Loving the herd life
I think my ewe Barbara has mange. The vet told us that's what it was and we decided it wasn't because none of the other sheep she was with got it, but the other day I was at a meeting for animal health and the showed pictures of it, it looked just like her. It's around her eyes and on her ears and gets scabby. It's so gross like it gets these black scabs but they sometimes will come right off and not bleed at all. And her ears will get all sticky it's horrible. So I have putting a mix of neam and olive oil on her every other day, and that will keep it from doing that but a few months ago everything had went away, there was no hair but the skin was normal no scabs or sticky stuff. So I stopped doing it and like 2 weeks later it came back so bad! It also made the area around her butt/dock get like swollen almost but no scabs. But her chin and nose have a few scabby spots. I feel bad for not treating it like the vet said to but I forgot what they said so I'm asking yall. Sorry lol thanks in advance for answers.