Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
That sure sounds like a leap in the right direction and things are starting to fall into place for ya....still a bit to go, but hopefully those storm clouds are passing over.....:thumbsup


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Good to have you back and with good news to share! Hope it all falls nicely into place for you.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Today is the day I start working on my fence and barn a little bit, right after my wake up cup of coffee. Not a whole lot has to be done to ready it for goats & dogs again. A small section around the goat barn and then a a small section on the north side. Hopefully the deer haven't taken done the fence anywhere that is was left up. So of course walk the fence line and hook up the fence charger. Then I have to finish cleaning out the barn that didn't get done while I was away taking care of my mother for a month. Other than that it's mowing some grass around the hay barn and in front of the east pasture. Run the weed eater in front of the goat barn & feed shed. I have today & half a day tomorrow to get this all done. About halfway through the day is a Trip to Monkton VT. to see the four does I am interested in. If they are what I am looking for I am putting a small deposit down and she will hold them for two weeks. I will have to figure out some transportation for them.

I have been working straight out since I got back home 10 & 12 hour days, plus the 1 day a week on for the other farm. Hasn't left much daylight for working at home.

Darn mosquitoes are vicious this year, so they will be fun to put up with...NOT! I am hoping the ticks aren't as bad this year, the fields are over grown and I don't want to pick up those while I am working, but usually do.

The pool pump died while I was gone, so we ordered a new one. That should be in before the end of this coming week. A friend of mine is coming over to help install that.

Monday when I go to work on the farm I will be learning how to shear sheep. A new and interesting experience for me.

Now time to face the day and see how much I accomplish. Hope all have a wonderful day!


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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The trip to Monkton went well and it was a beautiful drive. So the girls are absolutely beautiful and gentle. These pictures she sent me do not do them justice. She definitely takes very good care of all her animals. So I put down a deposit. She is still trying to locate their papers, but even without them I want the does. I also asked her about Darby's baby that was left. One of triplets. She is considering it and will let me know. I go back in the next two weeks to pick them up.
Willow face.JPG Willow
Tank face 2.JPG Tank
Greta side 2.JPG Greta ( from Capsand Creamery)
Darby face.JPG Darby (Greta's twin)

I have made the decision to not make the trip to Maine for the two goats and the GP. I was feeling pushed by the owner and my gut was telling me not to go. I wrote to her to let her know and encouraged her to contact the other person who she also liked as a home for the GP.

In the mean time....I managed to get the old chicken run taken down and removed a section of pallets yesterday from the goat fence where I started to run more electric fencing. Got all around the barn cleaned up. Figured out where I want to put my gate in and where I want to put my kidding pen. Not that I will have kids next Spring because I plan on waiting until the following year.

Looks like a might have a couple of free days this week to take down another section of pallets and run electric fence there as well. Then I can finish cleaning out the goat barn and hopefully construct a hay feeder that will work for me and the goats. I also need to locate a local hay person with square bales. I want to get a jump on getting hay into the barn.

So today, I am relaxing this morning and making some phone calls. First one being my doctor as I have totally messed up my left knee. I went to Urgent care in the middle of last week and have a brace but it doesn't seem to help a whole lot. Need a darn referral to see my orthopedic doctor. Hopefully we can get something figured out soon.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Agreed with the above and as a followup, hope no serious knee damage and that it gets better for you quickly. Seems as we get older, little nicks and dings take longer to go away and some seem to just never do so. :\