B&B Happy Goats....journal


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Our first rooster was a big buff orpington... and my then toddler son would tease him. So of course he got mean in return. Once we were all outside working, my son playing nearby. Here comes the rooster at a full sprint to get that onery boy. DH grabbed his hammer and threw it tomahawk style... he meant to just deter him but it hit him full on. Rooster got hit, feathers flew and just dropped. He did get up and limped for a couple of days. He was better after that. But I found him a new home, without kids, Goldie was about the same size as DS. :lol: poor DH thought he had killed him...it still makes me giggle.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Sometimes I have to shake my head at myself...... I had posted that all should be calm when I went out to do the chores this morning...got to the back steps and to my surprise was Sir Rocky the buck was at my neighbors and my gate. I went to the gate and he started talking to me ....so I went to neighbors door with Rocky following me and tapped on the door....she just about fell on the floor in shock looking at Rocky and I standing there together, lol. ...She quicky brought me a dog leash, and we walked him back to the area he was in at her house.....the gate was closed and bungie cord shut .....looked at the far end and saw a open gate, so I brought him in through that end,
My baby boy stood up on his back feet and challenged me with trying to head butt me !....
we had a talk, ...... and I backed out of the gate and secured it as he was attempting to open it again....just pretty hard to sell a beautiful boy who gives us 80 percent doe's and is registered, but if he is going to be that way he will be sold.......so much for the "calm" morning :lol:
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B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I talked with my neighbor and we have decided to sell Sir Rocky, it's time for him to go, neither of us are going to breed doe's anymore and he is a beautiful boy.and needs to keep that 80 percent score going,.
After chores I went to the gun and pawn shop with my 12 gauge and did a fair deal, ...got myself a never shot , pearl handled 38 special...if I shot the 12 gauge with the pistol grip I would fall on my butt and end up with a broken hip or loose my hearing in my good ear, this gun feels great in my hand, isn't heavy and is a six shooter.
Then off to get feed, ...find hay ...get some groceries...then had a visit with WINSTON :love oh my gosh, ten days till he is 8 weeks old and he comes home...We weighed him lol 8 and a half pounds already...he is going to be a trip.
Missy is going to love this little guy, she is acting like a young pup again she is actually running and playing with the other two pups outside, she hasn't played or moved that fast in the last year....seeing all 95 lbs of low riding bulldog running and playing is awesome...while Jasmin the standard poodle is beautiful, she is stubborn,
lilly the 3 month labradoodle is very smart, it only has taken a little time to get her to ring the bell to go out, she shakes paw, sits, potties on command, lays by my feet and will wait for the invitation to sit on my lap....I think this whole labradoodle adventure is going to be very rewarding for myself and the dogs...:clap
And there will be no more doe code after mid February, ......although goat poo is much nicer than dog poo, I am excited for the change to happen. Will sell or process all but three rabbits , probably keep the 11 hens and just process the numbers down to what we need for eggs, .....then I can reseed the goat area and let it rest for a while.
Yepper that's the plan as of today ......
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Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
:lol::lol::lol: that's too funny...not about your son. But that flash of anger when a rooster attacks....and you strike back .
I don’t mean to hijack the thread but I have a funny picture of our rooster Spike in mid air going after Chris..he’s still a mean bugger...


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
Reaction score
I talked with my neighbor and we have decided to sell Sir Rocky, it's time for him to go, neither of us are going to breed doe's anymore and he is a beautiful boy.and needs to keep that 80 percent score going,.
After chores I went to the gun and pawn shop with my 12 gauge and did a fair deal, ...got myself a never shot , pearl handled 38 special...if I shot the 12 gauge with the pistol grip I would fall on my butt and end up with a broken hip or loose my hearing in my good ear, this gun feels great in my hand, isn't heavy and is a six shooter.
Then off to get feed, ...find hay ...get some groceries...then had a visit with WINSTON :love oh my gosh, ten days till he is 8 weeks old and he comes home...We weighed him lol 8 and a half pounds already...he is going to be a trip.
Missy is going to love this little guy, she is acting like a young pup again she is actually running and playing with the other two pups outside, she hasn't played or moved that fast in the last year....seeing all 95 lbs of low riding bulldog running and playing is awesome...while Jasmin the standard poodle is beautiful, she is stubborn,
lilly the 3 month labradoodle is very smart, it only has taken a little time to get her to ring the bell to go out, she shakes paw, sits, potties on command, lays by my feet and will wait for the invitation to sit on my lap....I think this whole labradoodle adventure is going to be very rewarding for myself and the dogs...:clap
And there will be no more doe code after mid February, ......although goat poo is much nicer than dog poo, I am excited for the change to happen. Will sell or process all but three rabbits , probably keep the 11 hens and just process the numbers down to what we need for eggs, .....then I can reseed the goat area and let it rest for a while.
Yepper that's the plan as of today ......
Can you post a picture of Sir Rocky? So, did I read right? No more goats at all? Wow! Big changes. We also have a Bulldog..Ruby. It’s been a long time since she’s acted like a pup, but she does like our pot belly pigs, and follows Portly quite a bit.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Can you post a picture of Sir Rocky? So, did I read right? No more goats at all? Wow! Big changes. We also have a Bulldog..Ruby. It’s been a long time since she’s acted like a pup, but she does like our pot belly pigs, and follows Portly quite a bit.
I will most likely keep two wethers just as pets and to keep things from growin out of control..
....living in a very humid warm climate makes it a constant battle with parasite for the goats, I will see what pictures I have of this black and white, blue eyed boy who just loves to impregnate our doe's ...with doe's 80 percent of the time...this guy is gentle with the ladies and courts them first , he is a riot.