B&B Happy Goats....journal

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Well, I'm liking @Xerocles explanation better -- sounds like a LOT more fun! I get seasick, tied to the dock, so no sailboats for me.

Gardens -- wow, 24X36 sounds good. In many years past I used to rent a spot to garden -- similar size. More than enough room and exercise. Right now, one tilled is close to the one @Baymule has and I keep looking -- and thinking -- wow, that's really BIG! But part will be sown for animal feeds! Veggies but, for animal feed. Plus own use....Hey 100X100 is a lot. A whole lot.

When I had pigs, never got to use the area for a garden, although that was the plan. Time of year, etc. (son is using now) but, in the Spring, when I went to disc out the wallows, I found some "going away gifts" they left for me. I used to feed them a lot of veggies. There were volunteer tomato plants and a few others that I was unsure of -- melon, squash, etc? Turned out to be some super productive butternut squash. So I had 8 tomato plants and 3 squash. Very nice. Those squash provided for me -- I had some last almost a year in storage! I now have seeds from them to plant this year. Talk about a gift! The 2 sows & their piglets were all sold together to a farm raising them...I liked that part, too. Sorry but, the boars were already in the freezer. More good things about pigs.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Thanks @CntryBoy777 , leon got the part for the fridge late friday and it's up and running like new again...
PeeDee is finally better and back to acting happy like a little man should,
got the neighbors goats shots UTD this morning, ...and it looks like another day of rain again, just need a short break this afternoon so we can use the grill then spend the day relaxing :thumbsup
Have a great day BYH :frow
Was thinking of yall today...had BBQ'd chicken wings...:drool:celebrate