Messybun’s Small starts big dreams


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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For next time, separate the broody hen so that she and the chicks are not in with the rest of the flock. Hens WILL peck other hens chicks, it's not just the one that you have.
The worst part is the evil hen hopped up as I opened the door of the box. The mom happened to hop out at the same time, so no one to protect the chick. I’ve had chicks hatch and be raised in the yard before, I’ve also put my young chicks outside with only a little chicken wire containing them. I think a part of my problem is a hawk killed my hen that would protect and introduce new babies to the flock. She was the best hen ever, always watched new babies and trained the younger chickens to be decent birds lol. No one is behaving right after she died. Hopefully my flock goes back to how they used to be, it would mean I have less to worry about.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Did I tell you my rabbit story? I’ve had a number of them. Up to 18 living in the house at the same time. Well, they all started dying, lost three in less than two weeks because of bugs(spider and fly strike.) I’ve had them die of cancer, pneumonia, floppy rabbit syndrome and a few other things. Anyways, I went from having my neck up to rabbits down to one in about a year. We call her the lab rabbit because she was born blind. How did she get here you might ask?
While I was spraying out the stacked rabbit cage I put the bunnies in giant cardboard boxes, rabbits can jump extremely high... So one month later I got a giant stillborn kit. Not unexpected, aside from its size. 13 days later I get another seven, only two are born alive. One was gorgeous and dumb, the other is clever and blind. So, here we have the lab rabbit. A few years ago there was a hurricane coming, said it wasn’t supposed to be a big deal and would head north. I had no clue how unprepared we would be. Within an instant it changed direction and was heading directly for us at a cat 5. In case you don’t know the scales, cat 4 is no joke, five is devastating. We got up and left within 12 hours, including a few hours sleep for our driver. Long story short, my family didn’t have enough time to make arrangements for all of our animals and lab rabbit had to be left behind. I know there was a lot of judgement from people telling us you can’t leave an animal behind, but until you’ve been there leave them be.
When we came back I had found that LR had lost a tooth. It was strange and I assumed it would grow back. It hasn’t.

I also just noticed she’s losing weight, and call me an idiot because I didn’t think to check the teeth for four days. She lost her second bottom tooth. Now I have a blind half toothless and old rabbit, this sound like the beginning of a joke. So she’s been rolling her nightly banana treat in her food to soften it (I told you she was clever) and eating that way. Last night I gave her hay, and she munched it happily, but I still have to figure out how to get her to eat more than hay.
Hope y’all have a great day.
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Did I tell you my rabbit story? I’ve had a number of them. Up to 18 living in the house at the same time. Well, they all started dying, lost three in less than two weeks because of bugs(spider and fly strike.) I’ve had them die of cancer, pneumonia, floppy rabbit syndrome and a few other things. Anyways, I went from having my neck up to rabbits down to one in about a year. We call her the lab rabbit because she was born blind. How did she get here you might ask?
While I was spraying out the stacked rabbit cage I put the bunnies in giant cardboard boxes, rabbits can jump extremely high... So one month later I got a giant stillborn kit. Not unexpected, aside from its size. 13 days later I get another seven, only two are born alive. One was gorgeous and dumb, the other is clever and blind. So, here we have the lab rabbit. A few years ago there was a hurricane coming, said it wasn’t supposed to be a big deal and would head north. I had no clue how unprepared we would be. Within an instant it changed direction and was heading directly for us at a cat 5. In case you don’t know the scales, cat 4 is no joke, five is devastating. We got up and left within 12 hours, including a few hours sleep for our driver. Long story short, my family didn’t have enough time to make arrangements for all of our animals and lab rabbit had to be left behind. I know there was a lot of judgement from people telling us you can’t leave an animal behind, but until you’ve been there leave them be.
When we came back I had found that LR had lost a tooth. It was strange and I assumed it would grow back. It hasn’t.

I also just noticed she’s losing weight, and call me an idiot because I didn’t think to check the teeth for four days. She lost her second bottom tooth. Now I have a blind half toothless and old rabbit, this sound like the beginning of a joke. So she’s been rolling her nightly banana treat in her food to soften it (I told you she was clever) and eating that way. Last night I gave her hay, and she munched it happily, but I still have to figure out how to get her to eat more than hay.
Hope y’all have a great day.
Got any more good stories like this? LOL


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Alright y’all. The dog woke me up in the middle of the night. All I can say is the sky is so black it’s a bit scary, it’s tornado weather if I’ve ever seen any. If any believers would say a prayer I’d appreciate it. Thanks y’all and hope this finds all you well.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Okay, it finally happened. I literally dreamed of cleaning. It is THAT time of year and spring cleaning is well under way! Each day I’m trying to tackle a room or small section, depending on what else I have to do that day.
Anyway, aside from the lingering smell of window cleaner I have chicks!
My broody duck turned out to be sitting on rotten eggs, so I made her leave them and cleaned up. I wish I’d have done it sooner. But she’s getting back to normal, aside from her interest in the chicks I think we’re good.
Happy March y’all!