Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Two big wrecks in two days. I went in to feed Randy’s pig, lost my balance again and fell HARD, smashing the back of my head onto the corner of his shelter. Didn’t lose consciousness but definitely saw stars and took some doing to get back on my feet.
The following morning I was feeding rabbits. There is a VERY heavy lid on the growout cages that fastens in the open position by a large metal piece that is screwed to ceiling beam and hooks the front of it. As I was about to fill their dish, it came crashing down on the back of my head, driving my face into the 2x4 frame, then falling off of the concrete brick I have to stand on to reach and bouncing off the back wall off the coop.
My face and hands covered in blood, amazed my nose is not broken while it was streaming blood from both nostrils, Boone was really worried while Randy helped me back to the house. Head hurts and my eyes are sensitive to light and everything is too loud. Hopefully it all passes soon. I swear I need to dress in bubble wrap 😳


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Rough morning. Couldn’t move but pain started easing off around 3 pm, so I have dinner marinating and the custard made for ice cream tomorrow.
Dinner is simple fare, but tasty!
The ice cream is decadent and a great way to use up extra eggs. I use the leftover whites for pavlova ❤️

THE Vanilla Custard Ice Cream

16 egg yolks
2 cups caster sugar
4 cups milk
4 cups hwc
8 tsp vanilla

Mix Yolks and sugar til thick
Pour milk in saucepan and scald.
Temper yolks with a little hot milk, stirring quickly and pour egg mixture into pan
Continue heating, stirring until custard thickens do not bring to boil or curdle.
chill overnight
right before freezing in ice cream maker, stir in the heavy cream and vanilla


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
So incredibly tired today, but not complaining because I’ll take tired over yesterday’s pain anytime!
Hoping for a wind free and warmer day tomorrow as I need to process the first 7 rabbits. ( One is an older buck from my original 3. The SOB. bit me, maliciously the other day so he’s a goner!)
Boone has been increasingly obnoxious to Fen, grabbing his tail to try and force him to play. So I’m cracking down HARD now, as I demand he shows Fen some respect.
I set up the food puzzle for Boone this morning. It’s the one Fen whizzed through at 5 mo. As soon as he realized he would have to stand up and use his feet, he lost interest 😂 Truly, the world’s laziest dog. LGD’s aren’t generally that food motivated anyway. As soon as Fen got home he did the puzzle and Boone’s expression was like “whatever.”

For now, he’s out enjoying the sun and cold breeze and Fen is at the shop with Randy, where he wants to be everyday.
Sure do need a Service Dog but Fen’s not interested. Boone will mostly be my mobility dog around the ranch.
Thinking I might try a rough collie puppy in 2025 after Fen and Boone have both been neutered. I think if I had gotten Fen as a baby, he wouldn’t have rejected me, but I believe the lady that got him did a number on him and he’s just not fond of women.
It’s gonna be a long hard wait but st least I have Boone for company ❤️