Her endoscopy showed some irritation/inflammation of her esophagus and a small hiatal hernia, but nothing to indicate why she’s having all these issues. They took some biopsies. The hospitalist is almost out of ideas and they are talking about sending her to a different hospital. She got a midline (glorified IV) today because her IVs keep going bad. Hopefully this one keeps working. The plus with this line is that they can often draw her labs from it which can save her some pokes.
I work at this hospital so I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, but I’ve been impressed with the care she’s gotten. Our ED experience in particular was stellar.
Wow, it has been a long week for you. Sorry for your sister's troubles... but hopefully now someone will get something figured out. Glad that your experience with her trip in there has at least been good so far even if they haven't got a handle on the problems yet.
That is no way to lose weight even if you want to...
Positive thoughts sent your way for her to click with the right doctor and figure out the why's; so she can get back on the road to feeling better. I do know from experience the UTI's can make you feel sh!ttier than most anything..... granted that is not the eating problem... but it still can make you want to crawl in a hole....
No official diagnosis yet, but they are thinking she has gastroparesis. They started her on some meds that are helping and she was well enough to go home Friday evening.
Freyja, she’s one of the sheep not getting sheared. She’s an old lady and I don’t want her to have to work too hard to stay warm. She’ll get sheared sometime after she lambs.