SA Farm's journal

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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How long does it take for a turkey to reach "table weight" and how much do you think it costs to get them there ? I have been curious about them and wonder if thet are difficult to raise with chickens and if it is worth it dollar wise....I know nonthing about raising them other than being told that they are stupid and messy which was that persons opinion...not mine.
Your pictures are really neat :) thanks in advance for any insight you can give me on turkeys :highfive:

For heritage breeds about 30-33 weeks from hatch to table is expected. Longer is better, but not strictly necessary unless you really need an extra few pounds or more fat. In which case closer to a year old is better. The jake we butchered in the fall was about 20 weeks and dressed out to 6lbs (which is more what I’d like from a hen). Another 10 weeks would’ve been good, but he was tasty and enough meat for 5 adults even that early.
Feed cost per bird from start to finish would be really hard for me to say since I raise my ducks and turkeys on the same feed at the same time. It is more expensive than chick starter, but not significantly and chicks can handle the higher protein while turkeys don’t do as well on the lower, so raising them together is very doable.
Cost is the highest from hatch to tractor which takes about 8-12 weeks depending. Heritage are much better at foraging than the commercial breeds, but they will fly and roost high if you don’t have a cover on their pen making them nice and vulnerable to owls and raccoons - your favourite ;)
Mess-wise, they’re about the same as chickens. Certainly cleaner than ducks :rolleyes:
I find them to be smart enough. When I was first researching them, I was really worried about them being stupid, but they’re not any worse than ducks and chickens, just a little different. I typically either show them where the food and water are when they’re just out of the bator or pair them with some chicks so I don’t worry as much.
Health-wise I do find them more delicate than chickens. With poults I give them honey/ACV/garlic water when they’re first hatched as they tend to “fade” far more readily than chicks and seem to need more of a boost. Oh, and if you’re going to raise them together, make sure your area isn’t known for an illness called blackhead. I’m lucky enough to not have it around here.

I certainly find them worthwhile to raise. I would definitely pick up half a dozen to try out for yourself like we did back when we first started out. We got some Orlopp bronze for our first turkeys and they were big, friendly, and foraged really well for me. Of course, being hybrids, they ate a lot more but were butcher ready much faster than my heritage birds.
They got us hooked :D
I think I answered everything, but if you have any other questions or would like more detail, I’m happy to help as best I can :highfive:

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Thank you so much for the information, you answered every question and then some....I think we had better reduce our racoon population before starting on turkeys...I would hate to have seven months into one and have it killed by a racoon, I do belive that would put me over the edge !
Again , thank you and have a great week :highfive:

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Insomnia is the worst.
Had a long laborious day. Got some serious sun and am tired but can’t sleep. It’s an annoying problem that occasionally haunts me. I’m also hurting from my long day which may be somewhat related.
Spent the vast majority of the day outside getting lots done. Since I was out, the chickens and ducklings/goslings got to free range. They’re getting so big!
Don’t tell my DH, but I’m afraid D’eggbutt might be a boy :hide I have 2 definite girls, a few definite boys and still a few ??? I’ll find out about soon enough. I’m not in a hurry.
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Yes, there’s a lot of mud and puddles. They love it. Me not so much :p

These are the last of my adult chickens. My motley crew. Pizzazz sadly died suddenly of unknown causes and we sold the SS hens because I didn’t like them. Nothing wrong with them physically. Just not the temperaments I like in my birds.
I should name the GLW hen. She’s sweet and docile and not skittish thanks to me having her inside for tlc for a while. She and Mojo are my favourites. DH’s OEG hen is skittish and loud, but that’s okay because she’s his favourite. Her and D’eggbutt :lol:
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Alright. Time to try to get to sleep again.

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, I did thankfully. And I set my alarm so I hopefully won’t end up turning my sleep cycle upside down. It’s happened before. It’ll more than likely happen again. It’s a chronic problem for me that I’ve had since I was a kid and I’ve learned to deal with it fairly well for the most part.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Do full moons keep you awake? My Daddy said his grandmother would work in the fields all day, cook for the family, then sit in her rocking chair on the porch all night on a full moon. If I have a restless night, it is usually a full moon.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
On satellite internet here, the first 9 months after we moved here, on a cell phone. After that, metered internet that goes off in storms, was like manna from heaven. LOL

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
I have so much work to do outside, but every time I go out I find at least one tick crawling on me :smack(insert disgusted shiver here)
I hate ticks! My three chickens are not enough to keep the population down. I’m worried about how many the sheep might have on them :confused: I check them over a little, but it’s not easy to feel for the little bloodsuckers through all that wool :barnie I’d get guineas, but I don’t like them. Not even a little.

In other news, I may have started my beans too early indoors as they are now flowering :lol: and I can’t move them out for another week or two.
I’m not the best gardener lol. More proof of that is that I have yet to put up a chicken wire perimeter on my raised beds and the chickens have been happy to dig and cause havoc among my peas and beets :rolleyes: I don’t mind that much because I still need to add topsoil to the majority of it, so they’re mostly just stirring the compost.

I have at least one pip from the 7 eggs in lockdown. 4 turkey, 3 chicken. The pip is a turkey, yay. I’m finally winding down my hatching for the season. I might set one more round of turkeys unless my hens decide to go broody. I know Queen is an experienced broody, so I would be happy to give her eggs to brood since they aren’t laying as much anymore anyway.
Oh, speaking of broodies, my ducks actually ended up with a live one! Just one with two moms seemed a little...unnecessary, so I took it away from them and tossed it in a brooder with some chicks and turkeys.