said that you had 6 dogs and 16 puppies. Wow! How many have you placed in homes where they are needed? I still marvel at the good you and Leon are doing by training those assistance dogs. I wanted to thank you.

If and when you are able, please provide an update. In the meantime, here is a little something for you: :frow

Senile Texas Aggie

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Good grief, I haven been on here forever...life has a way of getting in the WAY lol...
So.. I guess it's about time to update, ...I fall alot now, I started using a cane ( my own idea) and it has helped me stay upright much better?.so now I have about 6 canes , I keep one in the car, next to the three outside doors, next to the bed and one next to the recliner, was working very well until one night when Leon was asleep, I fell ba kwards and hit the floor and my head, yikes that gave me a big bump !
In May I had a bunch of doctors appointments ( getting shots and procedures done to try to help with all the pinched nerves that effect just about all of my movements.. As I was about ready to prepare myself for my 70th birthday , I was thinking about getting a small tattoo in memory of my parents, and was telling my doctor about it...her response was " save your money, you need to use a walker now.. I was like WTF is this chit all about, I am NOT old enough to use a walker ! ...I promise you it was a shock and took me several weeks to wrap my mind around it. ...I have finally bought myself a bright red one with four wheels and hand breaks, lol it has a seat with a little basket under it to keep a small purse or something. ..... it's hiding in my work room / puppy birthing room/ office / Barb's room...woman cave.....My trip ( literally) this week for groceries , I embarrassed myself in Walmart parking lot, I fell and managed to get myself up ( room, get on knees, butt up , then on hands slowly move toward standing, a very slow process, but it works for me so far lol., I now have bought some stickers to "trick out my walker" . ..I think it just may become a very useful tool once I can personalize it, and start using it !
Darling doctor said " it not a matters of if I will break my hip, just a matter of when "...OK then, time to accept and adapt ! 🙄
SOoh, I had to make changes, first off, I realized I no longer can continue breeding my big dogs, one has already gone to her new home in Tennessee, and soon two more of the females will follow, breaks my heart but I know they are going to a awesome home where younger people can enjoy and breed them for service animals...that will leave me with just Winston and Jazz...and the new toy poodle puppies that will be comming here shortly, I have one now , 4 lbs. But she keeps up with the big dogs and keeps us laughing constantly. I figure the small ones will be much easier all the way around for both of us.

This year was the worst racoon infestation ever..we have lost all but one chicken (30 plus chickens killed for nonthing.. REALLY pi$$Ed me off. During this entire chicken massacre I've electric fence solar charger died, great timing ! ...bought a new one with more shocking power and it arrived today with a electric plug in to charge it faster, and it is happily blinking green, I can't wait for morning to see if that one chicken is in there in the morning...
Got three more flemish giant rabbits to add to the others as m
Mrs Wilson died, as she was dieing, I was able ( without getting bit) to put my finger I. Her mouth and her two back teeth were a out to fall out, that was a sad event. My ta let seems to be acting up and my typing finger is shaking, so I will try to finish my tale soon, love to all, be safe, plan your trips to save gas, and as we all know, stock up on food, the chit may hit the fan sooner than we think with our current senior in the big house ! :frow

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Obviously I have a difficulty writing and putting words and thoughts together..so sorry it5 a difficult read...but that's how I roll now lmao...I am not old. Iam not getting old. It5 just my body and mind that is fight me.. I am still inside my head trying to figure it all out...and I will succeed !!!

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
So good to hear from you! Your challenges suck - but you seem to be addressing them with your usual good spirit! Wishing good things for you!
Aww, it really doesn't suck too bad, could have worse problems and health !
And before some wise a$$ posts I need a " help I fallen and I can5 get up " thing around my neck...lol it has been mentioned to me already , they just need to make them
Nicer looking first ! :bow:lol::bow