
Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
:hugs Bee, I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but so joyous for the situation that you and your mom were there with him.
I understand your lightness and peace. :love

My folks have been gone for seven years now. Leaves a hole even when you know it's coming. They died 57 days apart and because of distance and unhealthy family dynamics my good sis and I were not able to be with them at the last. I regret not being able to take care of them, though my sis and I were certainly willing.

You have a lot on your plate right now, emotionally and physically it sounds.
I pray for your strength and that these things will all get done in good time before winter moves in hard.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
:hugs Bee, I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but so joyous for the situation that you and your mom were there with him.
I understand your lightness and peace. :love

My folks have been gone for seven years now. Leaves a hole even when you know it's coming. They died 57 days apart and because of distance and unhealthy family dynamics my good sis and I were not able to be with them at the last. I regret not being able to take care of them, though my sis and I were certainly willing.

You have a lot on your plate right now, emotionally and physically it sounds.
I pray for your strength and that these things will all get done in good time before winter moves in hard.

Thank you, T! :hugs I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with unhealthy family dynamics...our family is covered over in such things. The funeral will be tension filled and that's only with the kids coming that tolerate one another. There will be three that won't be there at all.

Then there is me... I'm opting to stay at home to watch all the great grandchildren, get them fed and corral them in my room for playing, if possible. Should be the job of DILs and daughters, but they will be "supporting" their husbands, from what I gather. I don't need to be there to see a box go in the ground....I gave all my love and respect while Dad was still living, so no need for ritualized gestures.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We as a family, have never had any ugliness when settling things after a death in the family. Well, there is that cousin, greedy witch...... after she was caught red handed stealing as we were cleaning out my Grandmother's apartment, my sister lowered the boom on her like a bomb, and ran her out. Nobody had anything else to do with her after that, but me. I tried to be friendly and helpful, but her drama finally got to be to much and I backed off. There are some people who are just so self centered and disagreeable that a saint would want to smother them in their sleep with a pillow.

The rest of us all get along. After running my cousin out, the rest of us divided up Grandmother's belongings, taking turns selecting what we wanted, then trading to someone for something they had. It all was very friendly and no hard feelings. After Mom's stroke, she moved in with us. So she told the family to come get what they wanted and they did. Then everyone came back to help with the garage sale and get everything cleared out. Of course, Mom got the money. When Mom died, I was dividing up a stock account and needed everyone's signatures on a form. Mail would have taken a week or two, sure wasn't going to drive all over Texas, so I sent a text. I told the heirs to write their signature, take a picture of it and send it to me so I could copy it and forge the forms and get things settled up. They did, I did and they got their shares. LOL

It is so sad when people fight over possessions, it splits the family and hard feelings that never go away. Bee, it sounds like the fighting is about to start. I am so sorry about that. As usual, you are taking the high road and staying out of it. keeping the kids sounds like a much better choice. I hope the ugliness doesn't upset your mother.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
It is so sad when people fight over possessions, it splits the family and hard feelings that never go away. Bee, it sounds like the fighting is about to start. I am so sorry about that. As usual, you are taking the high road and staying out of it. keeping the kids sounds like a much better choice. I hope the ugliness doesn't upset your mother.

I doubt there will be any fighting, as they are all too cowardly and passive aggressive....usually someone does something that unknowingly offends another person~or their wife~ and that offended person stops talking to the other one for the next 25 yrs and never once tells anyone why. Not that they talked much anyway, but then they go out of their way to snub. That's my family.

Dad doesn't have any possessions any longer and anything of any value has already been weaseled out of Mom long ago by the eldest son. Nothing left to fight over, essentially. Mom is so used to the ugliness that she wouldn't notice it, most likely, and is so confused and befuddled right now it wouldn't even give her pause.

The property? I get it when Mom dies, already put in place with a survivorship deed~none of them know that for sure but they have their suspicions. Not that I care, really, as it's all just so much stuff to me and I could take it or leave it....God takes care of all of my needs and always has, so it matters little to me where I live or what I possess on this Earth. There's a freedom in that that is priceless and I wouldn't trade it for any amount of money or possessions on Earth.

My family has always seemed strange to me....all that time in life wasted on petty things and all the while convinced of their own intelligence and superiority over all the others. I'll tell you right now that some of them will be offended by my not attending the funeral, though they won't speak to me or any of my children anyway and could care less if I lived or died. They always seem to find something to be offended about.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
I agree. My family are currently failing that litmus test.
I'm sorry you are going through that. Death can be a difficult thing to deal with, and a lot of people don't deal well. I hope they get their acts together and behave decently; failing that, I hope they don't cause too much trouble. Sending hugs your way.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
mountains of WV
Got a new pack member this past Sunday. A little Anatolian/Akbash mix pup from up in OH and we are incredibly pleased with our purchase. She's just 8 wks old and barely weaned off mama for 3 days before we picked her up, but she's still on the ground and ready to go like no other pup I've seen, especially in this cold weather. Never got a pup in cold weather before, so didn't quite know what to expect but she's adapted incredibly well from life in a nice, dry and warm barn with all her siblings, to snow, rain, freezing weather and outdoors living.

The first night was pretty miserable for her, though she had dry, warm hay and a crate to be in out there. Since then I increased the size and type of house but she doesn't use it at all....doesn't like to be inside that small of a space, I imagine. I feed her in there so the sheep and Blue can't steal it before she's done but I can tell she doesn't sleep there now. Took her exactly two days to leave shelter behind and integrate fully with the sheep and she follows the sheep wherever they go, plays so hard with Blue that she punctured his lip, has learned the dangers of the high tensile fencing and beds down at night in the hay with all the rest of the pasture fixtures. She's been here 5 days and she's fitting in like Flynn.

Her name~and don't blame me for this one either~is Pinky Pie, aka Pinky Pie Sugar Booger. She's smart, sweet and not too moochy but loves affection all the same~but doesn't attempt to follow me out of the pasture. She's learning at lightning speed from Blue and the sheep and seems quite happy about her new life. Just pops right along behind the flock as they forage in the brush, plays violently with old bones while the sheep lie down and ruminate, and has the most amazing pelt I've ever seen on a domestic animal....reminds me more of a wild animal's coat, with a deep, soft pile that allows nothing to penetrate to the skin and a slight oily coating that seems to repel snow and rain. Never seen that on a dog before, but I'm loving it!



She's about the same color as the sheep are right now, so it's often hard to spot her among the flock....for now she's the little one in the back, but in a few months it will be hard to spot her out there.


....and Blue! So, now we have Blue and Pink on guard in that paddock. Will be much more funny when she's a full grown power house full of teeth to be calling that girl "Pinky Pie". :D =D
