Goats&moregoats: KickinUpDust Farm Journal


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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I got these three little ones. I stuck with spice names for the doeling. Her name is Nutmeg. The buckling is Winchester and the banded buckling is Rio. They were suppose to already be on the bottle, but they were not. Winchester & Nutmeg figured it out at dinner time the day after they were brought home. Rio can't quite seem to get latching on part. He is working on it though. Rio and Nutmeg I was given the birth date of 3/23/2018 and Winchester the date of 3/16/2018. They are all very active, curious and potting as they should. Eating hay, leaves and some pellets. Only saw Winchester drink water.

None of them seem to want the amount of milk I have found on charts for feedings. Winchester & Nutmeg will take a bottle at 7am and then one at 4 pm. They show no interest in a bottle for an afternoon feeding . The bottles are only 9oz baby bottles.

Rio: I got him to take 2-3 oz on the evening after they were home. 2-3 oz this morning and 5 oz tonight. I put Nutri drench in the evening bottle for all of them.

They are housed separate from the older does and have access to an outdoor area(small dog pen) via a "kiddie door". So they can go in and out as they please.

When Winchester reaches 8 weeks, he and Rio will go in the buck pen where they will learn about electric fencing(poor guys). I will most likely have to keep Nutmeg where she is so she can get use to Ginger & Sage through the dog pen. As Ginger & Sage will be released into the main pasture. Have to make sure Nutmeg is big enough to deal with the older ladies as they have horns and she does not. Main pasture is mostly electric fencing and I also want to be sure she can't squeeze through anywhere.
IMG_20180411_112805.jpg IMG_20180411_112800.jpg Left to right: Rio, Winchester & Nutmeg
IMG_20180411_101858.jpg Winchester & Nutmeg eating some goat pellets.
IMG_20180411_105044.jpg IMG_20180411_111631.jpg Nutmeg & Winchester drinking their first bottle.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
I am really Happy that ya have returned....was missing ya around here....they all look like such Cute lillte ones and know they will get the Best of care.....sure glad the surgery turned out well for ya....and Storm is mighty handsome as he has grown too.....:)


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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It's a bit cold here in Central VT. 36 degrees with wind chill putting at 30 degrees. Fed & watered all animals. Put more bedding in the babies barn after feeding them. Third little one finally latched onto a bottle. Only took 10oz, but it's a start. Have to bundle up and walk the fence line today as it is not as high as I would like.

After that I am setting up my Wii for some light exercising where it's warmer. Not going back out until afternoon chores. Hoping finance' makes a stew for dinner.


True BYH Addict
May 9, 2014
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Colder!!:barnie No Wii :thNo Stew:( and when I went out to feed the babies, Rio who had taken a bottle at 8am and then again at 1 pm, totally refused ito_O. I mean absolutely nothing. No interest when the other two were suckling & totally refusal when I held him to try to get him to eat. Still active and was nibbling hay. I gave him a bottle at 1 because he only took the ten oz earlier. I am hoping he was just still feeling well fed from earlier. Morning will tell.

I need to increase Winchester's and Nutmeg's milk. They are still very demanding after 20 oz. Thinking I need to try 30 oz. Nutmeg is the smallest and the pushiest. it's either up it or throw in a feeding at midday, but I am thinking since they are not looking for that midday feeding just increasing the amount for morning and night should do. Any opinions?

The hubby did fix dinner. Simple, quick, hot and good:). Now if I could get Storm to believe he doesn't have to go out every ten minutes:rolleyes:, I can settle down until nine when I have to go pick up my son. Well I am there I need to pick out a wooden box for his finance's mom to make my daughter her birthday present. Jody does designs into the box using wood burning techniques. I am having a picture of bears put on my daughters(she loves them & collects them). I have one picked out for my mom for her birthday/Mother's day gift. Her birthday is the 13th as is Mother's Day this year. I will post a pic when I get it this next week. They really are quite beautiful.

So I walked the fence line and I can find nothing to prevent it from operating at full power. Crazy:mad:! Today was just to darn cold to really go over it. However, I checked with power on and heard no snapping anywhere. Weeds are clear as they haven't even started growing. No twigs or branches. I am stumped. Monday should be warm enough to really give it the once over with power off. Powerful enough to hold goats in and animals out.

Also next week brings the hoof trimming, shots and copper bolus for the older girls and(pending a check into details) I believe CDT & copper bolus for the kids. Going to need to call in some help for that day.

Received the briefs that were submitted by both sides for the appeal. That was some interesting reading. I love how some people take portions of conversation and insert it into other conversations when they choose. Each side submitted four pages each. So that battle continues.

Visited the kids in March and have another visit in June. Also still have phone conversations though they are short because no kids want to talk on the phone very long at their ages.

Ok, off to write a letter and relax. Hope all have a good night.

Grand kids in Ohio

IMG_20180330_105518.jpgSantana & Myranda IMG_20180330_111547.jpgSantana IMG_20180330_111554.jpgMyranda
IMG_20180330_144841.jpgBrenden(March) IMG_20171215_154514.jpg Brenden(Dec.) Only one picture from March visit because we were playing video games. The Dec pic is because he wasn't looking at camera for other pic.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Quality time with the kids is much better than quantity...glad that ya are still able to interact with them, it will mean alot to them a little later in life....hope Storm gives ya a break and sounds like ya are sure getting back into the swing of things with the goats....hope the little one gets it figured out for ya and starts eating.....:)