Thistleblooms Rambles


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
I absolutely love reading about your mare. :hugs
Once you have that connection with a horse the bond lasts a lifetime. My Arabian Gelding is my very best friend and our partnership is unbreakable.

Thanks CR! I have had a few Arabs. Loved their faithfulness and their go. I did some competitive trail riding, endurance and Ride &Tie with them. They've got beauty and brains, and not crazy like some people think.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel

Ride#21. :highfive: The farthest we had ridden so far and included a trot up a long hill.
I have been resting her about half a mile from the trailer, taking off her bridle and letting her graze for several minutes, then leading her back in.

Thursday evening we had our first ride with another horse. My friend met me at the park with her mustang and we did another semi long one. Syringa and Zoe were both captured in the same roundup, from different herd management areas, back in 2016, and stayed at the same holding facility in Palomino Valley NV. Zoe had 60 days start by a mustang trainer, and has been ridden for 2 years, so is not so green as Syringa.
I am really proud of my girl though. She is doing so remarkably well and seems to love getting out and being ridden. I love how she's very patient and gracious with my clumsy mounts. Sometimes my messed up knee doesn't want to cooperate and lift me all the way when I get on. Not a pretty sight, me getting on, haha.

In other local news my husband has the building bases finished. He rented a plate compactor last weekend and went over them, then readjusted the forms for level, and rescreeded. Our buildings are going up Tuesday :weee!!
I'd like to be here, but have so much work that I will probably have to miss the action.

The property manager at my big job stopped by yesterday and mentioned that my clients might come today. Well, dang. That's a week early and I don't have everything buffed out. Some of the beds that were finished have weeded up again. Kid#2 is coming to help me Wednesday. Hopefully they will stick to the original plan and not arrive until the 22nd.
But it is what it is. It would be nice for Mrs. Client to see her peonies in bloom, and not just disintegrating blossoms as is the usual scenario. And then they can also see some of the transformation from slightly disheveled beds to beautiful.
I had to take down all my electric fence there yesterday after I got the news.
That was an hour and a half of a change of direction when I had planned on working on other stuff. I hope the filthy deer don't strip the cutting garden now. I did spray repellent before I left, but it rained shortly after.
We'll see what's happening Monday. Sure could use some sunshine and a break from clouds and rain for awhile.

My cattle panel fabricated peony cages are working out. Had to tweak the design and size a bit, and ideally they should have been constructed and set up month ago. As it is, I put them up one side at a time, leaning each side down low and gently threading the stalks through as I tip it up. A few of the bushes were already prostrate so they look a bit deformed. I was hoping that in a weeks time the leaves and bloom stalks would readjust and look more normal. But the cages will come off as soon as they are all finished blooming. I bought a few round cages at the nursery yesterday for the smallest peonies, because they don't need a heavy duty affair. I couldn't believe the price. $20 for a little cage, and a 16' cattle panel costs the same.
My CP cages will last far longer.

Lots of work in store today. I got up at 4 because it's light and I love the early morning. The days will begin getting shorter soon enough. Kid#2 sent me a text that I have permission to get pallets from his work. I will probably do that this morning first thing, then do yard work and hopefully ride this evening.

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Alberta, Canada has Wild horses and genetic testing has proved they have been here as far back as 1700s. Our government argues that they are feral horses so must be eradicated. :barnie
Our First Nations people have a strong spiritual connection to the wild horses. Sundre, Alberta has a nice sized population of horses.
When I die I want my family to spread my ashes where the wild horses are. They are a magnificent animals and beautiful. :hugs
I had a mare named Esther. She was part Mustang/ Arabian/QH. A very sturdy girl with fantastic feet. Only 15hh but a power house and stubborn. Sold her a few years ago and sadly the lady sold her 6 months later to auction! 🙁😕


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
That's the tough thing about selling a horse, or any animal, you are never guaranteed they will live well.

My husband and I took the cargo trailer and picked up a load of pallets from Kid#2's work this morning. I was going to be fussy and try to get uniform sizes and only pallets with narrow spacing between slats because I hate having a foot fall through or get stuck. One out of two ain't bad I guess. They are definitely not uniform, But the slats are close enough together to not trap a foot. I hope. With dh and Kid#2 helping load I was suddenly easier to please and got increasingly less particular as they waited on me to find the ones I wanted. 😄

Weird weather today. Thursday it was 80. Yesterday it was mid 70's. Today it's cloudy and blustery and 52. I was weed whipping while it misted and exhaled a big breath - it came out as a vapor cloud. It didn't seem that cold.

The garden is languishing with this ridiculous weather. I discovered that I planted antique squash seeds. Yep. I collect classics ;). I guess it's probably time to go through the seed stash. I got the squash planted, then looked at the packet to see the DTM and realized they were packed for 2011. Which really wasn't that long ago, unless you are a squash seed.

Riding this afternoon doesn't look promising, but maybe Syringa and I will take a neighborhood walk. Not going to get my saddle rained on.