Sweetened's 2016 kidding thread


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
Reaction score
Blythewood, SC USA
Fervently praying for Gardenia and you. Hoping the vet can shave that time a bit. I know how Gardenia must feel. I got pit with all of mine since my body would stop dilating at 3cm. Everyone sort of stalls, but I would just plain quit. Pit is one of those things you would only wish on your worst enemy, but if you NEED it, you need it. With Kimmy, my 3rd, I only got pit for 30 mins or so, and the doc said let's wait til the AM (it was 6 or 6:30 PM ,I was 3cm). Wagers on the OB ward had me going at 11AM absolute earliest. At 8:30PM I told the nurse to check me because for 45 mins I had been having THE worst contractions ever about every minute. She waited until 9:30, then said OMG I have to call the doctor NOW. Kimmy arrived at 10:39PM. I went from 3cm and stuck at 7:30PM to ready in 2 1/2 hours. Maybe Gardenia's cervix just needs a reminder and the epo will help. I truly believe her miracle pregnancy happened for a reason, not just to bring stillborn babies. :fl Keep us posted. :hugs


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
This is copied from a well known goat site. The "I" is not me. Stinks that your vet is so far away. :fl:hugs

I've decided that I will give a 1/4 cc to 1/2 cc oxytocin injection IM (into the muscle) if I am positive that a doe is in Stage Two labor where she is pushing and she starts passing fluid out of the vagina but the cervix doesn't dilate. Producers must realize that stringy mucous coming out of the vagina as early as two weeks before kidding is not active labor. If you don't know the distinction, don't use oxytocin or you will kill the doe. I am told by several people that they've used this treatment and it resulted in cervical dilation in about 30 minutes. If the situation is serious enough that 30 minutes' wait isn't possible (kid close to vaginal opening or obvious distress in the dam), then I'm going to glove up, enter the doe's vagina, and gently attempt to loosen the cervical rings through slow rotation of my clenched fist with emphasis on using my knuckles on the non-dilated cervical rings. Oxytocin hormone is a vet prescription. This use of oxytocin with goats is both off-label and potentially dangerous, so never use it without supervision of your veterinarian. Remember that I am not a vet and am only recounting what I choose to do with my own herd and with my vet's supervision.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
If she's at two fingers you can feel pretty safe to do some light cervical stretching. Insert two fingers and slowly, slowly and gently spread your fingers and sort of slowly work your way around in a circle. Using the EPO will help at the same time. Remember, a cervix is meant to open, so gentle pressure won't hurt anything.... I emphasize 'gentle'! The cervical massage will likely stimulate her to push also.

She may get too tired to actually push those babies out even if/when she does fully dilate. You might have to go in after them. Just take your time and feel around gently for those feet. Don't give up if you just get a head - it is possible to deliver with one foot up or even no feet if you can ease one shoulder through before the other. Doing that reduces the bulk of two shoulders trying to deliver at the same time.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
HA! Just saw that Babsbag posted right above me. Cervical massage can work wonders! I'd still be afraid to use oxy just yet...but that's just me. I've delivered literally hundreds of kids and with pygmies you gotta learn or you lose lots of does and babies.

Praying for a positive outcome!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Praying all goes well for Gardenia. Reading her history, she may have some scar tissue &/or lack of hormone response due to prior damage. So, the gentle massage may be the best option to stimulate her at this time. If she were mine, even with a good result, this would be here last pregnancy.

Can see you have experience and are feeling the stress of such situations. My goats have always done well for me but, I've been into more mini mares than I can count....mostly just straightening the foals but, have had every bad delivery they ever pictured. Most ended well, a few didn't and that is just so, so hard. I lost only 1 mare in foaling over the years and it is still painful.

Am awaiting the outcome and hope it's a good one!!