Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Wow, oh wow!! Updated weather 10 days, 78-82 days, 55-58 nights. NO rain. 🤫. I'll be needing rain after all that. :lol: but fence & garden can happen! :celebrateDS working on tractor now...clean up, check all fluids, fill with diesel. (I just bought @ 3.09 gal) so tomorrow is old fence down day. AT LAST. 👍
YEAH!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses ....Hooray on the fence plans. We are supposed to get some stray showers here on Sat and then cooler and a front coming down from the north which is unusual... clearing....and cooler on Sun with a 20% chance of a stray shower on Mon, maybe Tues but it doesn't look like much. Then pretty much clear for the next week here too... More HAY making...

Went down the hill to see how DS was making out... hay's all baled, tractor and baler gone... no sign anywhere... turns out neighbor was having trouble with his baler and so DS went and rolled his hay for him and parked the tractor and baler in his barn for the time being... I called him when I couldn't find him anywhere... thinking he might want a cold drink or a ride back to his truck after baling or whatever...he was getting a ride back to the truck so didn't need me... So all is good... There were alot of people making hay today...

We were more fortunate with the rain that finally came on Monday night.... most of my farmer's only got .2 to .4 inches over that 3 day stretch. We only had .2 until late Monday night when it dumped on us. VERY THANKFUL for that inch +, that we . The farm I tested Wed and the big one yesterday both said they only got a couple tenths. They are getting dry. Maybe they will get some out of the "chance of showers" tomorrow.

Made sure I locked the chickens in their crates in the shelter before I went down the hill...

I worked in the garden a bit before I went looking for DS. Put in 4 short rows of "Royal Burgundy, purple (green beans).... an area(hill) of several Butternut squash seeds, a short row of mixed summer squash seeds and 3 short rows of yellow wax beans. I guess the rows are 6-8 foot.... Think I will try to take the self propelled mower along the grass/garden edge and see if I can get it mowed down real short... There are several deer hoofprints in that end of the garden.... and get the poly netting up this weekend before the bush bean seeds come up. Might make one more "swath" with the walk behind weed eater and then "scalp" the ground. Down at that side (end) of the garden where I put the rows of beans I will put all the sprouted potatoes down along the edge, cover with mulch hay... and let them do their thing. Or NOT...... Still want to put in a hill of cantaloupe... and maybe a small hill of cukes... and some plain green beans...
And then I am out of space.... :hit:hit. If I get those couple of rose-a-shaon bushes moved that I want to get out of there; then I will till that area also...and make it bigger next year.

TSC called and said the wire had come in if I still wanted it... I said we were in the hayfields the next day or 2 so it would be the first of the week and she said that was fine, she would put my name on 2 rolls. I am going to get it before they don't have it or can't get it... Put it on a pallet so it doesn"t get rusty from contact with the ground... and it will be here to use as soon as I can get someone to do it. I can do it 12 months no finance charge... If I do it with the 5% discount on the card, that is not quite $20 a roll... which is nothing to sneeze at... BUT.... if I should not get it paid off within the next billing period... then the finance charge would negate that savings and possibly cost me ..... oh, I just thought... I can do it that way because I can use some of the settlement money from parents estate that was bequeathed in the will... Yeah, that's the way to do it. Take the 5% and pay it off when it gets billed to me... I also want to get some taller T-posts to run a strand of electric above the poly netting.. so will put a few in along the sides/corners/edges of the garden to run that extra strand above it....

I need to get the rest of the wheat bales off the one field and then get this hay all moved to the edge so DS can put the rolls in a row with the tractor with the spear...

OH CRAP.... @Mini Horses I need HELP.... to transfer all but the first paragraph to my journal.... I got side tracked after answering your comment and forgot I was in the "coffee" thread.... AGAIN.... you will have to teach me to do that......

I just remembered I have a steak that I took out of the freezer... ought to go make it for a late supper.

Mother Hen

True BYH Addict
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Crewe, VA
Good Morning all!
Okay, who's the culprit this AM that drank all the coffee without making more???
Yesterday evening a co-worker of FH stopped in to do some work for FH and I. Well, let's just say that when he removed the old bathroom exhaust pipe a birds nest almost completely filled it and there's 5-6 eggs in it. I need to relocate a least part of the nest to safer area where other animals can't get to it but I don't know how.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Nope, not me. Have a fresh pot. Help yourself👍

Foggy at get up, over an hr ago. Lifting and sun will burn it off. No biggie just wet air. Today is tear out old fence day -- at last! Depending on how things go, might even stretch new. Wouldn't THAT be amazing?! :lol: :celebrate

Breakfast over...all chores but milking done. That's next, right after this refill cuppa. 😁 Then load tools & fence onto tractor and get to work. Nice to be excited about HARD WORK. 🤣Days end may be different opinion.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m on my second cup of coffee. Then I’ll get dressed and go out to feed. I usually let Cooper and his girls out in the morning, when they go back to their pen around noon to ruminate, I let the ewe crew out. I’m going to reverse that today. I’m leaving this afternoon to take granddaughters to my sister’s house to meet their parents. So I’ll leave Cooper and his girls out until I get back. That will help keep Buford out of trouble.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Only 3 hours of sleep last night. Don't know why. Both DH and were tired, took showers after day working outside, and went to bed where we both aid awake for hours. Every so often DH or I would ask "Can't sleep?" Answer was always "Yes". Had 3 cups this morning, didn't help.

Now can't stop yawning. Gonna go check for more coffee before making dinner.


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
Good Morning all!
old bathroom exhaust pipe a birds nest almost completely filled it and there's 5-6 eggs in it. I need to relocate a least part of the nest to safer area where other animals can't get to it but I don't know how.
You can strap the section of pipe with nest to tree near the house. Or if you have a window near the bathroom you can hook strapping thru window.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good morning! Coffee is ready! I woke up at 5, went back to sleep, got up at 7, been outside and do morning feed.
Son finished mowing front field yesterday, it looks so nice. Church this morning.