Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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An old friend contacted me today. She lives in Arizona now and her son was in my equine assisted therapy program for several years. He is very autistic and we had amazing results with him. He was 5 when we started with him. Now he’s 26!! I can’t believe it!
She is going to fly into Boise and visit for a few days. I’m so excited because no one ever comes to see us!! I am really looking forward to it. ❤️
I need to see if the gal who works at the ranch hot springs can come help me clean the house, since it’s gotten out of hand again with this dang pain flare. My friend has OCD and her house is not like mine 😂 The food and medication in her cupboards all face forward and are alphabetized. She has things sterile. My mom would have loved her 😂
I have a lot to do before we make the 4 hr drive to pick her up. I hope I am not down from pain the next day like usual. I want her to have a good time. Fen best be on his good behavior 😳


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
An old friend contacted me today. She lives in Arizona now and her son was in my equine assisted therapy program for several years. He is very autistic and we had amazing results with him. He was 5 when we started with him. Now he’s 26!! I can’t believe it!
She is going to fly into Boise and visit for a few days. I’m so excited because no one ever comes to see us!! I am really looking forward to it. ❤️
I need to see if the gal who works at the ranch hot springs can come help me clean the house, since it’s gotten out of hand again with this dang pain flare. My friend has OCD and her house is not like mine 😂 The food and medication in her cupboards all face forward and are alphabetized. She has things sterile. My mom would have loved her 😂
I have a lot to do before we make the 4 hr drive to pick her up. I hope I am not down from pain the next day like usual. I want her to have a good time. Fen best be on his good behavior 😳
That’s great! Don’t stress over it 😊 and I’ll cross my fingers for pain free days!


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Gal who works @ hotsprings came to help with house cleaning. What a neat person!
She’ll come back next Saturday to help me finish up ❤️.
Stove went out tonight. Top oven quit working right a year ago and I begged him to take it somewhere to be fixed. Now bottom oven isn’t working either :he so Idk how I will feed my friend when she comes.
On a good note, my first batch of apple cider vinegar came out perfect! There was 1/2 gal after straining.
Hoping pain levels are minimal tomorrow as I have things I need to do.